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Transitioning to OneUSG Benefits Connect

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1 Transitioning to OneUSG Benefits Connect
Good morning everyone. Thanks for joining us today. During our call, we will share information about the upcoming transition of to our new OneUSG Benefits Connect benefits administration system. For this morning’s call, you’ve got myself – Jennifer Kennington, Director of Benefits, Administration and Engagement here at the system office and I’m joined by Stephanie Folse from Aon. Before we begin our call, just a few housekeeping items to note: We have the phone lines on mute and will be taking questions through chat. At the end of the presentation, we will have time for a question and answer session. Information for USG HR Practitioners March 8, 2017

2 What we’ll discuss today
What’s happening What it means for: Employees Retirees You What’s in and out of scope What’s ahead Communication plan Key dates Answers to your questions Here’s what we’ll cover. First, we’ll explain what’s happening, and what the transition means for our employees, our retirees and you, our HR and payroll practitioners. We’ll also give you a look at what’s in and out of scope, plus what’s ahead, including planned communications and key dates. Finally, we’ll make sure to save time for answers to your questions.

3 What’s happening? So, let’s get started by first explaining what’s happening. As you know, USG is committed to providing a comprehensive, competitive array of benefits for our employees and retirees. We know that offering robust benefits remains essential to attracting, retaining and engaging the talent we need to serve our students and communities. Over the past several years, we’ve improved the quality and consistency of benefits offered across all USG institutions. However, we understand that our employees want more than just quality benefits — they also want easy, state-of-the-art tools that assist with their benefit plan decisions and provide greater access through self-service and mobile options. Last year, a team of your colleagues worked diligently to assess the current benefits administration systems in place across our institutions, as well as the opportunities offered by newer systems. Our goal was to identify an integrated benefits administration solution, which would bring efficient processes, user-friendly decision support tools and a call center to serve the needs of employees at all USG institutions.

4 A unified approach to benefits administration
Beginning June 26, 2017, USG health and group benefits will be administered through OneUSG Benefits Connect This work is part of the broader OneUSG initiative, which will pave the way for a new Human Resources information system (HRIS) and payroll system, supported by PeopleSoft functionality What’s staying the same Our employees and retirees will continue to have the same array of quality benefits that they do today Benefits are not changing as a result of the transition Our transition, which will be effective June 26, 2017, will allow USG to offer a quality, consistent approach to benefits administration to all of our institutions across the state. As a result of the transition, employees and retirees will be able to learn about and manage their benefits through a new, robust, secure website, as well as a call center staffed with professional, well-trained representatives. After extensive research and careful evaluation, we chose to partner with Aon to administer the OneUSG Benefits Connect system. This work has been in coordination with the OneUSG initiative, which will pave the way for a new Human Resources information system (HRIS) and payroll system, supported by PeopleSoft functionality. While the way we administer benefits will change, it’s important to emphasize that our benefits are NOT changing as a result of this transition. Our employees and retirees will continue to have the same array of quality benefits that they do today.

5 Choosing the right partner
Aon is a leading provider of benefit services Aon’s resources, tools and services will: Equip and empower employees and retirees to make informed benefit decisions Help employees and retirees effectively manage their benefits online throughout the year Drive greater awareness of USG’s benefits Enhance service and support to employees, retirees and practitioners We chose to partner with Aon on this initiative because of their extensive experience in Benefits Administration outsourcing and has the ability to handle large, complex organizations like the University System of Georgia. Currently, Aon administers benefits for the State of Georgia, which reports a high level of satisfaction with the services provided. This approach will provide us with: A fully integrated solution: Providing an end-to-end service for employees throughout their employment lifecycle, from new hire through life status changes to retirement, yielding an improved employee experience and streamlining administrative processing. Engagement tools: Robust technology that will help employees access their benefits anytime, anywhere — by computer, tablet, even smartphone — plus tools to help them understand their benefits and become more confident health and group benefit consumers. Compliance support: Including dedicated resources to ensure compliance with ever-changing regulations (e.g., Affordable Care Act, Americans with Disabilities Act, COBRA). Customer service: Trained benefit professionals will provide personal service to callers, and sophisticated call center tools will ensure prompt response time, even during peak periods. Business continuity: Aon’s hardware, software and services will deliver trusted, reliable and secure access for our employees and retirees — as well as better, more timely information for our HR and Payroll practitioners. Robust control environment: Comprehensive reporting and audit control capabilities will ensure data accuracy, correct premiums/billing, accurate payroll deductions and timely identification cards.

6 What it means for employees
Beginning June 26, employees will have two new ways to access their benefits … Online: OneUSG Benefits Connect website By phone: OneUSG Benefits Call Center No action needed now Open Enrollment process will change USG will communicate the new process before and during Open Enrollment USG benefits offer our employees protection, peace of mind and comfort — but they need to know how to use and manage those benefits. USG employees and retirees will be able to better manage, choose and use their health and group benefits thanks to the new OneUSG Benefits Connect website and OneUSG Benefits Call Center. We’ll share more details about these new resources later. Right now, there’s nothing employees and retirees need to do. They’ll continue to have the benefits in which they are now enrolled. Before the transition to the new benefits administration system, we’ll let you, our employees and our retirees know how to reach the new website and call center, as well as how they can explore the new resources we will offer to help them manage their benefits. During the annual Open Enrollment period coming up this fall, employees will enroll for 2018 benefits through the OneUSG Benefits Connect website. USG will provide detailed information on how to enroll in 2018 benefits before and during Open Enrollment.

7 What it means for retirees
Beginning June 26, retirees will have two new ways to access their benefits … Online: OneUSG Benefits Connect website By phone: OneUSG Benefits Call Center Retirees can also visit the new OneUSG Benefits Connect website to maintain their personal information Retirees will be encouraged not to pre-pay for USG benefits past June 30 The Open Enrollment (OE) process will change USG will explain the process before and during OE Like active employees, retirees will have access to the new website and call center, too. Retirees can also visit the new OneUSG Benefits Connect website to maintain their personal information – mailing address, address, phone number, etc. If retirees are now enrolled in USG retiree dental, vision, life insurance or pre-65 healthcare coverage (not coverage through the Aon Retiree Health Exchange), we are encouraging them NOT to pre-pay premiums for coverage beyond June 30, 2017. If they have already pre-paid premiums for coverage beyond June 30, they will receive a refund after June 30 for their July-December coverage. In July, they will receive a bill from USG for their July and August coverage. Their payment will not be due until August 1, and there will be a grace period due to the transition to ensure that they will not be dropped from coverage. Again, their benefits are not changing, nor are their premiums. The only thing that will change is that retirees will pay USG for any coverage after June 2017. For retirees with healthcare coverage through the Aon Retiree Health Exchange, they can continue to contact their dedicated Benefits Advisor at , before during and after the transition. As with active employees, retirees who wish to enroll in USG benefits for 2018 will follow a new open enrollment process this fall. We’ll carefully explain the new process to them before and during Open Enrollment.

8 OneUSG Benefits Connect website
Beginning June 26 OneUSG Benefits Connect website Employees and retirees will be able to: Review current benefits coverage Make benefit changes due to a life status change (e.g., birth of a child, marriage) Find doctors, hospitals or other healthcare providers in the plan’s network Keep track of healthcare expenses (including deductibles, coinsurance and copayments) Contact insurance carriers and other benefit resources The new OneUSG Benefits Connect website will make it easy for employees and retirees to get benefits information whenever they would like. They can: Review current benefits coverage Make benefits changes due to a qualified life status change (e.g., birth of a child, marriage) Find doctors, hospitals or other healthcare providers in their plan’s network Keep track of healthcare expenses (including deductibles, coinsurance and copayments) Contact insurance carriers and other benefit resources We will make it easy for employees and retirees to access the new OneUSG Benefits Connect website. In addition to an easy-to-remember URL, which will be helpful for our retirees, employees will be able to access the website directly – without the need for a separate username and password – through a link in their institution’s Human Resources and Payroll system. Maintaining the privacy and security of our employees’ and retirees’ information is very important. The website uses the strongest available internet encryption methods — making it virtually impossible to be read by anyone on another system. All information is stored in a secure internet location. And, if there’s no activity on a webpage for an extended period of time, the website automatically logs off the user to ensure the safety of his or her personal information.

9 OneUSG Benefits Call Center
Beginning June 26 OneUSG Benefits Call Center Toll-free: USGBEN ( ) Employees and retirees can call to: Enroll in benefits and record life status changes Receive answers about eligibility Resolve technical issues Learn about benefit plans Receive help filing healthcare claims Get support with benefits coverage confirmation Beginning June 26, employees and retirees will also have access to the OneUSG Benefits Call Center, which will be staffed with professional, well-trained representatives. Representatives will be available between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Eastern time, Monday through Friday. The OneUSG Benefits Call Center can be reached from anywhere in the world, and translators will be available.

10 What it means for you Your support is essential
Familiarize yourself with answers to FAQs Participate in training sessions Contact your institution’s OneUSG Change Lead with any questions We are working with the OneUSG team and Aon to ensure a smooth transition to the new system. As we move forward, we will keep you posted on our progress. Right now, there is nothing that employees and retirees need to do. Before the transition to the new system, we’ll let employees and retirees know how they can reach the new OneUSG Benefits Connect website and OneUSG Benefits Call Center, plus how they can make the most of the new resources we will offer to help them manage their benefits. You play an important role in the success of our organization, and your support is essential to the success of this transition. To help you answer employee and retiree questions, we have prepared a set of Frequently Asked Questions, which will be provided to you by the OneUSG team. Please participate in any training sessions that are offered, and contact your institution’s OneUSG Change Lead with any questions. For the next couple of slides, I will turn it over to Stephanie from Aon to talk about the services that we can look forward to in the New OneUSG Benefits Connect system and OneUSG Benefits Call Center.

11 Scope – Solution overview
Participant Interactions Web transactions Plan knowledge support Decision support Personalized statements (print and ) Automated outbound reminder calls Direct billing – Retirees and COBRA Dependent audit Single sign-on from USG site Carrier single sign-on for some vendors Medical Expense Estimator Health Plan Comparison Charts Data Management HRIS integration Determine eligibility for full-time associates Receive eligibility determination for part- time associates working 30 or more hours per week, (ACA) will come from third party Dependents, survivors and beneficiaries User ID / Password (security) management Event Processing Annual Enrollment New Hire / Rehire enrollment Life events Dependent and beneficiary maintenance COBRA and HIPAA Modeling Third Party Interactions Carrier interfaces (i.e. eligibility, EOI, life claims, MSRP, FMLA, etc.) Automated electronic file transfers Premium reporting and reconciliation Plan Sponsor Support Plan Sponsor Portal Benefits accounting reports Compliance services and government reporting Industry and regulatory research Quarterly plan reviews QMCSO qualification POA administration Legal Guardianship administration Custom operation reports Premium Payments Enrollment -Aon Hewitt supports not only annual enrollment but also new hires and other forms of newly eligible employees, life and retirement events, as well as initial enrollment in the Retirement Plan. We support all HIPAA qualifying life events, such as birth/adoption, the loss or gain of other coverage, or qualified medical child support order, as well as other events that may impact eligibility such as a job transfer.  We will also offer COBRA and direction billing and payments services for employees on unpaid leave and retirees. Eligibility – Our system is designed to automate the eligibility process and display only those benefits for which your employees are eligible. Our team has carefully documented your eligibility rules so your employees see only those benefits for which they are eligible. To ensure that your employees are compliant with your eligibility rules and provide the proper documentation for dependents and life events, the Dependent Verification Services will handle the dependent audit service. Messaging and Communications - Our communications program helps your employees make benefits choices using a mix of , Web‑based, and even print materials if needed. Our communications start with the employee website where employees can learn about, enroll and manage their benefits year‑round. The site displays benefit information, detailed summary plan descriptions and more. Our solution also includes s and other electronic communications that include enrollment reminders and benefit “teasers.” We also automatically send a variety of messages including: annual enrollment announcements and reminders, and worksheets as well as confirmation statements. Decision Support – As the employee proceeds through enrollment, we provide a host of decision support tools such as the plan comparisons, cost projection tools such as a medical expense estimator, and provider search. Additional Services – Aon will handle all eligibility reporting to the carriers, premium payments to the carriers, premium reporting to USG including reporting for Reconciliation, QMCSO qualification, and POA and Legal Guardianship administrations.

12 Scope - Customer service
Team Shared Team Located in Orlando, FL 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m., ET Technology Desktop Portal Case management Imaging Knowledge content Speech analytics Voice Response System Identification and authentication Personalized routing to third parties and within Aon Hewitt Specialized messaging Representatives Basic Benefits Questions Inquiries and transactions (transactions not supported on the website) Site Navigational Support Fully trained on USG plan design and culture Transfers to third-party providers as needed Emergency enrollment assistance Specialists Life Benefits Support Advanced plan, program, policy questions and escalated issues Additional Support Customer Satisfaction Survey Translation Line/Relay Service Operations Case management System and/or process changes Back office and technology support/management Processing Forms processing Daily and exception processing Data entry and corrections Imaging Letter Generation This slide is a high-level view of our Customer Service solution for USG. In terms of our Customer Service team, the benefits center will be based out of our Orlando, FL office. We will be positioned as a shared team and will be a 9-hour center from 8-5 pm EST. When we think about technology from a Service Center perspective, we’re primarily looking at the development of the Desktop tools that the representatives will use to support our callers, and then also looking at the development of our Voice Response System. Desktop includes a few different areas, from the system that we utilize to track and manage our cases, to how we handle and route images coming into the service center, to the knowledge content our representatives reference on their calls. We also have a quality analytics tool that allows managers to listen to calls, provide feedback, and perform reporting. Our Voice Response System is used to identify and secure our callers and will include personalized routing both internally as well as to third party vendors such as our health plan carriers. In terms of our representatives, they will be available to answer benefits questions, provide website support, process transactions, and handle referrals or transfers. We’ll also have Survivor Specialists trained on the team who will provide dedicated support to survivors following the death of an employee, as well as overall supervisor support in the center. Additional support opportunities include online satisfaction surveys which allow employees to provide feedback on their experience with the benefits center. If a caller does require translation support in another language, we do offer that at all times and we also work with Relay Services for any hearing impaired callers. Finally, this slide makes note of our operations team. These are our back-office operations colleagues who support the service center representatives on cases as well as own the management and support of our technology from an ongoing perspective. Customer Services works very closely day in and day out with our operations team and have a very close partnership. The slide concludes with a few examples of the processing that our operations teams perform.

13 Not in scope Benefit processes not included in
ECP-V2 10/22/2017 Not in scope Benefit processes not included in OneUSG Benefits Connect scope Leave of absences/leave management Billing during leave – in scope Retirement processing Retirement plans administration Retirement election for new hires/rehires – in scope TAP Worker’s comp. administration Now, let’s talk about some of the benefit processes that will not be included in the OneUSG Benefits Connect system: First, leave of absences/leave management, is not included. However, billing employees for their coverages during a leave of absence is in scope and will be handled by OneUSG Benefits Connect Another one is retirement processing, this includes counseling employees to prepare them for retirement. This is not included in the scope of OneUSG Benefits Connect or the OneUSG Benefits Call Center. Retirement plans administration is not included, however retirement plan elections for new hires/rehires is included and will be handled by the OneUSG Benefits Connect system and the OneUSG Benefits Call Center. Another one is the Tuition Assistance Program (TAP), which is not included and will be administered at the institutions as it is today. Lastly, worker’s compensation administration will be a function that is not included in the OneUSG Benefits Connect scope and will be administered at the institution level.

14 What’s ahead Let’s take a look at some of the important activities ahead.

15 Communication plan: implementation
TRANSITION Timeline indicates recommended distribution dates. Materials will be provided to institutions earlier, so that they can distribute them when they choose to do so. February March April June Post-Launch LIVE DATE 6/26 Announcement for Managers “Coming Soon” Announcement for Employees Communication Planning WebEx for Practitioners Transition Guide for Employees OE 2018 Communications FAQs for Practitioners and Managers Announcement for Practitioners Content for USG Benefits Website “System Live” Announcements (employees, retirees) WebEx for OneUSG Change Leads “Coming Soon” Letter for Retirees Before the transition to the new benefits administration system, employees and retirees will be informed about how they can reach the new OneUSG Benefits Connect website and OneUSG Benefits Call Center, plus how they can make the most of the new resources we will offer to help them manage their benefits. You see the communication plan for the transition on this slide. The communications noted on this slide will be provided to each institution’s Change Lead by the OneUSG team. Each institution can then customize the communications as needed and send them to their employees when they feel it is appropriate. You can also use these core communications to create any other communications you feel are needed on your campus. While communications before the transition are important, open enrollment communications will be just as important. We know that many people will not interact with the new system until they enroll in their 2018 benefits, so we will focus on making the process easy for them. Open House “System Live” Poster & Video Screen 15

16 Communicating with retirees
BEFORE go-live “Coming Soon” letter/ Retiree changes presentation Will be presented to USG Retiree Advisory Council on April 7 and posted to USG Retiree Benefits webpage Institutions are encouraged to meet with their retiree associations after April 7 (and before go-live) to talk about the change At and after go-live USG will provide support for retirees at go-live, as well as before and during Open Enrollment – watch for more information to come Here are more communications that are planned, specifically for retirees. We are working on the approach for retiree billing and would like to ensure that retirees receive timely, standardized communications, system-wide. BEFORE go-live, we plan to have a “Coming Soon” letter or to be distributed to the retirees. Important note: The SSC will distribute this communication on behalf of ADP institutions. R1s will distribute this communication to their retiree populations. Also, we will be presenting to the USG Retiree Advisory Council on April 7. Afterward, this retiree changes presentation will be posted to USG Retiree Benefits webpage. Additionally, we are encouraging institutions to meet with their retiree associations after April 7 (and before go-live) to talk about the change. You can rely on the communications USG will create – including the Coming Soon message and the retiree changes presentation – to guide your discussions. We know that retirees will need additional support and guidance at go-live, as well as before and during Open Enrollment. We are planning those communications now, and we will keep you posted.

17 Key dates April 20: Open House – OneUSG Benefits Connect and OneUSG Benefits Call Center Week of May 8: OneUSG Benefits Connect User Acceptance Testing June 26: OneUSG Benefits Connect Benefits Administration Go Live OneUSG Benefits Connect website live OneUSG Benefits Call Center available Let’s look at several upcoming key dates. First, on April 20th, USG will host an Open House on the OneUSG Benefits Connect system and the OneUSG Benefits Call Center. Due to venue capacity, we will be able to welcome up to 6 to 10 representatives from each institution, and we will provide materials that they can take back to their campuses to share with their HR and payroll colleagues. During the week of May 8th, representatives from all institutions will be participating in the OneUSG Benefits Connect User Acceptance Testing in Athens. As a reminder, the key date to keep in mind is our go-live date: June 26, 2017. That’s the date when: Administration of USG benefits will transition to Aon The OneUSG Benefits Connect website will go live The OneUSG Benefits Call Center will open

18 Questions? Please contact the OneUSG Change Lead at your institution
So, what questions do you have? [Refer to FAQs to answer questions.] Thanks for those questions. After today, if you have questions, please remember that you can always contact the OneUSG Change Lead at your institution. He or she can research the answers you need.

19 Thank you Thanks again for joining us today, and thank you for your continued service to our employees and retirees.

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