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Integrating K-12 Instructional Best Practices into Precollege Classes

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1 Integrating K-12 Instructional Best Practices into Precollege Classes
Erin Schoenlein Transitional Studies Faculty – Clark College BtCM Higher Ed Partner Dawn Draus Math Faculty – Lower Columbia College BtCM Course Trainer Megan Luce Precollege Math Faculty - Cascadia College BtCM Higher Ed Lead Integrating K-12 Instructional Best Practices into Precollege Classes AMATYC – Denver, November 2016

2 Smarter Balanced Agreement: WA two-year colleges
11th Grade Score Level Math Placement Options Available Based on Score 4 Any entry college-level math course through pre-calculus I 3 Math& 107 (Math in Society), Math& 146 (Statistics), or their equivalents Pre-calculus contingent on a B or better in a calculus pathway class (any algebra-based courses with Algebra 2 as a formal or informal prerequisite) as a high school senior Smarter Balanced Agreement: WA two-year colleges Math Placement options apply to students who… go directly into higher education after high school, i.e., the fall term of the academic year following their high school cohort graduation.

3 Smarter Balanced Agreement (continued)
11th Grade Score Level Math Placement Options Available Based on Score 2 Math& 107 (Math in Society), Math& 146 (Statistics), or their equivalents, contingent on a B or better in the statewide Bridge to College Math course or through local institutional processes (transcript, high school GPA, additional testing, etc.) 1 Additional placement information, determined by local institutional processes (transcript, high school GPA, additional testing, etc.), needed for all entry-level courses Smarter Balanced Agreement (continued) .

Course standards identified by college and high school math faculty from Common Core State Standards and Standards for Mathematical Practice Prepares students for non-calculus pathway college-level courses such as Math in Society and Statistics Revised version of MathReady by SREB used as curricular materials for the course; highlights modeling, reasoning, and engaging tasks grounded in applications Each unit includes a hook, at least one formative assessment lesson, and a series of classroom tasks BRIDGE TO COLLEGE MATH Course

5 Washington Transition Courses
Bridge to College Math Bridge to College English Pilot math & English course materials (38 districts, 42 high schools) 74 districts 125 high schools ~260 teachers 97 districts 162 high schools ~280 teachers College Spark grant ( ) Core to College grant ( )

6 Standards for Mathematical Practice (common core state standards)
Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Model with mathematics. Use appropriate tools strategically. Attend to precision. Look for and make use of structure. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

7 Bucky the Badger video UNIT 1 HOOK Engage Poster paper
Components needed that will make the argument viable? By Source, Fair use,

8 How many pushups does Bucky do?
Explore and explain How many pushups does Bucky do? Give an estimate that you know to be too high Give an estimate that you know to be too low Here’s what happened… Bucky the Badger video What combinations of points that aren’t possible (touchdowns 7 and 3)

9 Unit 2 Formative assessment lesson
Is this equation “always true”, “never true”, or “sometimes true”? (x + 2)(y + 2) = xy + 4 Be prepared to share and justify your answer. Unit 2 Formative assessment lesson Remind teachers of the norms and what your team members need to be successful. Launch: Always Sometimes Never true? Let teachers work in pairs for 10 minutes Monitor, select a few people to support their position (Always, sometimes, never) Address the idea that x and y can be 0 Algebraic approach and visual/area model approach

10 Justify your answer EVERY time.
Card sort TAKE TURNS determining if an equation is always true, sometimes true or never true. Justify your answer EVERY time. Explore: Always Sometimes Never Card Sort Work in groups, take turns, sort into 3 piles Be sure only one person is talking in a group at a time and providing reasons for every card. Be sure you are using reasoning skills – provide justification Facilitator/Teacher can ask: Can you use an area model to justify? Can you use an algebraic approach to justify? Can you sketch a graph to show why (Card 8) has only 2 solutions?

11 Bridge to College MATH at Clark College
Focus on College and Career Readiness Standards Using an Open Education Resource from WAMAP Portions of the Bridges curriculum 5 out of 8 units Appropriate tasks Order deviations Adaptions necessary for Basic Skills students

12 Focus on Student Learning
“I think this class is not too challenging as to where someone would want to drop the class.” “The class was very encouraging – I really like the Math Ready packet, but the card sorts were hard.” “The awesome part is that in the past I would think about how to modify my handout and the colors I used at the board, rather than change the approach altogether. “ Tracy Nehnevaj, Professor Clark College “It’s a lot of math to learn but it works.”

13 Bridge to College Math at Lower Columbia College
MATH 087/097 – Essentials of Pre-College Math Unit 1 – Algebraic Expressions Unit 2 – Linear Equations Unit 3 – Linear Functions Unit 4 – Linear Systems of Equations Unit 5 – Quadratic Functions Unit 6 – Exponential Functions BtCM Unit 1 BtCM Unit 2 BtCM Unit 4 BtCM Unit 5 BtCM Unit 6 BtCM Unit 7 Aligns with SREB without much effort We are able to use the same text to support the routine math MML used for homework, because that is what we already have

14 What students and teachers are saying
"Where has this class been all my life? In other math classes, I have felt like everyone else gets it and I'm drowning. In this class, we cheer each other on. It's a very encouraging environment.“ "I was so scared to come back to math after all of these years. This class is fun. I am not scared.“ "In this class I'm learning the 'why' of what I'm doing, which makes me more confident in my ability.” TEACHERS: "How often do your math students ask you if they can stay late because they are having fun?“ "[They] are significantly more prepared for critical thinking and problem solving." What students and teachers are saying

15 Bridge to College Math at Cascadia College
Introduction to Algebra (Units 1 & 2) Introduction to Modeling, Operations and Expressions, Linear Equations, and Simplifying Expressions and Solving Equations Essentials of Intermediate Algebra (Units 4, 5, & 7) Linear Functions, Systems of Linear Equations, Polynomials, Exponential Functions, and Logarithmic Functions Algebra for Pre-Calculus (Unit 6) Factoring Polynomials and Solving Polynomial Functions, Quadratic Functions, Rational Functions, and Radical Functions Bridge to College Math at Cascadia College

16 Student Feedback This course allowed students to come to conclusions on our own without the teacher telling us what to learn. The teacher taught math in a way that made a math incompetent fool like me understand. She helped us understand what math was rather than memorization. I was hesitant about doing so much group work in class but I found it very beneficial to help others or to see how other people came to conclusions that I was having trouble with.

17 Benefits at all three institutions
Students gain confidence, critical thinking skills, and ability to “speak” math while transitioning to college level courses BEdA, developmental, and math faculty shift teaching practices to incorporate the Mathematical Practices into their classrooms Collegial conversations between BEdA and precollege instructors focused on student learning

18 Learn More about the course and access the materials

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