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2 online tools for learner-learner and learner-content engagement

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1 2 online tools for learner-learner and learner-content engagement
Dr. Franz Newland

2 My background New Assistant lecturer in Lassonde since Aug 2015
6 months at Seneca College 15+ years in the space industry Technical Manager, Mission Engineer, Postdoc, … This year’s teaching: ENG3000: 90+ students, 1h 3x per week. Ethics/Law for engineers ESSE1410: 45 students, 3h 1x per week. Science behind natural and engineering disasters ESSE3280: 35 students, 1h 3x per week. Physics of the space environment ESSE 4361: 13 students, 1.5h 2x per week. Space mission design

3 Three types of interaction
Generally discussed in the context of online and distance education, but as relevant for our on-site students


5 Feedback Download results to Excel Save to google drive
Allow students to “play again” to beat their scores (ghost mode) – lets students replay the quiz whenever they want.

6 Build your own
If you are not ready to create your own account, you can use: Username: TiF2016 Password: tif2016

7 OK – so you want to do more than create a multiple choice quiz/poll/discussion Multiple options to launch a quiz Multiple choice, true/false, short answer, and mixed during a given quiz Quiz can be left running for a whole lecture, for a day, a week, … You can only run one quiz from one account at a time Quizzes are associated with your room You can tailor your room name

8 Student comments I like the use of Kahoots to review
Kahoots are a good way to start the class I like the use of Kahoots to review (Quizzes) were fun and engaging I like the use of technology Quizzes to test knowledge were effective

9 Sampling of quantitative results
Course A: start of semester Course A: mid-semester Course B: start of semester Course C: end of semester

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