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Learning About SLOAC’s at GCC

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1 Learning About SLOAC’s at GCC
October 22, 2009

2 The Teaching Process and SLOAC
Assessment- student’s data pre class and post class, teaching tools and style Analysis- outcome results, actual utilization of resources, change or add pre requisites

3 Teaching Process cont. Plans for next offering- stay the same, utilize new resources or styles, change objectives to meet new information changes from current research Teach Evaluate

4 Key Components of Student Assessment
Cognitive Level Previous classes- how long ago, what has been retained- can’t rely on grades Special for nursing- TEAS test Can community colleges gain access to HS exit exam scores? Conduct mini “TEAS” exam first day of class- English comp, math, critical thinking

5 Cognitive Level: What does the student bring
HS courses- grades really may not reflect ability Other college courses: ditto How long ago was course work Past life experiences Information competency abilities- digital immigrants versus digital natives Use of student portfolio- eLumen?

6 Cumulative entrance Exams
TEAS SAT ACT Your own- online with Respondus Can student compose a sentence, do 10th grade math, critical think through a problem

7 Example of a Respondus Survey
NS MEDICAL-SURGICAL NURSING IV #7908-Kathy M... (Kathy McNeese) Skills Lab Day Evaluation February 21, Answer Distribution Question: Which Station was most beneficial? Answer Value Frequency Distribution - 0% 1 a      b 17 c 6 d 4

8 SLOAC Loop

9 An example of Assessment Data
1. Student Metacognition= TEAS pre class assessment scores 2. Pedagogy= class discussion, web based chapter review from publisher, with NCLEX questions and case studies, watching videos in NRL 3. Curriculum = this is an entry level course so no past courses in the nursing curriculum can be assessed. 4. Success in Student Learning- see attached spread sheet for student’s TEAS scores and student’s scores 3 unit exams and their use of the end of chapter publisher based NCLEX questions.

10 Technology and the Steamroller

11 Learning Activities

12 Assess Student Services
1. Activities- registering via internet for web based learning activities 2. Services- NRL- in flux this summer due to building change 3. Attitudes, perceptions and satisfaction- no formal survey done, 2 students dropped out after second week.

13 Student Services

14 Using a Textbooks Website

15 Analysis of SLO:I. SLO #1. Students will be able to define healthcare terms and state concepts that form the basis for the delivery of healthcare in the USA Actual outcomes- 4 students failed this course between both sessions. 14 students out of 37 used the web based learning activities in the standard group. Of 4 Students who failed, none of them used the learning tools provided on the web. Anecdotal: In office hours each of these students expressed difficulty with exams that required critical thinking and not just memorization. Their computer literacy with web based activities was weak

16 Analysis for SLO:SLO #2. Students will demonstrate beginning literacy in health care informatics
Pedagogy used Per new teaching info gleaned at NLN seminar in Anaheim 2007, students placed into groups rather than students gathering with friends, to promote inter culture exchange. Class done in library use stressing APA format, data bases, and how to search the web 1 WEbCT site/class used for both standard and W/E programs to promote unity All students tracked using publishers websites for learning resources, end of chapter NCLEX questions, Case study use introduced

17 Analysis of SLO #2 cont. 2 groups did extremely well with group process, outlining and APA format. The others still struggled and refused or just did not follow directions for APA format, readily accessible on the WEBCT course site. Problems occurred in some groups with different work ethics and with those students who had low or no skills in doing library/web based information research. All students are now aware of referred journals versus fiction and consumer entertainment. The library day was very good.

18 Refinements for next Offering
1. Student worker in NRL to help students with web based activities. 2. Use TEAS assessment scores to ID those students at risk and intervene early 3. Stress the case study activities on the web and use these as homework for the class

19 Problem Solving Web issues with Textbook Web site
Down for 4 days at a time- time management issues for students Wrong info and answers did not match book Reports for Instructors software did not work

20 Template for SLOAC completion: an example
A. Assessment Data collected from 1. Student Metacognition= 2. Pedagogy= 3. Curriculum = where in the department or certificate does this course fit for progression 4. Success or Failures in Student Learning- B. Assessing Student services involved 1. Activities- inclass, community, home, web, 2. Services- on campus, off campus 3. Attitudes, perceptions and satisfaction- Respondus, in class one minute assessment 4. Actual outcomes- Grade spread, dropped students, collective rubrics C. Analyze data Your suggestions D. Refinements for the next time this class is taught E. Re-examine these changes after the next course offering.

21 SLOAC and You Set time, place and dissemination of SLOAC for each course you teach Use a Template to document data assessed Do research on current teaching practice, and current concepts for your class The Nike philosophy “just do it”

22 Another SLOAC Diagram

23 SLOAC: it should not be this hard

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