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Published byNoreen Golden Modified over 7 years ago
“Look Ahead SCED” Sai Moorty ERCOT November 28, 2011
Goals of “Look-Ahead SCED”
The goals of “Look-Ahead SCED” in its final version are: Efficiently commit and dispatch Generation (e.g. QSGRs), Load and Storage Resources with Intra-Hour temporal constraints. Improve Resource management during steep load ramps considering Resource ramp rate limitations. Real-Time Co-Optimization of Energy and Ancillary Services. Account for future topology changes e.g. Outages. Provide short term future indicative prices. November 28, 2011
White Paper on “Functional Description Of Core Market Management System (MMS) Applications For Look-Ahead SCED” This White Paper broadly describes the concepts that are proposed for an ERCOT implementation of “Look Ahead SCED”. This White Paper leverages function and features that have been implemented at other ISO’s. The purpose of this White Paper is to provide a starting reference point for discussions with Market Participants, IMM and PUCT staff. Settlement details including Make Whole provisions are not included in the White Paper. ERCOT has not addressed the eligibility of a Make Whole for Generation, Load and Storage Resources in the White Paper. The commitment and dispatch described in this White Paper can introduce scenarios where Resources would need to be Made Whole. It is the expectation that the mechanics of the Make Whole payment would be developed after the concepts of the “Look Ahead SCED” are agreed upon. November 28, 2011
Significant upgrade to the Real-Time Market functionality.
“Look Ahead SCED” Significant upgrade to the Real-Time Market functionality. Requires rigorous involvement of ERCOT staff, Market Participants, IMM and PUCT staff. “Look Ahead SCED” functionality at other ISO’s are implemented as a package of two applications. One that perform a simultaneous multi-interval commitment and the other that performs a simultaneous multi-interval dispatch. All major vendors have architected their solutions for “Look Ahead SCED” to comprise of a simultaneous multi-interval commitment application and a simultaneous multi-interval dispatch application. November 28, 2011
Comparison of Real-Time Market Features
PJM MISO NEISO NYISO SPP CAISO ERCOT 15-Minute Load Forecasting Yes 2 hr period No 2 ½ hour period 5 hr period 5-Minute 20 min period (?) 1 hr period (?) 10 hr period (!) Not used Look-Ahead Commitment- SCUC (QSGR commitment) IT SCED 1- 2 hr period (new proposal) (Resource Adequacy Assessment) RTC for 2 ½ hour period Intraday RUC HASP 4 1/2 hr period RTUC up to 2 hr period Look-Ahead Dispatch RT SCED 10-20 min period (multi-interval optimized) SCED 5-min period for 5-min IT scheduling RTD for up to 1 hr period At least 2 time intervals RTID for up to 1 hr period Energy Ramping Limits Functions single values Single values functions/ Ancillary Service Regions for deliverability 2 zones seasonal Seasonal CAISO: RTID is Real-Time interval Dispatch aka RTD. November 28, 2011
Comparison of Real-Time Market Features (continued)
PJM MISO NEISO NYISO SPP CAISO ERCOT Ancillary Service Co-Optimization Yes Both IT SCED and RT SCED LOC/no AS offers Both RTC and RTD in RTUC No Ancillary Service Substitution Ancillary Service Ramping Limits single values single values Ramp Rate Sharing Partial and separate ASO Partial/ Configurable configurable Partial En/Reg Transmission Constraints Zonal Nodal Zonal(?) Demand Response Energy and reserve Price Responsive Demand bids Yes energy and reserve Storage Resources DLR Regulation and Pump Storage Hydro DLR Regulation and Pump Storage Hydro PJM: IT-SCED is intermediate SCED aka RTC RT-SCED is Real-Time SCED aka RTD ASO: Ancillary Service Optimizer November 28, 2011
Moving Forward on “Look Ahead SCED”
Implementation Approach Phased implementation. Develop requirements / draft protocols for a given phase. Components of “Look Ahead SCED” will be rolled into production in STUDY mode. i.e. outputs are NOT binding. Similar to open-loop LFC testing prior to nodal go-live. Utilize actual production data to verify/analyze non-binding results. ERCOT will present & review results for each implemented phase Finalize & Approve Protocols. November 28, 2011
Moving Forward on “Look Ahead SCED”
November 28, 2011
Moving Forward on “Look Ahead SCED”
Phase Timeline Feature Implemented Comment Phase -1 Summer 2012 Short-Term future Advisory/Indicative Base Points and LMPs using basic version of RTD. Will initially run in Open-Loop i.e outputs (Base Points, LMPs) are Advisory/Indicative. i.e. non-binding. Phase-2 Summer 2013 Commitment for QSGR and Load Resources with intra-hour temporal constraints using basic version of RTC. Will initially run in Open-Loop i.e. outputs (Commitment instructions) are Advisory/Indicative. i.e. non-binding. Phase-3 Spring 2014 Real-Time Ancillary Service and Energy Co-optimization using RTC. Phase-4 Fall 2015 Transmission constraints for future intervals November 28, 2011
Moving Forward on “Look Ahead SCED”
December 2011-October 2012 Discuss and finalize features for “Look-Ahead SCED” with Market Participants, IMM and PUCT Staff. White Paper provides framework. Develop and approve Nodal Protocol Revisions. Real-Time Market Settlements Review data and analysis of Open-Loop Phase-1 (Summer 2012). November 28, 2011
Appendix -1 Phase-1 Summer 2012 November 28, 2011
Main Components of “Look-Ahead SCED”
The main components of “Look Ahead SCED” are: Real-Time Commitment (RTC) Application Real-Time Dispatch (RTD) Application The Real-Time Commitment (RTC) Application executes every 15 minutes with a rolling window for up to two hours study period that is comprised of up to 7 time intervals of 15 minutes each. The outputs of RTC are: Commitment Instructions for Generation, Load and Energy Storage Resources. AS Awards and MCPC. (Note: If a decision is made that Non-Spin is ONLY from OFFLINE Resources, AS Co-optimization can be moved to RTD). The Real-Time Dispatch (RTD) Application executes every 5 minutes with a rolling one hour window study period that is comprised of 12 time intervals of 5 minutes each. The outputs of RTD are: Dispatch Instructions (Energy MW Base points) for Generation, Load and Energy Storage Resources. LMP at all Settlement Points and Electrical Buses. November 28, 2011
RTD is the dispatch engine in Real-Time Commitment (RTC) application.
Phase-1: Summer 2012 The first component of “Look-Ahead SCED” to be phased in will be a basic version of the Real-Time Dispatch (RTD) application RTD key feature is a simultaneous multi-interval optimization with explicit ramp rate constraints modeled. RTD is the dispatch engine in Real-Time Commitment (RTC) application. NPRR 351 November 28, 2011
Phase-1: Summer 2012 Current Production SCED will continue to provide the settlement Base Points and LMP for dispatch and pricing. Real-Time Dispatch (RTD) in STUDY mode: Real-Time Dispatch (RTD) will run in parallel in study mode to current Production SCED. ALL LMPs and Base Points from RTD are NOT BINDING. i.e. they are advisory/indicative. Real-Time Dispatch (RTD) inputs will utilize the SAME inputs as the current Production SCED and additionally will utilize other inputs (short term load forecast, STWP). Forward Advisory/Indicative LMPs at Settlement Points (NPRR351) will be output from Real-Time Dispatch (RTD) and posted on MIS Public, as well as QSE Resource Base Points on MIS Certified reports (neither data set will be telemetered). By running in parallel Market will be able to observe production “what-if” for this building block of “Look-Ahead SCED” (similar to open-loop LFC testing prior to nodal go-live) November 28, 2011
Phase-1: Summer 2012 Real-Time Dispatch (RTD) in STUDY mode: (continued) Key feature of Real-Time Dispatch (RTD) will be the multi-interval optimization ( 1 hour study horizon comprising of twelve (12) 5-minute intervals) incorporating explicit ramp-rate constraint modeling. Differences between MW dispatch and LMP for a given SCED interval between current Production SCED and Real-Time Dispatch (RTD) may occur if ramp constraints are binding due to future conditions. November 28, 2011
Phase-1: Summer 2012 ICCP & MIS
Binding MW Dispatch & Binding Prices for SCED interval T Current Production SCED Current SCED Inputs Advisory/Indicative MW Dispatch & Advisory/Indicative Prices (LMP only) for SCED interval T+5, …T+60 Real-Time Dispatch (RTD) Additional “Look Ahead” Inputs MIS November 28, 2011
Comparison of Current SCED And Real-Time Dispatch (RTD) Concepts
Note that in RTD, the multi-interval dispatch run is followed by a single interval SCED for each interval in the optimization period. November 28, 2011
Comparison of Current SCED And Real-Time Dispatch (RTD) Ramp Constraints: LMP, Base Point, Offer Price Relationship Current SCED Real-Time Dispatch (RTD) UP ramp limited a) Base Point = HDL b) LMP >= Offer Point c) Incentive to increase output a) Resource UP ramp constraint binding Resource UP ramp constraint binding LMP <= Offer Point Dispatched ABOVE economical level DOWN ramp limited a) Base Point = LDL b) LMP <= Offer Point c) Incentive to decrease output MW Resource DOWN ramp constraint binding LMP <=Offer Point Incentive to decrease output LMP >=Offer Point Dispatched BELOW economical level November 28, 2011
Current SCED & Real-Time Dispatch (RTD)
Appendix – 2 Examples Current SCED & Real-Time Dispatch (RTD) November 28, 2011
Example 1: No Ramping Constraints – Load Peak
Resource Parameters Price Curves Resource LSL (MW) HSL Ramp Rate (MW/min) Unit 1 15 1 Unit 2 3 $/MWh $/MWh 40 30 20 10 MW MW 5 5 15 15 Unit 1 Unit 2 November 28, 2011
Example 1: No Ramping Constraints – Load Peak (continued)
Current SCED (sequential) System Dispatch “Look-Ahead SCED” - RTD System Dispatch Time Interval GTBD System Lambda Over/Under Generation System Costs T+0 14 20 230 T+5 27 40 680 T+10 Total Cost 1140 Time Interval GTBD System Lambda Over/Under Generation System Costs T+0 14 20 230 T+5 27 40 680 T+10 Total Cost 1140 November 28, 2011
Example 1: No Ramping Constraints – Load Peak (continued)
Current SCED (sequential) Unit 1 Dispatch Unit 2 Dispatch Time Interval TM LDL HDL Base Point LMP Payment Cost Profit Payment-Cost T+0 10 5 15 14 20 280 230 50 T+5 9 40 600 250 350 T+10 Net$ 450 Time Interval TM LDL HDL Base Point LMP Payment Cost Profit Payment-Cost T+0 15 20 T+5 12 40 480 430 50 T+10 Net$ 50 November 28, 2011
Example 1: No Ramping Constraints – Load Peak (continued)
“Look-Ahead SCED” - RTD Unit 1 Dispatch Unit 2 Dispatch Time Interval TM LDL HDL Base Point LMP Payment Cost Profit Payment-Cost T+0 10 n/a 14 20 280 230 50 T+5 15 40 600 250 350 T+10 Net$ 450 Time Interval TM LDL HDL Base Point LMP Payment Cost Profit Payment-Cost T+0 n/a 20 T+5 12 40 480 430 50 T+10 Net$ 50 November 28, 2011
Example 2: Ramping Constraints – Load Peak
Resource Parameters Price Curves Resource LSL (MW) HSL Ramp Rate (MW/min) Unit 1 15 1 Unit 2 2 $/MWh $/MWh 40 30 20 10 MW MW 5 5 15 15 Unit 1 Unit 2 November 28, 2011
Example 2: Ramping Constraints – Load Peak (continued)
Current SCED (sequential) System Dispatch “Look-Ahead SCED” - RTD System Dispatch Time Interval GTBD System Lambda Over/Under Generation System Costs T+0 14 20 230 T+5 27 250 2 (Under) 1100 T+10 Total Cost 1560 Time Interval GTBD System Lambda Over/Under Generation System Costs T+0 14 20 250 T+5 27 50 60 680 T+10 Total Cost 1180 November 28, 2011
Example 2: Ramping Constraints – Load Peak (continued)
Current SCED (sequential) @T+5, the load to be served is 27MW, the system is 2 MW short. The System Lambda is set by the under generation penalty cost of 250$/MWh. Unit 1 Dispatch Unit 2 Dispatch Interval TM LDL HDL B. P. LMP Payment Cost Profit Payment-Cost T+0 10 5 15 14 20 280 230 50 T+5 9 250 3750 3500 T+10 Net$ 3600 Interval TM LDL HDL B.P. LMP Payment Cost Profit Payment-Cost T+0 10 20 T+5 250 2500 350 2150 T+10 15 Net$ 2150 November 28, 2011
Example 2: Ramping Constraints – Load Peak (continued)
“Look-Ahead SCED” - RTD Unit 1 Dispatch Unit 2 Dispatch Time Interval TM LDL HDL Base Point LMP Multi Final Payment (LMP Final) Cost Profit Payment-Cost T+0 10 n/a 12 20 240 190 50 T+5 15 60 40 750 600 250 500 350 T+10 Net$ 600 450 Time Interval TM LDL HDL Base Point LMP Multi LMP Final Payment Cost Profit Payment-Cost T+0 n/a 2 20 40 60 -20 T+5 12 50 600 480 430 170 T+10 Net $ 130 10 November 28, 2011
Example 2: Ramping Constraints – Load Peak (continued)
“Look-Ahead SCED” – RTD @T+0, the system lamda is set by Unit 1 = 20$/MWh. Unit 2 cost is 30$/MWh and the price is 20$/MWh. LMP < offer price for Unit 2 but unit 2 is ramped UP. @T+5, System Lambda from multi-interval optimization is the change in objective function to a change in demand (by +-1 MW). If system demand changes by +1 MW for T+5, then change in objective function is: +40 $ for Unit 2 moving up 1 MW for T+5 +30 $ for Unit 2 moving up 1 MW for T -20$ for Unit 1 moving down 1 MW for T +30 $ for Unit 2 moving up 1 MW for T+10 -20$ for Unit 1 moving down 1 MW for T+10 =50 60$ @T+10, Unit 1 is marginal. Unit 2 is ramp constrained (DOWN). This is similar to what happens with CURRENT SCED when resource dispatched down to LDL. Here, Unit 2 LMP ($20) < Offer Price ($30) and is dispatched DOWN. November 28, 2011
Example 3: Ramping Constraints – Load Valley
Resource Parameters Price Curves Resource LSL (MW) HSL Ramp Rate (MW/min) Unit 1 15 1 Unit 2 2 $/MWh $/MWh 40 30 20 10 MW MW 5 5 15 15 Unit 1 Unit 2 November 28, 2011
Example 3: Ramping Constraints – Load Valley (continued)
Current SCED (sequential) System Dispatch “Look-Ahead SCED” - RTD System Dispatch Time Interval GTBD System Lambda Over/Under Generation System Costs T+0 14 20 230 T+5 7 -250 2 (Over) 590 T+10 Total Cost 1050 Time Interval GTBD System Lambda Over/Under Generation System Costs T+0 14 30 250 T+5 7 10 90 T+10 Total Cost 590 November 28, 2011
Example 3: Ramping Constraints – Load Valley (continued)
Current SCED (sequential) @T+5, the load to be served is 9MW, the system is 2 MW over. The System Lambda is set by the over generation penalty cost of 250$/MWh. Unit 1 Dispatch Unit 2 Dispatch Time Interval TM LDL HDL Base Point LMP Payment Cost Profit Payment-Cost T+0 14 9 15 20 280 230 50 T+5 -250 -2250 130 -2380 T+10 4 Net$ -2280 Time Interval TM LDL HDL Base Point LMP Payment Cost Profit Payment-Cost T+0 10 20 T+5 -250 T+10 Net$ November 28, 2011
Example 3: Ramping Constraints – Load Valley (continued)
“Look-Ahead SCED” - RTD Unit 1 Dispatch Unit 2 Dispatch Time Interval TM LDL HDL Base Point LMP Payment Cost Profit Payment-Cost T+0 14 n/a 12 30 360 190 170 T+5 7 10 70 90 -20 T+10 Net$ 320 Time Interval TM LDL HDL Base Point LMP Payment Cost Profit Payment-Cost T+0 n/a 2 30 60 T+5 10 T+10 Net$ November 28, 2011
Example 3: Ramping Constraints – Load Valley (continued)
“Look-Ahead SCED” – RTD @T+0, The System Lambda is set by Unit 2 is 30$/MWh. Unit 1 cost is 20$/MWh and the price is 30$/MWh. LMP > offer price for Unit 1 but Unit 1 is ramped DOWN. @T+5, System Lambda is the change in objective function to a change in demand (by +-1 MW). If system demand changes by +1 MW for T+5, then change in objective function is: +20 $ for Unit 1 moving up 1 MW for T+5 +20 $ for Unit 1 moving up 1 MW for T -30$ for Unit 2 moving down 1 MW for T =10$ @T+10, Unit 2 is marginal. Unit 1 is ramp constrained (UP). This is similar to what happens with CURRENT SCED when resource dispatched up to HDL. Here, Unit 1 LMP ($30) > Offer Price ($20) and is dispatched UP. November 28, 2011
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