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Internationalization at NTNU

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Presentation on theme: "Internationalization at NTNU"— Presentation transcript:

1 Internationalization at NTNU
Mobility and Ut-dannelse

2 Dannelse (soft skills)
Dannelse er ikke alene et produkt af boglig lærdom (gyldendal, Den stor danske)

3 Minister of Education 1990:
If you want to do your country a favour, LEAVE!!

4 Inter-cultural knowledge and language skills:
THE GLOBAL GENERATION Inter-cultural knowledge and language skills: The global labour marked requires this You improve your career possibilities International experience/network and Prerequisit for acting in international setting Personal development

5 Student exchange: How to succeed?
Incoming exchange: Every decent doctor would prescribe Norway prescribe Norway Ou Outgoing exchange: A dose of internationalization


7 Backpacking or all-inclusive

8 I have a dream! Exchange should be compulsory. They should have to ask (apply) for exception from the rule if they want to stay at home Yesssss!

9 Go! The world is waiting for you

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