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e-CTLT (Digital Diary)

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1 e-CTLT (Digital Diary)

2 What is digital diary / e-ctlt?
ECTLT – E COMPREHENSIVE TEACHING LEARNING TOOL It is a virtual platform in the form of e-CTLT. with add on facilities of LDES [Learner Directed Evaluation System] CCE [Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation] e-CTLT [e-COMPREHENSIVE TEACHING LEARNING TOOL]

3 cce To achieve the desired output of CCE [ Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation ]  , CCL [Continuous & Comprehensive Learning ] is to be ensured ,   hence   e-CTLT module is based on much needed aspect of  teaching learning process in developing the 21st Century Skill in both educator as well as learner.

4 Consistent up gradation of knowledge
Objective : To comprehend the fundamental of concepts  that learners are  being taught. In order to strengthen the fundamentals, Integration of teaching content supported by various concept related activities as well as resources followed by the diagnostic tools to  identify  weak areas at each graded level during teaching learning process.

5 Remedial & Reinforcement Assignment
Objective : To  help learners  overcome the learning difficulties at various levels & also to help  students  to  revise and reinforce the concepts. Level-1 : Assignment  will be based on fundamentals i.e. class-level lower than the class being taught. Level-2 : Assignment will be based on concepts  of intermediate level. Level-3 : Assignment will be based  on the specified level of topics / concepts of the class being taught. Level -4 :   Assignment  based on HOTS [ High Order Thinking Skill]

6 Project  for Learners Objective : To encourage application of knowledge , accountability , goal setting and experience the feel of real work situations thereby widening their mental horizons in open ended way with the freedom of selecting the project on the areas of interest / strength. Students are at their best when their curiosity is engaged & project based learning is all about fostering curiosity. It is about finding  ,  fueling and firing up the imagination and thereby creating an experience within. It can be used to enhance content knowledge and foster the development  of communication, problem- solving, and self-directed learning skill.

7 Unique Features of LDES

8 [Learner Directed Evaluation System]
The Software  provides  the  following :- Concept based graded level questions along with the value point based marking key. Covers each topic of  every subject  . Flexibility to design Question Paper . On line evaluation of  MCQ . Standardized & uniform Design of  the Question Paper.

9 Segments of ldes LDES will have two segments :-
Teacher directed  : Multiple sets of Standard Question Papers framed by teachers with the flexible combination  of Marks & Time. Learner  directed : Generation of question papers by learner as per the individualized choice of  concepts, level  & time frame / Marks.

10 Essence of LDES Objective : To provide multiple chances to the learner to check his/her level of conceptual clarity with  flexibility / convenience. This will boost learner’s interest to  self evaluate  his/her extent of learning with learner assuming the role of continuous evaluator. The frequency and timing will be at the sole discretion of the learner.

11 Unique Features of CCE Keeping in line with the  guidelines of CBSE , CCE software is  being implemented  to keep the track of  learner’s progress in the following ways : Identify levels of learning. Tap their strengths and weaknesses. Give remediation / reinforcement consistently during  STUDY CAMPS. The software being used has extended options to keep the cumulative integrated record of all the Scholastic as well as Co-Scholastic activities & areas along with the performance indicators. The software also provides Graphical representation of  learner’s performance throughout the academic session.

12 The additional features
Keeps the  detailed  student profile . Auto generates Result Register, Term wise, Subject wise mark sheet and Report Card.



15 How to register new teachers ?
1. Open the ectlt web site by typing in web browser (internet explorer or firefox or google chrome or safari etc.) 2. Click on Principal and Teacher Login on home page of web site.

16 3. Then following page will open.

17 4. Click on “New Teacher Registration - Click Here”

18 5. Then following form will open :

19 6. Follow the following steps : Create user login Password Name of Teacher Select Region Select School from dropdown which will appear after region selection (if your school dont appear in list then please contact your principal for school registration process) Submit all required credentials with official address for further correspondence and username / password retrieval. After submission contact your principal for activation and approval of your account.

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