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Catharsis The purification of the body by channelling aggressive urges into more socially desirable behaviour. Release of aggressive urges through acceptable.

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Presentation on theme: "Catharsis The purification of the body by channelling aggressive urges into more socially desirable behaviour. Release of aggressive urges through acceptable."— Presentation transcript:

1 catharsis The purification of the body by channelling aggressive urges into more socially desirable behaviour. Release of aggressive urges through acceptable competitive sporting scenarios. No creditable research to support this. Some suggestions that watching aggressive behaviour may increase likliehood of reproducing that behaviour. E.g. watching a boxing match. (social learning theory) Difference between watching and playing

2 Limitations of instinct theory
No biological aggressive drive has ever been identified. Early human beings were hunter-gatherers, not warriors Measuring of cathartic effect has proved difficult. Some studies do not support that all human beings are naturally aggressive. Aggression is seen as a learned response linked to the human ability to reason.

3 Frustration aggression hypothesis
Dollard et al 1939 Linked to drive theory (achievement) Frustration always leads to aggression and aggression is always a result of frustration. Give me an example in sport Frustration –Blocking of a goal orientated behaviour.

4 Criticism of Frustration-aggression theory
Whilst initially successful theory has been found to have little credence in sport because…….. Not all frustration leads to aggression Aggression can be a learned response rather than the result of frustration Individual differences not taken into account

5 Berkowitz’s cue arousal theory
Combination of frustration-aggression theory with new social learning approach. Frustration not sufficient to cause aggression, need presence of other factors. Frustration leads to an increase of arousal and anger. This will only lead to aggression if other factors are present. E.g. defender easily beaten might lash out to prevent a goal if coach has previously accepted such behaviour.

6 Social Learning theory
Bandura 1973 Aggression can be learned….. through reinforcement. through observation Bobo doll experiment

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