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Radio Qualification Testing

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1 Radio Qualification Testing
Riverside County A7.15 APCO P25 Phase 2 TDMA

2 NW Simulcast PS Simulcast Indio Simulcast HPD Site SJ Simulcast
NORTHWEST (NW) SUBSYSTEM (13 Sites) Ortega Cell ( 4 Sites) PALM SPRINGS (PS) SUBSYSTEM (4 Sites) ASTRO 25 Trunked Repeater Sites (20 Sites) Blythe Cell ( 5 Sites) Astro 25 Sites NW Simulcast VHF Sites PS Simulcast Desert Cell Indio Simulcast HPD Site SJ Simulcast BlytheSimulcast HPD Site HPD Site Astro 25 Sites SW Simulcast VHF Sites Ortega Simulcast Santa Rosa Simulcast SOUTHWEST (SW) SUBSYSTEM (11 Sites) SAN JACINTO (SJ) SUBSYSTEM (12 Sites) INDIO (IC) SUBSYSTEM (6 Sites) Desert Cell ( 3 Sites) Santa Rosa Cell ( 2 Sites) HPD High Performance Data (27Sites)

3 Start of Process APCO 2014 New Orleans
State of Nebraska finished similar testing Development of process State of Nebraska’s documentation Motorola subscriber ATP documentation Radio fair with radios that pass a qualification process

4 Excluded from Testing Non APCO Project 25 features Motorola FailSoft
GPS tracking Motorola FailSoft

5 Results of Testing 5 out of 10 portable radios passed the clinical testing Test process included field testing and drive testing Radios were purchased

6 Post Qualification Issues
Scrambled Audio Multiple Vendors have experienced scrambled audio since passing the qualification testing 1 call out of 200 will not decode properly Difficult time with building codeplug, personality, profile The vendors provide enough help to make the radio work, but leave a lot of features left undiscussed Zones versus systems Time to build files

7 Post Qualification Issues (Cont.)
Radios that pass the qualification testing but then fail after fielding Talk permit tone but no tx audio No talk permit tone Scrambled audio (encryption) Out of Range in known good coverage Full spectrum scanning Roaming

8 Lessons Learned Need larger test pool of users
500 – 1000 PTT’s per radio type Time, current time per radio is one week. This will need to be extended. Maybe 2 months in field with heavy use by users Cost of testing each radio Cost of troubleshooting issues

9 Lesson’s Cont. Training for staff once radios have been purchased
Repair parts for radios Flat rate repair Extended Warranty Need to have knowledgeable individual from vendor on site for testing. APCO P25 encourages competition among vendors. How many vendors can you support?

10 Lesson’s Cont. System Key issues Feature option
One vendor more tightly controlled than others Need ability to tighten restrictions Feature option User selectable encryption keys (model of radio specific) Emergency calls (how are they handled)

11 Where are We Now? Initially passed 5 vendors (Portables)
Purchased 2 different manufacture radios Both radio vendors are having issues We have suspended any new orders for the system No additional testing until issues are resolved with existing vendors

12 Where are We Now (Cont.) Working with current fielded vendors to resolve issues Tried different code versions Staff time for troubleshooting The County wants this to be successful for competition but also wants users to be safe

13 Questions?

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