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Berkeley-Haas “For Faculty” Website Scavenger Hunt

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Presentation on theme: "Berkeley-Haas “For Faculty” Website Scavenger Hunt"— Presentation transcript:

1 Berkeley-Haas “For Faculty” Website Scavenger Hunt

2 Haas Scavenger Hunt Homework
P Please review the resources on the Berkeley-Haas “For Faculty" website, Look around the site and answer the following questions:

3 Haas Scavenger Hunt Homework
What are the Four Defining Principles? Look in Compendium for Teaching Excellence (CTE), Teaching Resources, Workshops and Videos and then Continuous Learning Workshops. Can you tell me the subject of Sameer Srivastava’s Continuous Learning Event workshop? Using the FTMBA Academic Calendar, what is the MBA Fall 2016 elective start date? Look in CTE and then Center for Teaching and Learning you will see the Top 5 Consultation Topics from What are the top three?

4 Haas Scavenger Hunt Homework Question
1) What are the Four Defining Principles?

5 Haas Scavenger Hunt Homework Answers

6 Haas Scavenger Hunt Homework Question
2) Look in Compendium for Teaching Excellence (CTE), Teaching Resources, Workshops and Videos and then Continuous Learning Workshops. Can you tell me the subject of Sameer Srivastava’s Continuous Learning Event workshop?

7 Haas Scavenger Hunt Homework Answers
2) Look in Compendium for Teaching Excellence (CTE), Teaching Resources, Workshops and Videos and then Continuous Learning Workshops. Can you tell me the subject of Sameer Srivastava’s Continuous Learning Event workshop? CASE METHOD TEACHING

8 Haas Scavenger Hunt Homework Question
3) Using the FTMBA Academic Calendar, what is the Fall 2016 MBA elective start date?

9 Haas Scavenger Hunt Homework Answers
3) Using the FTMBA Academic Calendar, what is the Fall 2016 MBA elective start date? August 22, 2016

10 Haas Scavenger Hunt Homework Question
4) Look in CTE and then Center for Teaching and Learning you will see the Top 5 Consultation Topics from What are the top three?

11 Haas Scavenger Hunt Homework Answers
4) Look in CTE and then Center for Teaching and Learning you will see the Top 5 Consultation Topics from What are the top three? COURSE DESIGN, EVALUATION DESIGN AND STUDENT ENGAGEMENT

12 Haas Scavenger Hunt Class Work Question
Go to the For Faculty page: Look in Cases and Syllabi and click on the Berkeley-Haas Case Series. Who authored the Featured Case, Google and Niantic Labs: The Professional Entrepreneur and Innovation in Silicon Valley?

13 Haas Scavenger Hunt Class Work Answer
Go to the For Faculty page: 1) Look in Cases and Syllabi and click on the Berkeley-Haas Case Series. Look in Cases and Syllabi and click on the Berkeley-Haas Case Series. Who authored the Featured Case, Google and Niantic Labs: The Professional Entrepreneur and Innovation in Silicon Valley? JEROME ENGEL (John Hanke and Pokémon Go)

14 Haas Scavenger Hunt Class Work Question
2) Which drop down menu from the top navigation has the Templates and Style Guide? (It also has the Power Point Templates in the toolkit.)

15 Haas Scavenger Hunt Class Work Answer
2) Which drop down menu from the top navigation has the Templates and Style Guide? (It also has the Power Point Templates in the toolkit.) RESOURCES

16 Haas Scavenger Hunt Class Work Question
3) Look in CTE, Teaching Resources, Instructional Support, Academic Integrity and Policies. In the Haas Policy for Handling Academic Dishonesty, who takes the lead in resolving the incident?

17 Haas Scavenger Hunt Class Work Answer
3) Look in CTE, Teaching Resources, Instructional Support, Academic Integrity and Policies. In the Haas Policy for Handling Academic Dishonesty, who takes the lead in resolving the incident? THE DEGREE PROGRAM OFFICE

How to Find Syllabi

19 Haas Scavenger Hunt Class Work Question
1) Look in CTE, Cases and Syllabi and then click on Syllabi. Put your Haas username and password. Who taught MBA200S, Data and Decisions in Fall 2015?

20 Haas Scavenger Hunt Class Work Answer
1) Look in CTE, Cases and Syllabi and then click on Syllabi. Put your Haas username and password. Who taught MBA200S, Data and Decisions in Fall 2015? GREG LABLANC AND LUCAS DAVIS

21 Haas Scavenger Hunt Goals
Familiarize new faculty with resources and tools on the “For Faculty” website that can be used anywhere and anytime Help you to efficiently and effectively transition to Berkeley-Haas Most importantly, we want to make your lives easier. We want you to be successful and happy here!

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