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Welcome to MAMS Back to School Night Mrs. Hynes 6th Grade Math

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to MAMS Back to School Night Mrs. Hynes 6th Grade Math"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to MAMS Back to School Night Mrs. Hynes 6th Grade Math

2 6th Grade Math Curriculum
The Number System Add, Subtract, multiply, and divide numbers using the standard algorithm GCF/LCM Integers and Rational Numbers Coordinate Plane Expressions and Equations Evaluate expressions, equations, and inequalities Relationships with variables Ratios and Proportions Reasoning Ratios and rates Percents Proportions Geometry Area/Volume 3-D figures Statistics

3 Accelerated Curriculum
The Number System Operations with Rational Numbers Ratios and Proportions Proportional Relationships Graphing relationships Expressions and Equations Apply properties of rational numbers to equations Convert between forms of numbers Graph inequalities and equations

4 Math Practice Standards
Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them Reason abstractly and quantitatively Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others Model with mathematics Use appropriate tools strategically Attend to precision Look for and make use of structure Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning

5 Grading Policy 15% Homework & Classwork 35% Quizzes 50% Tests
*All grades will be listed on the parent portal in a timely fashion.

6 Homework Policy Assigned most days to review and reinforce concepts learned in class Please check your child’s agenda each night If absent, homework must be made up in as many days as absent No late homework accepted as we review it in class the next day

7 Time Management Time management is a challenge for middle-schoolers
We will work on the following this year: Assignments to be turned in on time No extra time given on tests/quizzes Classwork completed within given time constraints

8 Extra Credit Extra credit is given only in the following 2 ways:
Bonus questions on tests (Extra credit will only be given if the student answers ALL questions on the test) Extra credit activities occasionally given to the ENTIRE class **In order to receive extra credit in my math class, a student must do ALL work that is required first.**

9 Class Expectations and the Husky Creed
Be Ready to Learn Have all necessary supplies, including HW, agenda and a pencil Begin Do-Now and write HW in agenda for the day Stay focused and on task Be Respectful Be Responsible Take ownership for learning Use time and resources wisely

10 My Webpage
Contact Information Policies Links/Resources

11 Textbook Big Ideas Math – 2014 Advanced 1 Orange Edition
Student name and Password created by students Interactive games for reinforcement References *Textbook

12 Google Classrooms
Post homework and Problems of the Week (POWs) Post Test/quiz dates and upcoming projects Ask questions to teacher and peers Post/turn in assignments

13 We are a TEAM. Let’s work together to make the school year a success.
Thank you for Taking the Time to Come and Support your Children and Their Education! We are a TEAM. Let’s work together to make the school year a success.

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