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Welcome Parents! 2z - Ms. Ziemczonek

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Parents! 2z - Ms. Ziemczonek"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Parents! 2z - Ms. Ziemczonek
Meet the Teacher Night Welcome Parents! 2z - Ms. Ziemczonek

2 Reminders Timetable: It is meant to be a general outline that changes based on student needs. Snacks: Please ensure you send a snack for each recess. We encourage you to choose healthy snacks. Healthy food makes learning and concentration easier for your child. Allergies and Sharing Food: We do not allow the students to share food with their classmates for a variety of reasons. There are children in the school with allergies to peanuts/tree nuts, so please do not send food/snacks containing these items to school. If your child has food allergies, we will not give them birthday treats. If you wish, you may provide a bag of lollipops and/or gummy worms so these students are not left out on these days. Things that are different from Grade One: Shoes: Only two pairs of shoes are needed: black shoes for outdoor/indoor and runners for P.E. classes. The children do not need a change of clothes. No placemats are required, just baby wipes/disinfectant wipes to clean desks. Please be on time. Late students will miss new information and curriculum. Students need to have a second set of scissors, pencil crayons, etc. at home for doing homework, so that the school supplies will be here during the day.

3 Specialist Classes Students are responsible to record and complete their own homework for these classes. We will not be collecting any homework for these classes. Library Books must be returned each Tuesday. If your child forgets their books at home, they may not be allowed to borrow any new library books until all overdue books are returned. P.E. Uniform will be worn for P.E. on Monday, Friday and possibly when we go on a field trip. If they are in Cross Country, Running Club or Track, they may wear their P.E. uniforms on practice days. French French classes are on Monday and Wednesday.

4 Language Arts Writing Spelling Reading Reading Groups Home Reading

5 Language Arts There will be a combination of personal writing like journals, creative writing like stories and poems, answering questions in complete sentences regarding stories or facts, and research writing for Science and Socials. There are many aspects to our class reading programs: read alouds, guided group reading, independent reading, and home reading (Reading Log). For Spelling, we are using the program Words Their Way.

6 Spelling We are using a spelling program called Words Their Way based on the newest research regarding reading and writing. This program teaches students important word patterns and sounds. Students are given a test and based on that test are placed into groups with similar spelling needs. We start by introducing students (in groups) to the words on Tuesday and sorting them into groups. Tuesday’s homework will involve cutting them out to be used throughout the week. Inside the duo tang will be a zip-lock bag where the cut-up spelling words can be placed inside. During week, we will review and play some spelling games. Spelling games can also be played at home to review the words. The spelling test will be held on Monday morning.

7 Home Reading Every night students will read for 20 mins and record their book and minutes read on the reading log form (inside a duotang). Reading DAILY is the main homework for students in Grade Two. Instructions will be in the Reading Log duotangs. In the beginning of the year, students will record the titles of the books they read each day. In the middle of the year, students will choose one of the books they read and write about it. Students will have the opportunity to borrow 2 books from the school library to supplement books from home or from their local public library. Poorly completed reading logs will be redone at recess or lunch or taken home to be re-done and handed in the following day.

8 Math

9 Math Our math program this year is the Jump Math Program.
In this program, students do a lot of hands-on activities where they use materials, draw pictures and have to explain their answers in words. They use all types of intelligences and skills. On top of this program, we may supplement with worksheets, math games and math drills to improve their speed and accuracy with facts. There are two workbooks students will use throughout the year. Some of the pages may not be relevant to B.C. curriculum, so these pages may be skipped.

10 Homework

11 Homework The main homework this year will be Reading Log and Spelling. Unfinished work may be sent home as well (ie: Math). Homework not done: noted and circled/highlighted in the planner or a note will be sent home. Students will miss recess if they do not return their homework on time.

12 Gift From God Program

13 Gift From God Program This program is integrated with the current Religious program and is mandated by the Archbishop, but also meets the Health Education outcomes as mandated by the B.C. Government. The focus of the program is promoting and protecting the dignity and worth of God’s children through sexual abuse prevention. There will be some family activities in the workbook. This will be done in May or June.

14 Sacraments

15 Sacraments We will be preparing the students for their First Holy Communion and Reconciliation. First Holy Communion will be on Sunday, June 18th. First Reconciliation will be in June. There will be parent meetings for Catholic parents which you are required to attend. The dates for these meetings will be set later in the year. Please make all efforts to attend ALL the meetings to help better prepare your child(ren).

16 Baptism We DO NOT prepare your child for Baptism.
If you would like your child to be Baptized this year, you must be Baptized as well. You also need to meet with your parish priest to discuss preparation of your child for Baptism.

17 Behaviour

18 Behaviour Students are expected to follow school rules.
We are proactive in using encouragement, praise, clear and firm expectations, gentle reminders and specifically teaching the reasons for the rules. We use a variety of strategies if misbehaviour occurs. These strategies may include: reminders, time-outs, talks with the teacher, being removed from the activity, time in the hallway (if the student is disrupting others), recess detentions, written reflections (thinking papers), and if poor behaviour continues, the principal may be involved. Parents may be notified if a behaviour is serious or repeated.

19 Thank you for coming!

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