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Protection of Minors Program Coordinators Refresher Session

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1 Protection of Minors Program Coordinators Refresher Session
October 26, 2016 Carolyn Brownawell Leah Boecker Melisa Giraldo Dietrich Warner

2 Introductions Name Role Department/School Minors programs?

3 Agenda Protecting Minors at BU Minors Program Coordinator Role
Resources Waivers of Liability Background Checks Training Questions

4 Protecting Minors at BU
Protection of Minors Task Force Policy Approved and Implemented (August 2015) Guidelines, requirements, reporting abuse Minors Program Coordinators assigned (September 2015) Protection of Minors Steering Group

5 Minors Program Coordinator Role
Help Program Operators with policy compliance Ensure cleared background checks are received prior to permitting participation in activities that include Minors Ensure staff and faculty who work with minors receive training Ensure that waivers of liability from parents/guardians are completed for all Minor participants Track compliance and maintain records Each school and department at BU is responsible for ensuring that University faculty, staff, students, and volunteers who participant in programs that include Minors comply with all applicable aspects of this Policy and accompanying Procedures. This means that each school/department must appoint a minors program coordinator to be in charge of this

6 Resources Protection of Minors Website Link to Protection of Minors Policy/Procedures PDF document BU Policies Website “Search Protection of Minors” to view full policy & procedures SharePoint site  SharePoint  Protection of Minors Background Check Forms FAQs On-line Training request spreadsheet & user instructions Program Inventory Leah for access Your HR Business Partner Questions about policy interpretation General questions about third party agreements & waivers of liability SharePoint- if you log into Office 365 and go to SharePoint, you can search Protection of Minors (it’s the one that says Team Site). If you do not have access, let me know.

7 Steps to Comply with Policy
Determine if the policy applies to your program Gather program data Liability Waivers Run Background Checks Training Establish Internal Controls and Tracking

8 Step 1: Does the Policy Apply to Your Program?
Does the program involve minors? Minors Definition: For the purposes of this policy, Boston University considers a minor to be any person under the age of 18 who is not a matriculated Boston University student and who is unaccompanied by a parent or legal guardian Will there be unaccompanied minors? Contact for policy interpretation questions: The HRBP for your school or department

9 Step 2: Gather Program Data
Program title Primary program contact Number of staff/volunteers Duration of program, number of sessions Number of minors participating Are waivers of liability already in place? Does a Third Party vendor operate the program? What contracts are in place? Do they have the right insurance? Do they run background checks? Contact Leah Boecker to update the program inventory information Contact Risk Management or your OGC Partner to assist you with third party agreements

10 Step 3: Waivers of Liability
Ensure waivers of liability exist and are completed for all programs with minors Create a new waiver using the sample language in Procedures section of PDF (page 26) If you need to include other program specific information (i.e. laboratory), then… Work with your HR Business partner to determine if the waiver should be reviewed by OGC or Risk Management, or you need assistance with a third party waiver

11 Sample Waiver of Liability

12 Step 4: Background Check Process
Ensure cleared background checks are received prior to permitting participation in activities with Minors – refer to Policy to determine who requires a background check Does a cleared background check exist for faculty/staff? If yes, then check if it’s still valid.

13 Background Check Process
Minors Program Coordinator or other authorized individual must review BU and State requirements for handling submission information (posted on website) Distribute and collect the completed: CORI Acknowledgement Form Disclosure and Acknowledgement Form Release and Authorization form Verify forms are completed Review government-issued ID in person Sign page two of the CORI Acknowledgement Form Complete Background Check Transmittal Form; deliver forms to HR

14 Background Check Process
MPC or authorized individual delivers completed forms in person to HR HR sends forms to background check vendor, CSI CSI sends cleared status notification to BU contact Whoever is identified on the Transmittal Form as the “requestor” will receive notification of cleared status Adverse results go directly to HR MPC or authorized individual Notifies Program Operator that cleared background check is received Retains Background Check Transmittal Form

15 Tips on Handling CORI/SORI Information
Do not leave documents containing confidential information in open areas (desks, photocopiers) Keep paper files in a locked file cabinet Keep electronic files on a secured drive If the CORI form must be sent via use secured encrypted (i.e. DataMotion,) shred original documents, delete messages Hand deliver CORI/SORI forms to HR Destroy paper copies after delivering to HR Do not keep copies of CORI/SORI forms

16 Step 5: Training Ensure staff and faculty who work with minors receive either: On-line training, or Document Review/In Person training With certification of training

17 On-line Training Customized on-line course Interactive program
30 minutes to complete Training record is EduRisk report (Leah) Training Elements: Appropriate guidelines for interacting and communicating with minors How to recognize signs of abuse and neglect How to report suspected abuse or neglect Schools/colleges and administrative units that operate, sponsor of formally facilitate activities: Identifying a Minors Program Coordinator Ensuring cleared CORI/SORI background checks are received prior to permitting participation in activities that include Minors Human Resources Maintaining list of Minors Program Coordinators Developing/updating online training Conducting CORI/SORI checks (or authorizing departments to do so directly) Answering questions about interpretation/application of the Policy Risk Management Reviewing requests for exemptions from liability waiver or CORI/SORI checks requirements Answering questions regarding Third Party Operators

18 How to Request On-Line Training
Complete the “Protection of Minors On-line User Request” form Can be found on SharePoint site, or Leah for a copy of the form Send form to Leah Boecker Learner accounts created in EduRisk Leah sends instructions to requester Online User Request Form  SharePoint Site  Documents  Training Materials

19 User Request Form – SharePoint
Schools/colleges and administrative units that operate, sponsor of formally facilitate activities: Identifying a Minors Program Coordinator Ensuring cleared CORI/SORI background checks are received prior to permitting participation in activities that include Minors Human Resources Maintaining list of Minors Program Coordinators Developing/updating online training Conducting CORI/SORI checks (or authorizing departments to do so directly) Answering questions about interpretation/application of the Policy Risk Management Reviewing requests for exemptions from liability waiver or CORI/SORI checks requirements Answering questions regarding Third Party Operators

20 Policy Document Review
10/21/2017 Policy Document Review Alternative to online protection of minors training Faculty/staff working with minors can read through the Protection of Minors Policy & Procedures and sign the “Protection of Minors Certification of Training” document Found on page 16 of Policy/Procedures PDF Form should be submitted to Minors Program Coordinator

21 Policy Document Review Protection of Minors Certificate of Training (page 16 of Protection of Minors Policy/Procedures PDF)

22 Step 6: Establish Internal Tracking and Controls
Maintain files on each program pertaining to: Background Checks List of CORI/SORI form completion dates, staff names, program name Training Records On-line training report (from Leah) Training certification form Maintain files indefinitely

23 Contacts Policy Interpretation:
Your school/college/department’s HR Business Partner Updating the MPC and Program Inventory, On-line training requests for BU-sponsored programs: Leah Boecker, Background Checks for BU-sponsored programs: HR Service Center, Third Party Insurance & Liability Waivers; requests for Policy Exemption Jim Donohue of Risk Management, Schools/colleges and administrative units that operate, sponsor of formally facilitate activities: Identifying a Minors Program Coordinator Ensuring cleared CORI/SORI background checks are received prior to permitting participation in activities that include Minors Human Resources Maintaining list of Minors Program Coordinators Developing/updating online training Conducting CORI/SORI checks (or authorizing departments to do so directly) Answering questions about interpretation/application of the Policy Risk Management Reviewing requests for exemptions from liability waiver or CORI/SORI checks requirements Answering questions regarding Third Party Operators

24 Questions?

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