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An Advanced Step in Team-Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) Training

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Presentation on theme: "An Advanced Step in Team-Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) Training"— Presentation transcript:

1 Please Review “Please Read FIRST” file BEFORE training teams in TIPS problem solving

2 An Advanced Step in Team-Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) Training
Working with Data An Advanced Step in Team-Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) Training Facilitated by: APA Citation: Horner, R. H., Newton, J. S., Todd, A. W., Algozzine, B., Algozzine, B., Cusumano, D., & Preston, A. (2015). A randomized wait-list controlled analysis of team-initiated problem solving (TIPS).

3 Objectives By the end of today, you will be able to:
Verbalize the TIPS problem solving model Demonstrate skills needed for effective and efficient TIPS problem solving Apply the TIPS model to multiple data sets Support problem solving teams in schools Gather fidelity data to assist teams in refining problem solving Access resources to refine your skills further

4 Time 1: Rate your current Comfort Level Using TIPS for Problem Solving
Acquiring Fluent Proficient In the process of developing skills I have the skills I have the skills and can teach/coach others

5 Team-Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS II) Model
What, Who, When, Where, and Why? Identify Problem with Precision Team-Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS II) Model How do we want the problem to change? What next? Make Summative Evaluation Decision Identify Goal for Change Collect and Use Data Has the problem been solved? Monitor Impact of Solution and Compare against Goal Identify Solution and Create Implementation Plan with Contextual Fit Use this slide to bring the TIPS II model “to life” Reference the larger graphic (on chart paper or posted on wall) and highlight the point that if you fall off the wheel, you cannot effectively or efficiently reach problem solutions Implement Solution with High Integrity What are we going to do to bring about desired change? Did we implement with fidelity? Meeting Foundations

6 Pick a Data Packet/Set from Scenarios #’s 1 to 6
Hand out data packets based on whether participants or teams want an academic or behavior packet Pick a Data Packet/Set from Scenarios #’s 1 to 6 and work through the problem solving process 15 minutes

7 Use the Meeting Minutes file on your laptop
Initial Data Files Outcome Data Use this slide to show where information should go on the TIPS Meeting Minutes that has been modified for this activity. Use this as a handout or as an electronic file.

8 15 Minutes Using this PowerPoint break timer However, when you start the slide show, the timer will start at the correct time and count down by 1-minute intervals until it gets to 1 minute. At that point, it will count down in two 30-seconds intervals to 00:00.

9 Scenario Examples

10 Scenario 1 Biology – overall completion rate = 25%
Accuracy of work completed is high. English – overall completion rate = 21.3% Algebra – overall completion rate = 17%

11 Engaged during whole group instruction
Disengaged during small group work that reviewed homework When homework was not complete, other students ignored Student B

12 Scenario #1 Precise Problem Statement
Student B is not completing homework assigned during the week in his biology, algebra, and English classes. It is believed that this is occurring because he is shy and avoids class reviews of homework where student participation offering answers on assigned work is required. Accuracy rates are average to high indicating that Student B appears to understand content. Current Levels: Biology: Completion rates range from 5% to 38% with an average of 25% completion rate across past month. Average accuracy rates = 95.5% English: Completion rates range from 10% to 50% with an average of 21.3% completion rate across past month. Average accuracy rates = 93.3% Algebra: Completion rates range from 0% to 33% with an average of 17% completion rate across past month. Average accuracy rates = 72%

13 Scenario 2


15 Scenario #2 Precise Problem Statement
Student J is displaying off-task behaviors across the school day but primarily during independent seatwork in reading, math and science in her classrooms. It is believed that this is due to her not identifying when she is not on-task and then not understanding how to refocus her attention to her seatwork. Current Levels: Average on-task behaviors were recorded across 38% of intervals observed (range from 27% to 50%) during the week of 9/28 to 10/2.

16 Inappropriate language
Scenario #3 Inappropriate language

17 Hallway Transitions

18 Peer Attention 7th Graders

19 Scenario #3 Precise Problem Statement
Many 7th grade students are engaging in inappropriate language in the hallways during all five transitions between classes. It is believed that they are receiving peer attention from engaging in these behaviors. Current Levels: Frequency counts recorded across the past week (3/17-3/21) document an a total of 72 referrals for inappropriate language for these 7th graders.

20 Scenario #4

21 Students not aware of AP classes
Middle School counselors lack knowledge about AP classes for rising freshman Students not aware of AP classes

22 Scenario #4 Precise Problem Statement
Freshman students are not taking AP classes during their first year of high school because they are not informed of them during their registration period and counselors do not know the process/availability Current Levels: school year: 2% enrolled with 35% eligible – 6% of eligible freshman enrolled in AP classes

23 35% of students families attended Open House
Scenario #5 35% of students families attended Open House

24 Want to attend but barriers (e. g
Want to attend but barriers (e.g., childcare, scheduling, not aware of it)

25 Scenario #5 Precise Problem Statement
Attendance at Fall Open House at our school is low with only 35% of our students having family attend. It is reported that many families do not attend because they do not have enough notice ahead of time about the date and time and because it conflicts with other family needs such as childcare and meal preparation. Current Levels: Open House % of students’ parents attended

26 Scenario #6



29 Products from Assessment
High Accuracy rates No consistent error patterns

30 Scenario #6 Precise Problem Statement
When presented with math multiplication fast fact timed exercises, 9 students in 5th grade are performing Well Below Grade Level expectation with completion rates that fall below fall benchmarks (25 correct answers for fall; 75 correct responses for winter; 90 correct responses for spring). It is thought that these students are still in the acquisition stage of learning multiplication facts and, as a result, cannot reach fluency rates needed on this assessment. Current Levels: See attached table with fall scores that range from 5-23 correct responses.

31 Scenario #7 Math Class

32 Reading Class

33 Science Class World Language Class

34 Scenario #7 Precise Problem Statement
According to ABC data gathered, when Student M is presented with more than 1 non-preferred task in a row in his reading or math class, he will display disruptive behaviors such as pushing books off the desk, breaking pencils, talking out, or hitting his chair against the desk in order to avoid completing the tasks presented. Current Level: According to frequency data gathered over the last two weeks, Student M displays an average of 5 or more disruptive behaviors per 90-minute class block (reading = average of 6.7 instances per class and math = average of 5.9 instances per class)

35 Scenario # 8

36 Teacher and data referrals – below expectation

37 Teacher referrals – below expectation; Potential retention candidate

38 Teacher referrals – below expectation; Potential retention candidate

39 Scenario #8 Precise Problem Statement
Hit rates (percentage of students who are referred for special education evaluation who eventually are found eligible for services) during the spring semester of last year were low or below the goal of 75% at 5 elementary schools because the referrals process is seen as a “catch all” for students who are not meeting expectations and for whom retention is being considered. Current Levels: School 2 = 40%; School 3 = 50%; School 6 = 49%; School 7 = 66%; School 8 = 59%

40 Scenario # 9

41 Need more information and background about MTSS

42 Scenario #9 Precise Problem Statement
Implementation of the new Multi-tiered System of Support (MTSS) approach to problem solving student academic and behavior challenges is not meeting the required level of consensus for support from high school staff in our district. Consensus should be at 80% but at present is only at 45% because staff do not understand how it applies to supporting high school students and need more information. Current Levels: 55% support for implementation of MTSS as of 8/15

43 Scenario # 10 3rd grade Winter data: 57% not meeting expectation in comprehension; 39% not meeting expectation in fluency

44 4th grade Winter data: 60% not meeting expectation in comprehension; 48% not meeting expectation in fluency

45 Scenario #10 Precise Problem Statement
Third and fourth grade reading curriculum is not providing enough fluency instruction and practice and, as a result, reading comprehension skills for third and fourth grades are falling below expectation across grade levels beginning as noted in winter benchmark data gathered in third grade. Current Levels: - See attached graphs. Winter 2014: 43% of 3rd graders are meeting expectation in reading comprehension; 40% of 4th graders are meeting reading comprehension; In reading fluency, 61% of 3rd graders are meeting expectation compared to 52% of 4th graders.

46 3 students are below Norm Grade Level Mean RIT
Scenario # 11 3 students are below Norm Grade Level Mean RIT

47 Students R & X are performing in the Low Average range in Math Computation but doing well in reading. Student Z is performing in the Low Average range in Math Computation and Data Analysis and also has areas of below expectation performance in reading.

48 Performance on addition and subtraction assessments fall in the Average range of grade level performance

49 Performance on mixed problems falls well below expectations.


51 Multiplication problems presented in horizontal orientation were solved incorrectly. Multiplication problems presented vertically were solved correctly

52 Scenario #11 Precise Problem Statement
Three third grade students are not performing at expectation on computation assessments that include mixed problem sets because they are not generalizing the steps for multiplication when presented with problems in horizontal vs. vertical orientation. Addition and subtraction processes are established well. Current Levels: - See attached graphs.

53 Scenario # 12

54 Scenario #12 Precise Problem Statement
During the fall semester, Student R is performing below expectation in his Physics class because he is not proficient in the math (i.e., trigonometry) skills needed to complete problem examples in Physics work. Current Levels: Chapter test grades: Trig Review = D; Motion = F; Force = F; Work and Energy = D; Power = F

55 Reminders for Problem Solving - open and show Reminders Power Point show -

56 Scenario Outcomes

57 Scenario #1 Precise Problem Statement
Student B is not completing homework assigned during the week in his biology, algebra, and English classes. It is believed that this is occurring because he is shy and avoids class reviews of homework where student participation offering answers on assigned work is required. Accuracy rates are average to high indicating that Student B appears to understand content. Current Levels: Biology: Completion rates range from 5% to 38% with an average of 25% completion rate across past month. Average accuracy rates = 95.5% English: Completion rates range from 10% to 50% with an average of 21.3% completion rate across past month. Average accuracy rates = 93.3% Algebra: Completion rates range from 0% to 33% with an average of 17% completion rate across past month. Average accuracy rates = 72%


59 Baseline: Percent Completed = 25% Accuracy = 95.5% Now: Percent Completed = 67.8% Accuracy = 97.8%

60 Baseline: Percent Completed = 21.3% Accuracy = 93.3% Now: Percent Completed = 74.5% Accuracy = 95.8%

61 Baseline: Percent Completed = 17% Accuracy = 72% Now:
85% X X Baseline: Percent Completed = 17% Accuracy = 72% Now: Percent Completed = 84.5% Accuracy = 98.3%

62 Scenario #2 Precise Problem Statement
Student J is displaying off-task behaviors across the school day but primarily during independent seatwork in reading, math and science in her classrooms. It is believed that this is due to her not identifying when she is not on-task and then not understanding how to refocus her attention to her seatwork. Current Levels: Average on-task behaviors were recorded across 38% of intervals observed (range from 27% to 50%) during the week of 9/28 to 10/2.

63 85% X X

64 Scenario #3 Precise Problem Statement
Many 7th grade students are engaging in inappropriate language in the hallways during all five transitions between classes. It is believed that they are receiving peer attention from engaging in these behaviors. Current Levels: Frequency counts recorded across the past week (3/17-3/21) document an a total of 72 referrals for inappropriate language for these 7th graders.

65 Decreases in all referrals

66 Decreases in all locations except for bus
Decreases at all times except for bus

67 85% X X Address this problem on the bus

68 Scenario #4 Precise Problem Statement
Freshman students are not taking AP classes during their first year of high school because they are not informed of them during their registration period and counselors do not know the process/availability Current Levels: school year: 2% enrolled with 35% eligible – 6% of eligible freshman enrolled in AP classes

69 85% X X Baseline: 3.1 Now: 4.75 Baseline: 1.5 Now: 4.78

70 Scenario #5 Precise Problem Statement
Attendance at Fall Open House at our school is low with only 35% of our students having family attend. It is reported that many families do not attend because they do not have enough notice ahead of time about the date and time and because it conflicts with other family needs such as childcare and meal preparation. Current Levels: Open House % of students’ parents attended

71 Baseline: 35% of families attended
Now: 55% of families attended 85% X X

72 Scenario #6 Precise Problem Statement
When presented with math multiplication fast fact timed exercises, 9 students in 5th grade are performing Well Below Grade Level expectation with completion rates that fall below fall benchmarks (25 correct answers for fall; 75 correct responses for winter; 90 correct responses for spring). It is thought that these students are still in the acquisition stage of learning multiplication facts and, as a result, cannot reach fluency rates needed on this assessment. Current Levels: See attached table with fall scores that range from 5-23 correct responses.

73 X 85% X 4th grade has met goal
5th grade has made progress and is close to goal

74 Scenario #7 Precise Problem Statement
According to ABC data gathered, when Student M is presented with more than 1 non-preferred task in a row in his reading or math class, he will display disruptive behaviors such as pushing books off the desk, breaking pencils, talking out, or hitting his chair against the desk in order to avoid completing the tasks presented. Current Level: According to frequency data gathered over the last two weeks, Student M displays an average of 5 or more disruptive behaviors per 90-minute class block (reading = average of 6.7 instances per class and math = average of 5.9 instances per class)

75 85%  Baseline X X

76 Scenario #8 Precise Problem Statement
Hit rates (percentage of students who are referred for special education evaluation who eventually are found eligible for services) during the spring semester of last year were low or below the goal of 75% at 5 elementary schools because the referrals process is seen as a “catch all” for students who are not meeting expectations and for whom retention is being considered. Current Levels: School 2 = 40%; School 3 = 50%; School 6 = 49%; School 7 = 66%; School 8 = 59%

77 Did NOT Meet Goal: Met Goal:
2 out of 9 schools Met Goal: 7 out of 9 schools v v v v v v v 85% X X Recycle through problem solving with schools 6 & 8

78 Scenario #9 Precise Problem Statement
Implementation of the new Multi-tiered System of Support (MTSS) approach to problem solving student academic and behavior challenges is not meeting the required level of consensus for support from high school staff in our district. Consensus should be at 80% but at present is only at 45% because staff do not understand how it applies to supporting high school students and need more information. Current Levels: 55% support for implementation of MTSS as of 8/15

79 85% X X

80 Scenario #10 Precise Problem Statement
Third and fourth grade reading curriculum is not providing enough fluency instruction and practice and, as a result, reading comprehension skills for third and fourth grades are falling below expectation across grade levels beginning as noted in winter benchmark data gathered in third grade. Current Levels: - See attached graphs. Winter 2014: 43% of 3rd graders are meeting expectation in reading comprehension; 40% of 4th graders are meeting reading comprehension; In reading fluency, 61% of 3rd graders are meeting expectation compared to 52% of 4th graders.



83 X 85% X

84 Scenario #11 Precise Problem Statement
Three third grade students are not performing at expectation on computation assessments that include mixed problem sets because they are not generalizing the steps for multiplication when presented with problems in horizontal vs. vertical orientation. Addition and subtraction processes are established well. Current Levels: - See attached graphs.



87 X 85% X

88 Scenario #12 Precise Problem Statement
During the fall semester, Student R is performing below expectation in his Physics class because he is not proficient in the math (i.e., trigonometry) skills needed to complete problem examples in Physics work. Current Levels: Chapter test grades: Trig Review = D; Motion = F; Force = F; Work and Energy = D; Power = F

89 85% X X

90 Team-Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS II) Model
Identify Problem with Precision Team-Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS II) Model Make Summative Evaluation Decision Identify Goal for Change Collect and Use Data Monitor Impact of Solution and Compare against Goal Identify Solution and Create Implementation Plan with Contextual Fit Implement Solution with High Integrity Meeting Foundations

91 Do we need to modify the solution to have a stronger impact?
Do we need to discuss the feasibility of this solution? If we met the goal, how do we maintain it? What do we do next? Should we recycle through the problem solving process? Do we need to revise the goal? Do we need to revise the precision statement for the problem?

92 What are your next steps?
Practice What are your next steps? 10 minutes

93 Save this template as a presentation (.ppt file) on your computer.
10 Minutes Using this PowerPoint break timer This PowerPoint slide uses images, custom animation, and timing to provide a countdown timer that you can use in any presentation. When you open the template, you’ll notice that the timer is set at 00:00. However, when you start the slide show, the timer will start at the correct time and count down by 1-minute intervals until it gets to 1 minute. At that point, it will count down in two 30-seconds intervals to 00:00. To insert this slide into your presentation Save this template as a presentation (.ppt file) on your computer. Open the presentation that will contain the timer. On the Slides tab, place your insertion point after the slide that will precede the timer. (Make sure you don't select a slide. Your insertion point should be between the slides.) On the Insert menu, click Slides from Files. In the Slide Finder dialog box, click the Find Presentation tab. Click Browse, locate and select the timer presentation, and then click Open. In the Slides from Files dialog box, select the timer slide. Select the Keep source formatting check box. If you do not select this check box, the copied slide will inherit the design of the slide that precedes it in the presentation. Click Insert. Click Close.

94 How are you doing?

95 Time 2: Rate your current Comfort Level Using TIPS for Problem Solving
Acquiring Fluent Proficient In the process of developing skills I have the skills I have the skills and can teach/coach others

96 Follow us: Email us:
(click on Training) YouTube at TIPS2grant Google Communities at TIPS Connect us: Training

97 University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Contact Information University of Oregon Rob Horner Anne Todd University of North Carolina at Charlotte Bob Algozzine Kate Algozzine Dale Cusumano Angela Preston

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