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Resource Efficiency at Work

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Presentation on theme: "Resource Efficiency at Work"— Presentation transcript:

1 Resource Efficiency at Work


3 Resource efficiency - home vs work

4 Why? Environmental

5 Why? Natural resources

6 Why? Water

7 Why? Global warming

8 Why? Cost

9 Case studies - energy Turnberry Resort Think Fitness

10 Case studies - waste Bardyke Chemicals Ltd Dundonald Links

11 Case studies - water Henderson’s of Edinburgh

12 Environmental Policy [Use this slide to insert any key messages from your organisation’s environmental policy including any targets or general aims and where to find a copy] [Delete slide if not applicable]

13 Duty of care

14 The Waste (Scotland) Regulations
As of 1st January 2014, businesses must separate: dry recyclables: paper; card; metal; plastics; and glass. food waste - if a non-rural businesses producing more than 50kg of food waste per week (and from 1st January 2016, businesses producing more than 5kg of food waste will have to separate this for recycling too).

15 Customer pressures

16 Customer pressures ‘Where appropriate, we will encourage suppliers to improve their environmental standards.’ - Stagecoach ‘We expect our suppliers to adhere to our sustainability practices and guidelines.’ - RBS ‘We make every effort to work with businesses to become more environmentally friendly. If suppliers are not able to make the 'green' change, we have no alternative other than to seek out those who will.’ - Gleneagles Hotel ‘We aim to maintain high environmental standards, not only in our own operations, but also among the other businesses that supply us and deliver our brands to consumers.’ - Diageo

17 Where we are now? [Use this slide to insert any data here on energy, waste or water you have for your organisation; Any financial figures such as costs or recent savings are a very useful tool to engage with staff. Graphs and charts are easier to interpret than long sections of text] [Delete slide if not applicable]

18 Energy facts

19 Energy mythbusting

20 Energy- what we have done?
[Use this slide for information on current initiatives and measures which have been undertaken within your organisation. This allows staff to see how serious energy efficiency is being taken] [Delete slide if not applicable]

21 Energy - what can I do? turn off lights when you leave a room;
turn off equipment when not in use; leave thermostats alone; dress appropriately for the weather; use natural light where possible; and only fill your kettle with the water you need.

22 Waste facts

23 Waste mythbusting

24 Waste - what we have done
[Use this slide to insert any information on current initiatives and measures which have been undertaken within you organisation. This allows staff to se how serious waste prevention is being taken] [Delete slide if not applicable]

25 Waste - what can I do?

26 Water facts

27 Water mythbusting

28 Water - what we have done?
[Use this slide to insert any information on current initiatives and measures which have been undertaken within you organisation. This allows staff to se how serious water efficiency is being taken] [Delete slide if not applicable]

29 Water - what can I do? report leaks;
don’t leave taps or hoses running; don’t leave machinery running; and only use what you need.

30 If you have any ideas

31 Things to remember turn off lights and equipment;
ensure temperatures are appropriate; waste prevention and re-use are better than recycling; general waste should only be used if no recycling is available; don’t leave taps running; report leaks; and share ideas.

32 How to find out more … Complete the Green Champions training course – a free online tool from Resource Efficient Scotland Join the Green Team, or start one!

33 Take the test You should now complete the short Resource Efficiency at Work quiz, which will make sure you have picked up the key points from this presentation. If you have any questions about resource efficiency please visit or call today.


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