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Presentation on theme: "SETTING THE STANDARD: ENERGY MANAGEMENT for SUSTAINABLE ACTION PLANS"— Presentation transcript:

Integrating SEAPs with Energy Management System according to ISO 50001 February 28, 2017 Emanuele Cosenza - SOGESCA

2 “50000and1SEAPs” Project (
13 Partners; 8 EU Countries involved; 43 Municipalities supported; Over 1,000,000 of inh.

WP2 Planning WP2 Training WP1 MANAGEMENT WP3 Development WP6 Communication WP5 Monitoring WP5 Implementation and design

4 SEAP and EnMS: sinergies in IEE Projects

5 Main existing ISO Standards
Energy Quality Environment Health & Safety

6 ISO 50001 and seap share several requirements
VS Continous improvement

7 Definition of the Energy Policy
Benchmarks for implementation and monitoring Definition of the Energy Policy

8 Definition of the scope
Benchmarks for implementation and monitoring Definition of the scope Area Services Area 1st General Secretariat and Staff Services Sector Contracts and public tenders Area 2nd – Finance and Taxes Sector Public Procurement Accountancy Area 3rd – Public Works and Urban Planning Sector Technical office Environment Urban Planning Energy and Energy Manager Public Works Public Building maintenance Public Lighting maintenance Data analysis Area 4th – Population services Sector Schools and transport service for students Energy Team Members and Sectors involved

9 Political decision-makers
ISO structure in a LG Political decision-makers Technical Committee

10 Waste and water management
Definition of the boundaries Local Government Buildings, Facilities, Infrastructure, Public Lighting, Vehicle fleet, RES Production Residential Tertiary Industrial Private transport Waste and water management RES production

11 EnMS EnPI SEAP EnPI Definition of the energy uses
Benchmarks for implementation and monitoring Definition of the energy uses EnPI in the territory monitored by the SEAP activities (Energy Balance and measures) Total consumption of electricity kWh/inh. per year Electricity consumption by sector (residential, industrial, agriculture, tertiary) kWh per year Total consumption of natural gas SCM per year Natural gas consumption by sector (residential, industrial, agriculture, tertiary) Fuel sales in private transport Tons per year Electricity RES production by sector (residential, industrial, agriculture, tertiary) kWh per year; kWh/kWp Thermal energy production by sector (residential, industrial, agriculture, tertiary) kWh per year; kWh/m2 Total energy consumption per capita MWh/inh. Total energy consumption in residential sector Total energy consumption in industrial sector MWh/company Relationship between energy production from renewable sources (electricity and heat) and territorial gross final consumption % Relationship between buildings in class A in the municipal area and the total number of buildings Energy efficiency measures on private buildings in residential sector Number of energy efficiency measures; MWh saved/year Direct Energy use EnPI Electricity in buildings, facilities and infrastructures kWh/m2 monthly Electricity in Public Lighting Systems kWh/light lamp monthly Natural Gas in buildings, facilities and infrastructures kWhth*degree days/m2 monthly Fuel in vehicle fleet Km/L monthly EnMS EnPI SEAP EnPI

12 Benchmarks for implementation and monitoring
Significant Significant Benchmarks for implementation and monitoring Definition of the energy use in a LG: direct energy use Significant Significant Significant Significant

13 Benchmarks for implementation and monitoring
Definition of the Action Plan of the EnMS (LG) Energy performance is reflected by the EnPI selected. It’s possible to have baselines for each energy use/source. It’s important define specific baselines in order to measure properly the energy performance

14 Benchmarks for implementation and monitoring
Significant Definition of the energy use in a LG: indirect energy use Significant Significant Significant Significant Significant

15 Benchmarks for implementation and monitoring Definition of the Action Plan of the SEAP (territory)
Volume incentives (energy refurbishment) Distric Heating Heating pump and cogeneration Energy audit in Condominium Energy efficiency on buildings, facilities and infrastructures Energy efficiency on public lighting systems RES installation on public properties Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan Vehicle replacement in private transport sector (Hybrid and Euro 6, Electrical) Energy audit in industrial companies EnMS for industrial companies White Certificate program Revamping and relamping

16 Benchmarks for implementation and monitoring
Benefits expected – Sovizzo Municipality certified since 2013 87,878€ saved in 3 years of implementation

17 Benchmarks for implementation and monitoring
Benefits expected – First achievements in Montecchio Maggiore 25,850€ saved in 6 months

18 50000and1SEAPs: opportunities and benefits in a nutshell
Economics Management External advantages - Conscious planning of investments on public property; - Easier access to financial contributions and public funding schemes; - Continuous control on energy suppliers; - Reducing energy costs by monitoring consumption - Ensuring compliance with the national regulations on energy; - Knowledge and rationalization of energy consumption; - Personnel dedicated and trained for energy management. - Energy Efficiency improvement; - Transparency and ease of external communications of their management of energy resources; - Increased reputation in the field of resource management

19 Thank you for your kind attention.
Emanuele Cosenza SOGESCA S.r.l.


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