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Integers Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division

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1 Integers Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division
Chapter 1: Module 1 and 2 By: Olivia Burwell, Brooke Bowers, Emma Carey

2 MODULE 1 VOCABULARY Additive inverse: the opposite of any number Absolute value: the distance from zero on a number line; shown by l l. Expression: a mathematical phrase that contains operations, numbers, and/or variables.

Essential Question and rule: How do you add integers with the same sign? To add integers with the same sign, add the absolute value of the integers and use the integers for the sum.

4 1. -2 + -7 = 2.-50 + -175 + - 345= 1.1 REVIEW QUESTIONS
= = 3. A football team loses 3 yards on one play and 6 yards on another play. Write a sum of negative ingeters to represent this situation.

Essential Question and rule: How to add integers with different signs? Subtract the lesser absolute value from the greater absolute value. Use the signs of the integers with the greater absolute value for a sum.

6 1. 3 + (-4) = 2. -79 + 79 = 1.2 REVIEW QUESTIONS
(-4) = = 3. A soccer team is having a car wash. The team spent $55 on supplies. They earned $ 275, including tips. The teams profit is the amount the team made after paying for supplies. Write a sum of integers that represent the teams profit.

7 1.3 SUBTRACTING INTEGERS Essential Question and rule: How do you subtract integers? To subtract integers, you keep the first number, change the subtraction sign into an addition sign, and do the opposite of the second number. Then use the rule for adding integers.

8 1.3 REVIEW QUESTIONS = = 3. Theo had a balance of -$4 dollars in his savings account. After making a deposit, he has $25 in his account. What is the overall change to his account?

Essential Question: How do you solve multistep problems involving addition and subtraction of integers? To solve multistep problems, you follow the rule of adding and subtracting integers.

10 -6+15+15= 2.-35-14+45+31= 1.4 REVIEW QUESTIONS
3. Herman is standing on a ladder that is partly in a hole. He starts out at a rung that is 6 feet under ground, climbs up 14 feet, then climbs down 11 feet. What is Herman’s final position, relative to the ground?

11 2.1 MULTIPLYING INTEGERS Essential Question and rule: How do you multiply integers? The product of two integers with opposite signs is negative. The product of two integers with the same sign is positive.

12 1. (-2)(50)= 2. -15(9)= 2.1 REVIEW QUESTIONS
1. (-2)(50)= (9)= 3. Adam is scuba diving. He descends 5 feet below sea level. He descends the same distance four more times. What is Adam’s final elevation?

13 2.2 DIVIDING INTEGERS Essential Question and rule: How do you divide integers? If the signs of the integers are the same, the answer is positive. If the signs of the integers are different, the answer is negative. Then divide the integers.

14 1. -14/2= 2. -500/-25= 2.2 REVIEW QUESTIONS
1. -14/2= /-25= 3. Clark made four of his truck payments late and was fined four late fees. The total change to his savings from late fees was -$40. How much was one late fee?

Essential Question: How can you use integer operations to solve real world problems? The order of operation applies to integer operations as well as positive number operations. Perform multiplication and division first, and then addition and subtraction. Work from left to right in the expression. These equations can be used to represent descent, gains, and loses.

16 1. -6(-5)+12= 2. 4(- 13)+20= 2.3 REVIEW QUESTIONS
1. -6(-5)+12= 2. 4(- 13)+20= 3. Bella pays seven payments of $5 each to a game store. She returns one game and receives $20 back. What is the change to the amount of money she has?

17 ANSWER KEY 1.1: : : 2.3: increased by $ $15 less 1.2: : : $ $10 3. 3 feet under ground













30 Module 5: Proportions and Percents
By: Julia maiorino, alexis kerr, and sarah moran

31 Vocabulary Section 1 Percent Increase- describes how much a quantity increases in comparison to the original amount. Percent Decrease- describes how much a quantity decreases in comparision to the original amount

32 Vocabulary Section 3 Simple Interest- a fixed percent of the principal Principal- original amount of money deposited or borrowed

33 Formulas for Section 1 Percent of Change = amount of change original amount Amount of Change = greater value – lesser value New Amount= original amount + amount of change

34 Formulas for Section 2 Retail price= original cost + markup Sale price = original price - markdown

35 Formulas for Section 3 Simple Interest = principal x rate x time

36 Essential Questions Section 1: What process do you use to find the percent change of a quantity? Given an original amount and a percent increase or decrease, you can use the percent change to find the new amount. Section 2: How can you determine the sale price if you are given the regular price and percent of markdown? You can turn the percent into a decimal and multiply the decimal by the regular price. Then you subtract that answer from the regular price. Section 3: How can you determine the total cost of an item including tax if you know the price of the item and the tax rate? You can turn the tax rate to a decimal then multiply it to the cost then add what you got to the original price.

37 Section 1 Review Question
From $5 to $8 = 8-5 = 3 = 60% increase 5 5 From $80 to $64 = = 16 = 20% decrease Over the summer, Jackie played video games 3 hours per day. When school began, she was only allowed to play video games for half and hour each day. What is the percent decrease? Round to the nearest percent = 150 = 83% decrease

38 Section 2 Review Questions
Original Price: $18; markup:15% 18( ) 18(1.15) $2.70 Original Price: $45; markdown: 22% 45(1-0.22) 45(0.78) $35.10 Dana buys dress shirts from a clothing manufacturer for x dollars each and then sells the dress shirts in her retail clothing store at a 35% markup. What is the retail price of a dress shirt that Dana purchased for $32. 32(0.35+1) 32(1.35) $43.20

39 Section 3 Questions 5% of $ (30) $ % of $22 1.5(22) $33 Teresa's restaurant bill comes to $29.99 before tax. If the sales tax is 6.25% and she tips the waiter %20. What is the total cost of the meal? 29.99(0.2) = $6 tip 29.99(0.0625) = $1.87 tax = $37.86 total cost












51 Circumference, Area, and Volume
Module 9 Circumference, Area, and Volume

52 9.1 Circumference Essential Question- How do you find and use the circumference of a circle? Answer to Essential Question- To find the circumference of a circle use one of the two equivalent formulas for circumference are c=πd and c=2πr. To use the circumference of a circle, you can use the appropriate circumference formula to find the radius or the diameter of the circle. You can use that information to solve problems. Formulas- c=πd c=2πr

53 9.1 Circumference Vocabulary A radius is a line segment with one endpoint at the center of the circle and the other endpoint on the circle. The length of a radius is called the radius of the circle. A diameter of a circle is a line segment that passes through the center of the circle and whose endpoints lie on the circle. The length of diameter is twice the length of the radius. The length of a diameter is called the diameter of the circle. The circumference of a circle is the distance around the circle.

54 9.1 Circumference Computational Questions- Round to the nearest hundredth. Use π for π. c=πd c=24π c=75.40 inches 2. c=2πr c=2π8 c=50.27

55 9.1 Circumference Word Problem- A circular pool has a circumference of 72 meters. Sophia is swimming a straight line along a diameter at a rate of a half a meter per second. How many seconds will it take her to swim across the whole pool? Answer- About 46 seconds

56 9.2 Area of Circles Essential Question- How do you find the area of a circle? Answer to Essential Question- The formula for the area of a circle is 𝐴=𝜋 𝑟 2 where a is area and r is radius. Formulas- The area of a circle is equal to 𝜋 times the radius squared. 𝐴=𝜋 𝑟 2 is the equation. Area is given in square units.

57 9.2 Area of Circles Computational Questions-Find the area of the circle. Use 𝜋 for 𝜋. Round to the nearest tenth. 1. 𝐴=𝜋 cm A = cm 2. 𝐴=𝜋 24 2 yd A= yd

58 9.2 Area of Circles Word Problem- Grace bought a circular mirror that measures 1 and a half feet across. What is the area of her mirror rounded to the nearest inch? Answer- about 2 feet

59 9.3 Area of Composite Figures
Essential Question- How do you find the area of composite figures? Answer to Essential Question- To find the area of a composite figures divide it into simple, nonoverlapping figures. Find the area of each simpler figure, and then add the areas together to find the total area of the composite figure. Formulas- Triangle is A=⅟2bh Square is A=bxh or side squared Rectangle A= lxw Parallelogram A= bxh Trapezoid A= ⅟2 h(b₁+b₂)

60 9.3 Area of Composite Figures
Computational Questions- Find the area of each figure. Use 𝜋 for 𝜋. 1. Answer- 21 feet 2. Answer- c

61 9.3 Area of Composite Figures
Word Problem- A bookmark is shaped like a rectangle with a semicircle attached at both ends. The rectangle is 12 cm long and 4 cm wide. The diameter of each semicircle is the width of the rectangle. What is the area of the bookmark? Use 3.14 for 𝜋. Answer cm squared

62 9.4 Solving Surface Area Problems
Essential Question- How can you find the surface area of a figure made up of cubes and prisms? Answer to Essential Question- Given a prism’s dimensions, you can use a formula to find the surface area. The surface area S of a prism with base perimeter P, height h, and base area B is S = Ph+ 2B. Formulas- The surface area S of a prism with base perimeter P, height h, and base area B is S = Ph+ 2B.

63 9.4 Solving Surface Area Problems
Computational Questions- Find the surface area of each solid figure. Round to the nearest meter. 1. Answer- 39 meters 2. Answer- 74 meters

64 9.4 Solving Surface Areas Problems
Word Problem- Timmy wants to cover the box shown with paper without any overlap. How many square meters will be covered with paper? Answer- 220 square meters of paper

65 9.5 Solving Volume Problems
Essential Question- How do you find the volume of a figure made of cubes and prisms? Answer to Essential Question- The formula for the volume of a rectangular prism can be used for any prism. The volume V of a prism is the area of its base B times its height h. V= Bh. Formulas- The volume V of a prism is the area of its base B times its height h. V= Bh.

66 9.5 Solving Volume Problems
Computational Problems- Find the volume of the triangular prism. Round to the nearest unit. 1. (a) Calculate the volume of the prism if / = 5 cm Answer-50 cm cubed 2. Answer- 96 cm cubed

67 9.5 Solving Volume Problems
Word Problem- A trap for insects in the shape of a triangular prism. The area of the base is 3.5 inches squared and the height of the prism is 5 inches. What is the volume of this trap? Answer inches cubed.

68 By Adia and Victoria

69 Module 10 Analyzing and Comparing Data
Ms. Corazza

70 Module 10 Vocabulary Data- Factual information used as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or calculation. Interquartile range- The difference between the upper and lower quartiles in a box-and-whisker plot. Mean- The sum of the items in a set of data divided by the number of items in the set; also called average. Measure of speed- A measure used to describe how much a data set varies; the range, IQR, and mean absolute deviation are measures of spread. Median- The middle number or the mean (average) of the two middle numbers, in an ordered set of data. Survey-to look over and examine closely. Box plot- a graph that shows how data is distributed by using the median, quartiles, least value, and greatest value; also called a pox plot. Dot plot- display data using a number line. Mean absolute deviation- The mean distance between each data value and the mean of the data set.

71 10.1 Comparing Data Displayed In Dot Plots Essential Question
Essential Question: How do you compare two sets of data displayed in dot plots? Answer: You can compare dot plots visually using various characteristics, such as center, spread, and shape. You can also compare the shape, center, spread of two dot plots numerically by calculating values related to the center and spread.

72 10.1 Comparing Data Displayed In Dot Plots Review Questions
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 1. Describe the shape of the box Answer: The dots have a relatively even spread, with a peak at 8 letters. 2. Describe the center of the dot plot Answer: 6 and 7 letters. 3. Describe the spread of the dot plot Answer: The dots spread from 3 to 9 letters.

73 10.1 Comparing Data Displayed In Dot Plots
Two Computational 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Are the dots evenly distributed or grouped on one side? Answer: The dots seem to be evenly distributed. Calculate the mean and median of data in the dot plot? Answer: Mean:31.6 Median: 31¾ 1 Word Problem How do you calculate the mean, median, and mode of a dot plot? Answer: To find the mean: Add all the items of the data, then divided the sum by the number of items on the dot plot. To find the median: Order the data from least to greatest, then find the middle or average number. To find the mode: Find the number that appears most in the data

74 10.2 Comparing data Displayed in Box plots Essential question
Essential Question: How do you compare two sets of data displayed in dot plots? Answer: You can compare two dot plots numerically according to their centers, or medians, and their spreads, or variability, range and interquartile range (IQR) are both measures of spreads. Box plots with similar variability should have similar boxes and whiskers. You can compare box plots box plots with greater variability, where there is less overlap of the median and interquartile range.

75 10.2 Comparing Data Displayed In Box Plots Review Questions
How can you compare two box plots? Answer: You can compare two box plots numerically according to their centers, or medians and their spreads or variability. 2. Do box plots with similar variability have similar boxes and whiskers? Answer: They should have similar boxes and whiskers.

76 10.2 Comparing Data Displayed In Box Plots
Volleyball players Hockey players Two Computational Which group has a bigger median height? Answer: The volleyball players Which group has the shortest players? Answer: The hockey players 1 Word Problem What information can you use to compare two box plots? Answer: Hockey players are shorter than volleyball players.

77 10.3 Statistical Measures to Compare Populations Essential Question
Essential Question: How can you use statistical measures to compare population. ? Answer: Many different random samples are possible for any given population, and their measures of center can vary. Using multiple samples can give us an idea of how reliable any inferences or predictions we make are.    

78 10.3 Using Statistical Measures to Compare Populations Review Questions
How is using multiple are samples helpful? Answer: Using multiple samples can give us an idea of how reliable any inferences or predictions we make are.  2. How many random samples are possible for any given population? Answer: Many different random samples are possible for any given population and their measures of center can vary. 

79 10.3Using Statistical Measures to Compare Populations
Two Computational Average Monthly temperatures for Atlanta City in Fahrenheit:   23,38,39,48,55,56,71,86,57,53,43,31  Average monthly temperatures for New York City in Fahrenheit: 8,23,24,33,40,41,56,71,42,38,28,16 1. For city 1, what is the mean of the average monthly temperatures? Answer: Mean=50 degrees Fahrenheit  2. What is the mean absolute deviation of the average monthly temperatures? Answer: Mean Absolute Deviation=13 degrees Fahrenheit.  1 Word Problem What do you think the mean of the average monthly temperatures for New York City is? What do you think the Mean Absolute Deviation of the average monthly temperatures for New York City is? Answer- The mean of the average monthly temperatures for New York City is 35◦F. The mean for New York City must be 15◦F less than the mean for Atlanta City and the Mean Absolute Deviation must be the same. The Mean Absolute Deviation of the average monthly temperatures for New York City is 13◦F.  

80 Darius Abdulhaqq and Christian Aponte

81 By: Cristian Espinosa and Sebastian Bonhomme
Module 14: Real Numbers By: Cristian Espinosa and Sebastian Bonhomme

82 14.1 Vocabulary Rational number- any number that can be written as a ratio in the form a/b, where a and b are integers and b is not 0. Terminating decimal- a decimal number whose repeating digit is 0. Repeating decimal- a decimal in which one or more digits repeats infinitely. Square root- a number that is multiplied by itself to form a product is called a square root of that number. Principle square root- the nonnegative square root of a number. Perfect square- a square of a whole number. Cube root- a number, written as Perfect cube- A cube of a whole number Irrational Number- Numbers that are not rational 3 x

83 14.2 Vocabulary Real Numbers-A rational or irrational number

84 14.1 Formulas Square Root 16 =4 because 4 2 =4x4=16
Principle Square Root =5 Perfect square =25 Perfect cube =8 Cube root 𝑋2𝑋2 =8 16 =4 because 4 2 =4x4=16

85 14.2 Formulas 𝐼𝑟𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟𝑠− 𝟏𝟕 𝟐 − 𝟏𝟏 𝜋 Rational Numbers- 27 4
− 𝟏𝟏 𝜋 Rational Numbers Integers- -3, -2, -1 −6 7 0. 3 Whole Numbers-67, 75, 21

86 14.3 Formulas 3 +5 O 3+ 5 1.7+5 O 6.7>5.2

87 14.1 Review Questions Write each decimal as a fraction: 0.675= 27 40
Solve for x: 2. 𝑥 2 =196 x=4 A heartbeat takes 0.8 second. How many seconds is this written as a fraction? 4 5

88 14.2 Review Questions Write all the names that apply to each number
7 8 Rational and Real Whole, Integer, Rational, Real A baseball pitcher has pitched Innings. Rational, Real

89 14.3 Review Questions Compare: 3 +2 O 3 +3= 3 +2 < 3 +3
Give A real number between and 14 : 3.65

90 Essential Questions 14.1: How do you rewrite rational numbers and decimals, take square roots and cube roots, and approximate irrational numbers? To rewrite rational numbers, turn it into a fraction or decimal. To take square roots and cube roots you add an exponent to the number. 14.2: How can you describe relationships between sets of real numbers? Using terms such as whole, integer, rational, irrational, and real. 14.3: How do you order a set of real numbers? To make ordering easier, convert all the numbers to decimals. Then, plot those decimals on a number line and compare them.

















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