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Maps as story-tellers All maps tell a story, you just have to look deeper… Unit 1: An Introduction.

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Presentation on theme: "Maps as story-tellers All maps tell a story, you just have to look deeper… Unit 1: An Introduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maps as story-tellers All maps tell a story, you just have to look deeper… Unit 1: An Introduction

2 Most popular sports


4 Where are the “gingers?”


6 Xenophobia!!!

7 The bright and not so bright

8 Who’s drinking what?

9 “right, left, wrong side” (driving, not politics)

10 Fat vs. skinny

11 “Hot” Euros

12 Who’s drinking Europe under the table?

13 Countries that England has invaded (only 22 have not been invaded by england)

14 Countries with at least one mcdonald’s


16 Brands associated with states

17 Companies associated with states


19 Highest paid public employees in each state



22 What is your state worst at? (another perspective)







29 What the british think of American states

30 The United States of Food


32 Map projections

33 Differences among these maps?
Map B Map A Map C Differences among these maps?

34 Imagine for a moment… …a globe made of glass
…a bright light in its center casting land shaped shadows in all directions. The cartographer’s job is to gather those shadows and transform them into a reasonable portrait of the planet…this is the art of PROJECTION

35 Planar Projections Project the Earth onto a plane that touches—or, technically, is tangent to—the globe at a single point, and you get a planar projection. Because this projection, also known as an azimuthal projection, is most accurate at its center, it is often used for maps focusing on one of the Poles.

36 Conic Projections Cap the globe with a cone to achieve a conic projection. Cut open the cone, and the basis of a map emerges. The map will be least distorted along the line where the cone touches the sphere. Conic projections are handy for portraying the United States, which fits nicely within the resulting smile-shaped map.

37 Cylindrical Projections
Swaddle the globe and project its surface onto a cylinder. Slit the cylinder and flatten it into a map. This projection is most accurate near the Equator and greatly distorted near the Poles. The most famous cylindrical map is the Mercator projection, perfect for navigation but poor for teaching geography.

38 Preserving Area To compare geographical data on a level playing field, pick a projection that maintains the correct proportions among the sizes of Earth’s landmasses. Such a map, often called an equal-area projection, would be useful to demographers. The price of getting the sizes right, however, is distortion in the shapes of the continents.

39 Preserving Shape Preserving the shape of a landmass—an important concern for those wanting to see what Earth “really” looks like—gets harder as the area covered gets larger. A world map can only preserve the continents’ shapes by distorting their sizes. Maps that stress shape are called conformal.

40 Preserving Distance Geometry students the world over learn that the shortest distance between two points is a line. Not on most maps. If distance is the focus of your map, choose a projection centered on a key point. Lines radiating from the middle will be equidistant. Shapes and sizes will be distorted, however, especially at the outer edges.

41 Preserving Direction Many navigational charts rely on projections focused on direction. Such maps, usually centered on one place, allow mariners to plot a journey they can actually sail without constant course corrections. That ability matters far more at sea than shapes and sizes, which can get distorted.

42 Best for a WORLD MAP? 1922, National Geographic adopted the Van der Grinten projection, which encloses the world in a circle. 1988, switched to the Robinson projection, on which the high latitudes are less distorted in size (but more so in shape). 1999, began using the Winkel Tripel projection, which provides a better balance between size and shape.

43 A thematic map is a type of map especially designed to show a particular theme connected with a specific geographic area. These maps "can portray physical, social, political, cultural, economic, sociological, agricultural, or any other aspects of a city, state, region, nation, or continent". Thematic maps

44 Methods of thematic mapping

45 Choropleth Maps Features:
Progressive shading of regions to indicate degrees of a topic Choropleth Maps

46 Isoline maps are the lines which join all places with points of the same or equal value. These lines join places with the same or equal characteristics. Various measurements of the same values joined by Isoline, examples include: Measurement lines Height – contours Temperature – isotherms Pressure – isobars Rainfalls – isohyets Iso- means “equal “or “same”. Isoline maps

47 A dot distribution map (also known as dot density map) is a maptype that uses a dot symbol to show the presence of a feature or phenomenon. Dot maps rely on a visual scatter to show spatial pattern. Dot map

48 Cartogram Maps Features:
A map which adjusts the sizes of countries so as to show the relevance of a topic Cartogram Maps

49 Image Credits US of Food: content/uploads/2011/01/food-by-state2.jpg US of Soda: content/uploads/2011/01/united_states_of_soda.jpg Coke-Soda-Pop: content/uploads/2008/09/popvssodamap.gif Black/Yellow Map Projections: pedition1.html Quote image & various projections: ation/projections/ Cloropleth: Rubenstein, James M. The Cultural Landscape: An Introduction to Human Geography. 9th Ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall, CD-ROM. Cartogram:

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