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CFBC Hosts IUPUI Lilly Family School Of Philanthropy

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1 CFBC Hosts IUPUI Lilly Family School Of Philanthropy
Certificate in Fund Raising Management


3 Goal was at least 20 nonprofit leaders. We had over 40 apply.

4 $57,000 from our unrestricted Community Impact Fund
In-county $1,000, out-of-county $4,000 $3,000 budgeted for food, space, graduation celebration Approximately $32,000 back in tuition (offered some at lower cost and some tuition in trade for space use.) $25,000 CFBC funds for 40 nonprofit leaders to attend or $625/person. CFBC sent 4 staff.

5 Graduation

6 I learned how much I didn't know and to put the science behind the work efforts.
I now have specific tools to assist me in becoming more efficient in my fundraising. The importance of the process of fundraising, which is fuel for getting some RD Support staff An understanding of the science of philanthropy, the fact that grant writers are not beggars, and especially the detailed information on what is required by an organization before ever asking for a major gift. Learning the skills and techniques of effective fund development Networking" Networking with others in the county and brainstorming ideas with them. Learning about the art of fundraising and all the components that go with it. Ideas that I picked up that would work for our organization when listening to other classmates or instructor presentations. I learned some additional fund raising techniques and proven practices. I appreciated learning about evidenced based concepts and strategic action steps that I can take to help my organization raise more funds to serve my community better. Being educated on the breakdown of the sources of donations and the Fundraising Cycle. This provided a base to which all other fundraising efforts could/can stem from. Learning about the different campaigns and the strategies to those campaigns Hands-on exercises, real tools we can use (re: gift range chart), real examples. I know that's three, but they are all important! "The emphasis on good budget planning." Networking with other Boone Co. non-profit leaders It gave me the foundation that I needed to get our fundraising program off the ground, allowing us to move from a solely patient payment, and grant based income to other forms of fundraising. Networking and general info I can take back to the board. Organizing steps and hints for following through "Additional tools, systems for managing campaigns. Networking with peers!" Networking with people in county A head start to get our organization prepared to plan for fundraising success moving forward.


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