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3rd Grade FSA Parent Night

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1 3rd Grade FSA Parent Night

2 Agenda What is the FSA? FSA testing dates
FSA test length, Sessions and Times Achievement Levels Promotion Requirements FSA Test Specifications How can I help my child at home?

3 What is the FSA? The Florida Standards Assessment (FSA)
FSA is an authentic assessment that includes more than just multiple choice questions. Students will be expected to respond to multiple choice questions, create graphs, write and respond in different ways than on other traditional tests. Will prepare Florida students for success in college, career, and in life by emphasizing analytical thinking. Measures student mastery of the standards taught. Meets high quality standards for assessment, including reliability and validity for a variety of accountability purposes. Emphasizes critical thinking.

4 English Language Arts (Reading) Assessment
FSA Test Dates English Language Arts (Reading) Assessment (March 27 – March 31, 2017) Mathematics Session (April 10 - May 12, 2017)

5 Florida Transfer to Computer –Based Testing
, I I Assessment l.! F:LOR I DA STANDARiDS.ASSESSM ENTS Ameriican lnsititutes for Research (AIR) Grade 3 ELA PBT PBT PBT 1st year CBT Grade 3 Math PBT PBT 1st year CBT CBT Grade 4 ELA PBT ln year CBT CBT CBT Grade 4 Math PBT PBT 1st year CBT CBT Grade 5 ELA ls1 year CBT CBT CBT CBT Grade 5 Math CBT CBT CBT CBT "•,

6 Test Length 3 56-60 4 5 6 58-62 Grade/Course Number of Items
Note: Approximately 6-10 items within the Reading, Language, and Listening components listed above are experimental (field test) items and are included in the ranges above but are not included in students’ scores.

7 (Not Including the Writing Component)
Sessions and Times FSA ELA (Not Including the Writing Component) Grade/Subject Administration Time Number of Sessions** Computer-Based in 2017 3 160 minutes 2 No 4 Yes 5 6 170 minutes ** All sessions are administered over two days 3rd grade – will not be assessed in writing

8 FSA Mathematics Grade/Subject Administration Time Number of Sessions**
Computer-Based in 2017 3-4 160 minutes 2 Yes 5 6 180 minutes 3 ** All sessions are administered over two days

9 Number of Words per Passage
The length and complexity of texts should vary within each grade-level assessment. The table below suggests an approximate word count range for a text or text set. Grade Level Number of Words 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade 6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade

10 FSA Achievement Levels
“The success a student has achieved with the Florida Standards will be assessed by FSA ELA and Mathematics assessments and is described by Achievement Levels that range from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest). Level 3 indicates satisfactory performance.

11 3rd Grade Portfolio More information will be sent from the FLDOE during the month of February

12 Promotion Requirements
: promotion was based on proficiency demonstrated by grades, benchmark assessments, and portfolio. Forthcoming Information Mandatory Retention Year Achievement Level 3 in ELA Portfolio

13 Multiple Choice Items For these items, choose the best answer from the answer choices, and fill in one bubble for the correct answer. Example: 13

14 Multiselect Items For these items, choose more than one correct answer from the answer choices, and fill in the bubbles for more than one correct answer. Be sure to read the item carefully to know how many correct answers to choose. Example: 14

15 Graphic Response Items
For these items, enter your response by drawing lines between matching words or phrases. Drawing lines is the correct way to enter your answer ONLY for the items that ask you to do this. Example: 15

16 For each blank, fill in the bubble before the correct word or phrase.
Editing Tasks For editing items, choose the correct word or phrase to fill in each blank in a passage. For each blank, fill in the bubble before the correct word or phrase. 16

17 The two parts of the item may be either multiple-choice (one
Two-Part Items The two parts of the item may be either multiple-choice (one correct answer) or multi-select (more than one correct answer), so be sure to read the item carefully to know how many correct answers to choose. Two-Part Item Example 17

18 Grade 3 Mathematics Sta ndard Coverage
Reporting Category Standard •1o of Test Operations, Algebraic Thinking, and N u mbers in Base Ten MAFS.3.0A.l . l 48 MAFS.3.0A.1 .2 MAFS.3.0A.1.3 MAFS.3.0A MAFS.3.0A.2.5 MAFS.3.0A.2.6 MAFS.3.0A.3.7 MAFS.3.0A.4.8 MAFS.3.0A.4.9 MAFS.3 .NBT.1. 1 MAFS.3.NBT.1.2 MAFS.3.NBT. 1.3 Nu mbers and Operations - Fractions MAFS.3.NF.1.1 Also Assesses MAFS.3.G. 1.2 17 MAFS.3 .NF. 1.2 MAFS.3.NF.1 .3 i\feasurement, Data, and Geometry MAFS.3.MD.1 .1 35 MAFS.3.MD.1 .2 MAFS.3.MD.2.3 MAFS.3.MD.2.4 MAFS.3.MD.3.7 Also Assesses MAFS.3.MD.3.5 and MAFS.3.MD.3.6 MAFS.3.MD.4.8 MAFS.3.G.1 .1 Total Standard Groupings 22 IOO

19 Multiple Choice Items For these items, you’ll choose the best answer from the answer choices, and fill in one bubble for the correct answer. Example: 19

20 Multiselect Items For these items, choose more than one correct answer from the answer choices, and fill in the bubbles for more than one correct answer. Be sure to read the item carefully to know how many correct answers to choose. Example: 20

21 Equation Items For these items, write your response in the box provided. Writing your response is the correct way to enter your answer ONLY for the items that tell you to do this. Example: 48 x 28 = 1344 21

22 Two Part Equation Items
Some equation items have two parts. For a two-part equation item, such as the one to the right, be sure to enter your answer for each part of the item. (40+4) (30+7) 1628 22

23 Score Reporting Scores for the assessments will be released in June 2017 Parents/families will receive a paper score report after scores are distributed to the districts Overall score for each subject Student’s Achievement Level Percentile Rank More specific content-area scores

24 A+ Parent Resources 

25 Forthcoming Information
Exact administration dates Scoring Criteria/Cut Scores Promotion Criteria Details on Portfolio

26 How can I help my child at home?
Strive for 45 each week. Using I-Ready will provide practice for the students to find success. Help infuse what is being learned in class at home. READ with children at least 30 minutes each day. Students can then use the books read at home, and take tests at school using Accelerated Reader (AR) program. Use computer websites: Power School– keep up-to-date with student progress iReady Use this website to read about updates, and have your child complete the training tests in both Reading and Math.

27 Questions??

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