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Easy peasy! Teaching with hand held devices.

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Presentation on theme: "Easy peasy! Teaching with hand held devices."— Presentation transcript:

1 Easy peasy! Teaching with hand held devices.
Patricia Rose

2 1 hour: Practical activities
Group of 4 Do you remember a commercial? What happens in this commercial? Does the commercial have a slogan? Which commercial is more effective and which one isn’t?

3 What makes a commercial memorable and effective?
Only 20 characters per answer More answers Go to:

4 Well known!

5 Super Slogans Product and 3/5 catchy sentences
Connecting people Just do it Because you’re worth it It’s the real thing Think Different Have it your way So Good Inspire the world, create the future Innovation and you Embrace your past, but live for now Melts in your mouth, not in your hands

6 Companies Connecting people Nokia Just do it Nike
Because you’re worth it L’Oreal It’s the real thing Coca Cola Think Different Apple Have it your way Burger King So Good KFC Inspire the world, create the future Samsung Innovation and you Phillips Embrace your past, but live for now PepsiCo Melts in your mouth, not in your hands M&M

7 Create your own commercial
Language activity Create your own commercial use the slogan write a script together create video and show in class; when Criteria all 4 students are in the commercial .....minutes in total

8 Close ups What can it be?

9 What can it be ? Ask questions ?

10 What can it be ? Questions?

11 What can it be? Questions ?

12 What can it be? Questions ?

13 Which building Ask questions?

14 I will tell you more

15 Language activity Create 5 Close-ups Back in 5 minutes In duo Show close-ups Practice asking questions or Create 5 close-ups of a building Present this building to us

16 Want more! Book and Online

17 Chindogu

18 Draw and Guess I draw my invention and you guess Sketchpad

19 Chindogu

20 Levende talen en Couthino
Woensdag 12 april 2017 10:00- 16:30 In de Driehoek te Utrecht Deze interactieve en inspirerende dag staat in het teken van activerende werkvormen in de taalles.

21 Thank you Patricia Rose

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