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And the different groups of the Holocaust

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1 And the different groups of the Holocaust
Nazi genocide And the different groups of the Holocaust

2 Who was Hitler World War 2 Genocide Victims of the Holocaust
Agenda Who was Hitler World War 2 Genocide Victims of the Holocaust

3 Adolph Hitler Born April 20th 1889 in Braunau, Austria.
He ruled Germany as the Fuhrer from 1934 to An estimated 15 million people died in the concentration camps. Died April 20th 1945 Berlin, Germany.

4 September 1st 1939 to September 2nd 1945 allied forces vs Axis forces Number of casualties was estimated at around 70 million.

5 Axis of power Germany: Adolph Hitler Japan: Italy: Mussolini
Others: Hungarian, Bulgaria, and Romania

6 Allied forces America: Franklyn D Roosevelt Brittan: Winston Churchill
USSR: Joseph Stalin Other: Australia, Canada, France, Brazil and just about the rest of the world.

7 Genocide By Definition
The deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group.

8 Ralph Lemkin Raphael Lemkin first termed the word Genocide.
Lemkin was a Polish lawyer that fled Poland in to escape the Nazis. Lemkin lost 49 family members in the Holocaust. After World War 2 Lemkin spoke out to the International community to create laws outlawing future genocides.

9 Polish Complicit in the holocaust Jewish polish where complicit
Millions of non Jewish polish

10 Romani Gypsies Also known as Roma or Sinti
They where nomads and didn’t really have their own nation 200,000 to an estimated 500,000 They where persecuted long before the war by the previous regime. Almost to extinction

11 Russians Russian POW Sent to Concentration camps 3 Million plus dead

12 Non Jewish holocaust casualties
Hungarian Czechoslovakian French German Ukrainian Black Gay Jehovah Witness Many others

13 References Intro to Humanities

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