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Expressions of Nuremberg [Germany].

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1 Expressions of Nuremberg [Germany]

2 Where is Nuremberg? Nuremberg is in the south of Germany. It‘s in a region called “Mittelfranken“, which is situated in Bavaria.

3 Nuremberg Castle The view from Nuremberg Castle over the City.
This is a picture of Nuremberg Castle, one of the main attractions in Nuremberg. It was build around 1000 a.d. This is “Sinwellturm“ the only round tower of the castle.

4 Hauptmarkt Schöner Brunnen Frauenkirche
This is the “Hauptmarkt“ [main market]. From Monday to Saturday there is a market where fruits and vegetable are sold. Lots of special events of Nuremberg take place here, e.g. the “Christkindlesmarkt“ [christmas market]. This fountain is called “Schöner Brunnen“. There is a ring in its grid, and they say if you turn it, one of your wishes comes true. This is the “Frauenkirche“ [women‘s church]. Every day at 12 o‘clock there is the “Männleinlaufen“, where some figures of copper circle around the figure of king Karl.

5 That‘s the old townhall. It was built in the 14th century.
And now, some more pictures of beautiful Nuremberg: This is the house where the artist Albrecht Dürer lived from Right is a sculpture of his famous rabbit. That‘s the old townhall. It was built in the 14th century. The river flowing through Nuremberg is named ‘Pegnitz‘. This fountain is named “Neptunbrunnen“.

6 Christkindlesmarkt Every second year a new “Christkind“ is elected. That‘s a girl who wears an angel-like costume and opens up the market from a balcony of the “Frauenkirche“ [women‘s church]. The “Christkindlesmarkt“ is one of the most famous christmas markets of the world. Every year around two million people visit it. Nearly 200 salesmen sell their traditional christmas things there.

7 Thank you for watching our presentation
source: ©Jasmin Mandre & Samira Kabri

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