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Wednesday 3/8/17 AIM: How does biotechnology help investigate the living world? DO NOW: What is biotechnology? Can you give examples and explain how.

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Presentation on theme: "Wednesday 3/8/17 AIM: How does biotechnology help investigate the living world? DO NOW: What is biotechnology? Can you give examples and explain how."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wednesday 3/8/17 AIM: How does biotechnology help investigate the living world? DO NOW: What is biotechnology? Can you give examples and explain how they have helped us? HOMEWORK: RRB read page Answer q pgs


3 What is biotechnology? Any use or alteration of an organisms cells or biological molecules for specific goals

4 Uses of biotechnology Develop new products
Assist in plant and animal breeding Cure or prevent disease Production of therapeutic proteins Production of edible vaccines Enhance or better quality of life

5 Genetic Engineering manipulation of an organism's genetic material to modify the proteins it produces More direct methods for modifying a genome Delete, add or change whole or parts of genes

6 Purpose of genetic engineering
See how cells and or genes work Develop treatments for disease Produce desired biological molecules Improve plants and animals for agriculture

7 Genetic Engineering 1.) Biotechnology refers to technology used to manipulate DNA. 2.) The procedures are often referred to as genetic engineering.

8 Genetic Engineering 3.) DNA is the genetic material of all living organisms.  All organisms use the same genetic code (A, T, C, G).

9 Examples of biotechnology
Selective breeding Human genome project Recombinant DNA DNA Fingerprint Gel electrophoresis Gene therapy Cloning Stem cell research

10 I. Selective Breeding 1.) Selective breeding = The process by which desired traits of certain plants and animals are selected and passed on to their future generations. Breed only those plants or animals with desirable traits 2.) People have been using selective breeding for 1000’s of years with farm crops and domesticated animals.

11 II. Human Genome Project (HGP)
1.) HGP = Map of all 30,000 genes on the 46 human chromosomes ( ) Information has led to many advances in the fields of medicine, agriculture, bio-engineering 2.) An organism’s genome is the total DNA in the nucleus of each cell

12 Creating Recombinant DNA

13 Iii. Recombinant DNA 1.)  Recombinant DNA refers to the DNA from the two different organisms. Can be used for creating transgenic organisms, gene therapy, and cloning.

14 III. RECOMBINANT DNA 2.) Recombinant DNA technology was first used in the 1970’s with bacteria. 3.) A plasmid is small ring of DNA in a bacterium

15 4.) Making Recombinant Bacteria
a.) Remove bacterial DNA (plasmid). b.) Cut the Bacterial DNA with “restriction enzymes (RE)”. Restriction enzymes were discovered in bacteria. Bacteria use them as a defense mechanism to cut up the DNA of viruses or other bacteria

16 Thursday 3/9/17 AIM: How is recombinant DNA made?
DO NOW: Why do geneticists make recombinant DNA? How is it helpful? HOMEWORK: textbook read q 1 and 2 pg 371

17 Examples of biotechnology
Selective breeding Human genome project Recombinant DNA DNA Fingerprint Gel electrophoresis Gene therapy Cloning Stem cell research

18 Cloning a gene

19 4.) Making Recombinant Bacteria
Hundreds of different restriction enzymes have been isolated Each restriction enzyme or RE cuts DNA at a specific base sequence.


21 4.) MakingRecombinant Bacteria
For example, EcoRI always cuts DNA at GAATTC as indicated below

22 The sequence GAATTC appear three time in the below strand of DNA, so it is cut into four pieces.

23 Fragments of DNA that has been cut with restriction enzymes have unpaired nucleotides at the ends called sticky ends. Sticky ends have complimentary bases, so they could rejoin.

24 4.) Making Recombinant Bacteria
c.) Cut the gene of interest from the organism’s DNA with same “restriction enzyme” (RE).

25 4.) Making Recombinant Bacteria
d.) Combine the “sticky ends” of the two DNA pieces together with DNA ligase (enzyme) – also known as gene splicing. This creates a vector = a DNA molecule used to carry a gene of interest from one organism to another.

26 Plasmids & viruses are the most commonly used vectors

27 4.) Making Recombinant Bacteria
e.) Insert vector into bacteria. f.) The bacteria can now reproduce the recombinant DNA. g.) The foreign genes will be expressed in the bacteria.

28 Monday 3/27/17 AIM: How does a DNA fingerprint identify relatedness?
DO NOW: Go to your notes from 3/8/17 and list all the different types of biotechnology processes pick one to explain in detail HOMEWORK: Textbook read pgs Answer reading check question on pg 374. Q 2 pg 379

29 Examples of biotechnology
Selective breeding Human genome project Recombinant DNA DNA Fingerprint Gel electrophoresis Gene therapy Cloning Stem cell research


31 5.) Benefits of Recombinant Bacteria
Bacteria can make human insulin or human growth hormone.

32 5.) Benefits of Recombinant Bacteria
Bacteria can be engineered to “eat” oil spills.

33 Assessment In your own words explain how recombinant DNA is made

1. DNA fingerprinting - Recombinant DNA techniques are used in DNA fingerprinting

35 How is the DNA cut up in the first step of making a DNA fingerprint?
Restriction enzymes

36 V.Genetic Engineering: Gel electrophoresis
Purpose is to separate the fragments of DNA Separation is based on size and charge Add electricity to the agarose gel containing fragmented DNA samples Like charges repel Small fragments move quickest Each line represents a different fragment of DNA


38 Making a DNA fingerprint
Step 1: Use restriction enzymes to cut up all of the DNA in the nucleus Step 2 : Place the fragmented DNA into a well of an gel (agarose) plate Step 3: Apply electric charge which will separate the fragments based on size Smaller fragments move fastest

39 Based on the DNA fingerprint, is the defendant guilty or innocent?
How do you know?

40 Tuesday 3/28/17 AIM: How do scientists use genes in research?
DO NOW: 1- Explain what a DNA fingerprint is and how it is made. 2- Explain how gel electrophoresis helps create a DNA fingerprint. HOMEWORK: Text read pages Answer reading check question on page Q3 pg 371

41 V.Genetic Engineering: Gel electrophoresis
Purpose is to separate the fragments of DNA Separation is based on size and charge Add electricity to the agarose gel containing fragmented DNA samples Like charges repel Small fragments move quickest Each line represents a different fragment of DNA

42 PCR: Polymerase Chain Reaction
Makes multiple copies of a DNA sample Allows you to analyze a single gene in large quantitites Sometimes if a small sample is gathered, you need to copy it


44 VI. GENETIC ENGINEERING: What Can We Do With Genes?
Gene therapy: A "normal" gene is inserted into the genome to replace an "abnormal," disease-causing gene.

45 Gene Therapy In the future, may be used treat a disorder by inserting a gene into a patient’s cells instead of using drugs or surgery. Types of gene therapy: Replacing a mutated gene that causes disease with a healthy copy of the gene Inactivating, or “knocking out,” a mutated gene that is functioning improperly. Introducing a new gene into the body to help fight a disease.

46 Gene Therapy Currently, the only way for you to receive gene therapy is to participate in a clinical trial. Clinical trials are research studies that help doctors determine whether a gene therapy approach is safe for people.

47 Gene Therapy The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not yet approved any human gene therapy product for sale.

48 Wednesday 3/29/17 9

49 One type of gene therapy procedure
APPLICATIONS One type of gene therapy procedure 49

50 Risk Factors of Gene Therapy
Unwanted immune system reaction. Your body's immune system may see the newly introduced viruses as intruders and attack them (inflammation & organ failure). Targeting the wrong cells. Viruses cold infect healthy cells and cause other illnesses, including cancer.

51 Risk Factors of Gene Therapy
Infection caused by the virus. Viruses may recover their original ability to cause disease. Possibility of causing a tumor. If the new genes get inserted in the wrong spot in your DNA, there is a chance that the insertion might lead to tumor formation.

52 Wednesday 3/29/17 AIM: How are stem cells used in genetic engineering?
DO NOW: What is a clone? 2- Explain how clones are made. HOMEWORK: QUIZ tomorrow Biotechnology: notes from 3/7,3/8 and this week

53 VII. GENETIC ENGINEERING: What Can We Do With Genes?
Gene cloning: Creating genetically IDENTICAL copies

54 Ex: Dolly (1996-2003)- it took 276 attempts before successful

55 Why would cloning be a disadvantage for a species survival?
NO VARIATION within the species so if nature changes drastically, there may be no variants to survive!!!! Species becomes EXTINCT!

56 V.Genetic Engineering: Gel electrophoresis
Purpose is to separate the fragments of DNA Separation is based on size and charge Add electricity to the agarose gel containing fragmented DNA samples Like charges repel Small fragments move quickest Each line represents a different fragment of DNA

57 Wednesday 3/29/17 pd 1 AIM: How are stem cells used in genetic engineering? DO NOW: 1-What is a stem cell? 2- Where do stem cells come from? 3- How are stem cells useful HOMEWORK: QUIZ Biotechnology tomorrow

58 DO NOW Stem cell: undifferentiated cell Umbilical cord Aborted fetus
Fertilized ova: 5 days old


60 VIII.GENETIC ENGINEERING: Stem cell research
Stem cells: undifferentiated cell can be used to generate any type of specialized cell in the human body The goal is to harvest stem cells that can be used to study human development and to treat disease.


Stem cells are extracted from the egg after it has divided for 5 days. Aborted fetus Stem Cells


64 Umbilical cord rich in stem cells that can morph into all sorts of blood cells which can be used to treat diseases that harm the blood and immune system leukemia certain cancers sickle-cell anemia some metabolic disorders

65 GENETIC ENGINEERING: What is the controversy over stem cell research?
The extraction process destroys the embryo, which raises a variety of ethical concerns. Researchers hope that stem cells can be a treatment for heart disease, Alzheimer's, cancer, and other diseases.

66 GENETIC ENGINEERING: What Can We Do With Genes?
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) = are organisms with artificially altered DNA. Type of recombinant DNA

67 Unit Assessment




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