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Bible Study Methods & Contemporary Issues

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Presentation on theme: "Bible Study Methods & Contemporary Issues"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bible Study Methods & Contemporary Issues

2 Welcome to Bible Study Methods & Contemporary Issues
Make sure you get a handout or paper. Bible My

3 Why Study the Bible? State of our Hearts, Minds, Souls, and Bodies -- they are all tied together.

4 Rick Warren’s Bible Study Methods
12 Twelve Ways You Can Unlock God’s Word

5 Rick Warren’s Bible Study Methods
Biographical Approach

6 Biographical Approach
People are Important People are important to God Stories Stick Examples for us to follow or avoid 1st Corinthians 10

7 Biographical Approach
Suggested Tools Study Bible Exhaustive Concordance Topical Bible Bible Dictionary or Encyclopedia

8 Biographical Approach
#1 Choose a Person Characteristic you want to develop Double check – same name, different people

9 Biographical Approach
#2 List all the References Concordance and Study Helps Historical Background

10 Biographical Approach
#3 First Impressions (First Reading) Read the passages and write down your observations.

11 Biographical Approach
#4 Chronological Outline (Second Reading) See the big picture – what was the process?

12 Biographical Approach
#5 Get Insights into the Person (Third Reading) As questions about person. Rick Warren has 70 questions to go through. Here are his big categories:

13 Questions to Gain Insight
Reputation Tests of Character (motives) Background Significant Events Relationships Personality Spiritual Life

14 Biographical Approach
#6 Identify some character Qualities (Fourth Reading) What are they, good or bad?

15 Biographical Approach
#7 How are Other Bible Truths Illustrated in the Person’s life? This is where cross-references and topical Bibles can be helpful. “Reap what you sow” “delight yourself in the Lord…”

16 Biographical Approach
#8 Summarize the Main Lesson(s) What lesson can be learned? Word to describe their life? Outstanding characteristic?

17 Biographical Approach
#9 Write Out a Personal Application Did I see myself in this person? Same strengths or weaknesses? Characteristics to develop? What am I going to do about it?

18 Biographical Approach
#10 Make Your Study Transferable Condense your conclusions into a simple outline. Make easily remembered titles Share with others

19 Biographical Approach
#1 Choose a Person Daniel He lived a righteous life in a corrupt culture.

20 Biographical Approach
#2 List all the References Daniel 1-12 Ezekiel 14:14, 20; 28:3 Matthew 24:15 Side Comment: several sections of Daniel are Prophetic/Apocalyptic

21 Biographical Approach
#3 First Impressions (First Reading) Read the passages and write down your observations.

22 Biographical Approach
#4 Chronological Outline (Second Reading) See the big picture – what was the process?

23 Biographical Approach
#5 Get Insights into the Person (Third Reading) As questions about person. Rick Warren has 70 questions to go through. Here are his big categories:

24 Questions to Gain Insight
Reputation Tests of Character (motives) Background Significant Events Relationships Personality Spiritual Life

25 Biographical Approach
#6 Identify som character Qualities (Fourth Reading) What are they, good or bad?

26 Biographical Approach
#7 How are Other Bible Truths Illustrated in the Person’s life? This is where cross-references and topical Bibles can be helpful. “Reap what you sow” “delight yourself in the Lord…”

27 Biographical Approach
#8 Summarize the Main Lesson(s) What lesson can be learned? Word to describe their life? Outstanding characteristic?

28 Biographical Approach
#9 Write Out a Personal Application Did I see myself in this person? Same strengths or weaknesses? Characteristics to develop? What am I going to do about it?

29 Biographical Approach
#10 Make Your Study Transferable Condense your conclusions into a simple outline. Make easily remembered titles Share with others

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