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Nutrition By Mitchell & Tom.

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1 Nutrition By Mitchell & Tom

2 Carbohydrates Most foods contain carbohydrates give energy to the body
These are also called simple sugars Your body breaks down carbohydrates There are two types - Simple & - Complex Sugars are simple carbohydrates that can be easily digested Starches are complex carbohydrates that take longer

3 Carbohydrates 2 Many athletes grab a quick snack or sugary drink to get extra energy from carbohydrates A recent Italian study has found that women who eat diets double their risk of developing heart disease eating a moderate amount of carbohydrates is necessary for most people two types of carbs – (sugars) and (starches) For the body to use carbohydrates for energy, food must undergo digestion, absorption, and glycolysis It is recommended that 55 to 60 percent of caloric intake come from carbohydrates Oligosaccharides are carbohydrates made of two to ten monosaccharides

4 Fats Fat is a nutrient Your total fat intake should be no more than 30% Consist of a wide group of compounds Are generally triesters of glycerol and fatty acids may be either solid or liquid Fat is a component in food Little kids, especially, need a certain amount of fat

5 Fats 2 A generic term for a class of lipids in biochemistry
Some foods like vegetables, have almost no fat Other foods have plenty of fat like nuts, oils, butter, and meats Is an important part of a healthy diet Are organic compounds that are made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen All fats are combinations of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids

6 Protein Is a long train of amino acids linked together
are organic compounds made of amino acids Can help muscle growth Are broken down in the stomach during digestion contain 17 kilojoules (4 Calories) Many foods contain protein Your body uses the protein you eat to make lots of specialized protein molecules

7 Fiber That is found mainly in the outer layers of plants
Is a special type of carbohydrate Fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes contain fiber A distinction is made between soluble fiber and insoluble fiber Soluble fiber partially dissolves in water and has been shown to lower cholesterol Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water, but that's why it helps with constipation It's important to include both kinds of fiber as part of a healthy diet

8 Fiber 2 Proteins (also known as polypeptides)
Is one of those good-for-you nutrients The term fiber refers to carbohydrates that cannot be digested There are two types of fiber -- soluble and insoluble Soluble fiber pulls in water to form a gel in the digestive tract Almost everyone hears about the need for enough fiber in the diet Is important because it has an influence on the digestion process from start to finish

9 Vitamins Vitamin A in carrots helps you see.
Vitamin B make us protein and energy. Vitamin C helps your body heal. Vitamin D helps your bones. Vitamin E helps you health. Vitamins are substances is found in foods. Vitamins help us grow and develop.

10 Vitamin k helps us heal when we are injured.
Apples have vitamin A, C, E, and K. milk fortified with vitamin A. mothers are vitamin D deficient. eggs have vitamin B. strawberries have vitamin C. milk fortified and fish with vitamin D.

11 have different uses Discovered in 1912 Contained in fruits and vegetable Help us health

12 WATER Canada’s water supply is limited.
Public water is safer, more affordable. Water is essential for people and nature. Water help people health and livelihoods. 70% of water in people. If we don’t drink everyday. We dead. Water keep our life.

13 Your body is made of water.
Vitamin Water is not a health drink. Water is dull. Water is essential for life. Safe, secure drinking water Healthy aquatic ecosystems quality water supplies for a sustainable economy.

14 Minerals Some minerals are in foods.
Dairy products, such as milk, cheese. Canned salmon and sardines with bones. Leafy green vegetables, such as broccoli. Keeping body fluids in proper composition. Keeping blood and bones in top form. Maintaining healthy nerve function.

15 Rock minerals Some minerals is found in the rock.
A mineral is a solid inorganic substance. Each mineral belongs to a chemical group. A mineral is different from a rock. Minerals are elements. Minerals are the building blocks of rocks.

16 Bibliography

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