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Public information Lucknow Conference.

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1 Public information Lucknow Conference

2 POLICY (as established by the General Service Conference 1961)
"In all public relationships, A.A.'s sole objective is to help the still suffering alcoholic. Always mindful of the importance of personal anonymity, we believe this can be done by making known to the still suffering alcoholic, and to those who may be interested in their problem, our own experience as individuals and as a fellowship in learning to live with alcoholism. We believe that our experience should be made available freely to all who express sincere interest. We believe further that all efforts in this field should always reflect our gratitude for the gift of sobriety and our awareness that many outside of A.A. are equally concerned with the serious problem of alcoholism." As nonprofessionals, we do not give any information concerning the general subject of alcoholism. "We must recognize that our competence to speak about alcoholism is limited in subject matter to Alcoholics Anonymous and it's recovery program."

3 Awareness : About AA as a possible solution
Public Information For ease of understanding of the conference policy let us divide Pi in to two parts Awareness : About AA as a possible solution 2) Understanding: Of how exactly AA works

4 Awareness We can inform public about the availability of a solution to the drinking problem through Use of mass media : Radio, TV, Press Use of Outdoor media : Hoardings, Posters, Stickers Use of Social media : Facebook, Twitter This way people come to know about the existence of AA and interest is aroused.

5 Understanding But as we know for the recovery to take place the alcoholics and society need to understand how AA works. And for this purpose we have following tools Literature : Big Book, Living Sober, Pamphlets ESH : Our stories give an exact picture of how we recovered Reference : Psychiatrists, Rehabs, Friends and relatives of Alcoholics Informative coverage by media. Eg. Jack Alexander

6 Understanding

7 Best Scenario Effective pi = Awareness + Understanding or Recovery = Use of Mass media + Ample personal sharing, literature distribution and reference of professionals.

8 PI History The publication of the book Alcoholics Anonymous was the first AA information available to the public. By 1941, several articles in national publications helped to encourage understanding and acceptance of AA. The Public Information Committee of the General Service Board was formed in 1956 with a corresponding conference PI committee formed in 1961. Cooperation With the Professional Community Committee (CPC) has been around since 1971


10 Well informed Media has done more for us than what we could do for ourselves!


12 Growth of AA


14 Dr. Bob and Anne's gravestone, Mount Peace Cemetery, Akron, Ohio for a great portion of their lives anonymous, who through their need and unstinting effort, brought so much Hope and Recovery and Amazing Grace into this world.

15 The Upside down structure

16 The India Story Lopsided Growth in West and South

17 Huge opportunity has created awareness across the country!

18 Are you ready? Now it is up to us to create understanding in society through quality interaction. Have a great Conference! Thank you!

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