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Engage Your Readers Outcomes & Impact SESSION TITLE.

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Presentation on theme: "Engage Your Readers Outcomes & Impact SESSION TITLE."— Presentation transcript:

0 Measuring Impact Sheri Chaney Jones @mrcceo

1 Engage Your Readers Outcomes & Impact SESSION TITLE

2 Outcomes and Impact ≠ Dollars Raised Clients Served Donor Lists

3 Outcomes and Impact = Changed Lives Changed Circumstances
Social Return on Investment SESSION TITLE

4 Outputs Vs. Outcomes 350,000 33,000,000 burgers daily burgers daily

5 Which Program Would You Fund?
Program X Program Y provided recreational services to 100 underprivileged youth through recreational programs serving 100 youth, improved the reading comprehension by two grade levels kept 99% of at-risk youth served in school and 100% out of the juvenile justice system For every $ donated, the lifetime earning potential of one child is increased by $289,000 which is a 57,700% return on your investment (or 577 times your initial investment). SESSION TITLE

6 Outcomes = Your Whys Your Whys Your Participant Whys Your Funders Whys
Reflect on both the stakeholders as well as your own needs Your Whys Your Participant Whys Your Funders Whys SESSION TITLE

7 12 Outcomes Increased knowledge and learning Changed attitudes
Increased readiness Reduction of undesirable behavior Increased desirable behavior Maintenance of new behavior Increased social status Increased economic conditions Increased health conditions Reduction in administrative costs Increased economic development Participant/ stakeholder satisfaction SESSION TITLE

8 Pay Attention CHANGE SUCCESs Framework Listener Impact Change Idea or
New Project Unexpected Result Pay Attention Idea Implementation CHANGE Concrete Understand And Remember It Core and Compact Agree/Believe Credible Emotional Care Be Able To Act On It Stories From Made to Stick, by Chip & Dan Heath

9 Unexpected Data/Statistics
It is predicted that by 2018, there will be 1.4 million "computing" job openings in the country, but current educational patterns indicate that we'll have only about 400,000 graduates with appropriate degrees by then. US News Website Article, March 30, 2012 Did you know we serve nearly 3,000 seriously ill children and their families each year? Ronald McDonald House Charities Central Ohio These statements are customer-centric, actionable and “hard to argue with”. Waiting for Superman Measurement Resources Company

10 Outcomes and Impact = SESSION TITLE

11 Sheri Chaney Jones

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