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ISMS Information Security Management System

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1 ISMS Information Security Management System
04th June, 2015

2 What is Information ? Asset: Anything that has value to the organization. Information is an asset that, like any other important business assets, is essential to an organization’s business and thus needs to be protected. Can exists in many form data stored on computers transmitted across networks printed out written on a paper sent by fax stored on disks held on microfilm spoken in conversations over the telephone etc. etc.

3 Information Security Risks
System failures Denial of service (DOS) attacks Misuse of resources - Internet/ /telephone Fraud Viruses/spy-ware etc Use of unlicensed software

4 What is ISMS? Information Security Management System is a framework to protect information through appropriate security controls. Security Controls may be: Security policies Documented procedures Ensuring business continuity Information asset management Awareness and training

5 Objectives of ISMS Confidentiality : Ensuring that information is available to only those authorized to have access. Integrity : Safeguarding the accuracy and completeness of information & processing methods. Availability : Ensuring that information and vital services are available to authorized users when required.

6 ISMS Organogram

7 Information classification
Restricted: Information that is highly sensitive and is available only to specific, named individuals (or specific positions). Confidential: Information that is sensitive within the Company/Business and available only to a specific function, group or role. Internal: Information that is sensitive outside the Company/Business and needs to be protected. Authorized Access to employees, contractors, sub-contractors and agents on a "Need to Know Basis" for Business related Purposes. Public: Public Information (including information deemed public by legislation or through a policy of routine disclosure), available to the Public, all employees, contractors, sub-contractors and agents.

8 Physical & Environment Security
Physical Aspects Identity cards must be carried by all at all times. An unknown or third party person must be questioned if they are not carrying the visitor card. Third party personnel must be escorted to the visitor’s room. Proper access must be exercised while entering the data centers. There should not be any tailgating. In the event of a power outage, shift operators must check the UPS if the power is drawn from battery or Genset and inform the respective personnel.

9 Physical & Environment Security
Environment Aspects Scan documents should be removed after copying to required location. Food items, used cups should be properly disposed in the work area.

10 Clear Screen/Clear Desk Policy
No critical information should be kept unattended and proper filing must be exercised. Desktops must be locked when not used.

11 Password Policy Every user should ensure usage of strong password for accessing any information system. Passwords will never be shared or revealed to anyone other than the authorized user. Users will not store fixed passwords in any computer files. Passwords will not be written down. Password should be- Length – 8 characters, should contain special characters and numbers, uppercase letters.

12 Usage Users will use Company’s account only for the business purposes. Users will not use or access an account assigned to another employee of the organisation to either send or receive messages. Users will not create or send computer viruses through . Users will not forge or try to forge messages. Users will not use their personal accounts for sending official mail. In case a user encounters profane, obscure or derogatory remarks in , he/she will either communicate with the originator of the offensive s, asking him/her to stop sending such messages, or report such offensive s directly to the respective Head and/or CISO or ISWG member. Users will not transmit/re-transmit chain messages.

13 User Responsibility Any security incident should be immediately reported to CISO or any member of ISWG. In case of fire, raise alarm and inform fire department immediately. Contact information of special interest groups should be kept in handy.

14 Thank You.

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