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Eating Himself to Death:

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1 Eating Himself to Death:
NATIONAL CENTER FOR CASE STUDY TEACHING IN SCIENCE Eating Himself to Death: Leptin Signaling Gone Wrong by Michèle I. Shuster Department of Biology New Mexico State University Las Cruces, NM Licensed image ©aleutie|Fotolia,

2 Review your assignment with your neighbors
What can go wrong with leptin signaling?  Weight gain?  Weight loss?

3 CQ#1: Which of the following could cause a mouse to be obese?
Inability to produce leptin. Leptin is produced, but mutated so that it doesn’t work. Too much leptin is produced. Leptin receptor is altered and can’t bind leptin. More than one answer above is correct. [be prepared to discuss and justify]

4 CQ#2: If no leptin, then… Obese Normal weight Under weight

5 CQ#3: If leptin is made, but can’t bind its receptor, then …
Obese Normal weight Under weight

6 CQ#4: If leptin is made, but can’t bind its receptor, then leptin levels will be …
High Low [be prepared to explain]

7 CQ#5: If leptin is overexpressed, then …
Obese Normal weight Under weight

8 CQ#6: If leptin receptors are altered and can’t bind leptin, then…
Obese Normal weight Under weight

9 CQ#7: If leptin receptors are altered and can’t bind leptin, then leptin levels will be …
High Low

10 Observations and Questions?
From New England Journal of Medicine, Martin Wabitsch, Jan-Bernd Funcke, Belinda Lennerz, et al, Biologically Inactive Leptin and Early-Onset Extreme Obesity, 372, 48, Copyright © 2015 Massachusetts Medical Society. Reprinted with permission from Massachusetts Medical Society.

11 Additional Information
Born at 40 wks of gestation (normal) Normal birth weight 3680 grams Began to gain weight rapidly

12 Eating Behavior As an infant As a toddler
Cried (hard!) if not breast fed every hour during the day and once every night. As a toddler More interested in food than friends/play. Family had to hide food. Family had to be very strict about diet.

13 Eating Trial Allowed to eat as much as he wanted
From array of breakfast foods Ate 680 Calories 279 Cals is average for that age Clear case of hyperphagia Licensed image ©Squirrel|Fotolia,

14 What about his weight? How does it compare to other boys?

15 Data from:

16 Our child’s weight by age
Age (mos) Weight (kg) 2 6 14 12 18 22 24 26 30 33 36 42 48 Data from Wabitsch M et al. N Engl J Med 2015;372:48-54

17 Data from:
Data from: Wabitsch M et al. N Engl J Med 2015;372:48-54

18 What about his BMI? What is his BMI? At age 2.5 yrs
Overweight? Obese? At age 2.5 yrs 33 kg 93.5 cm tall (69th percentile for height) BMI = weight in kg/(height in meters)2

19 So let’s assume there is a problem with leptin signaling
Work with your neighbors to: Generate specific hypotheses about the problem in leptin signaling in this child as well as ideas for how you could test your hypotheses.

20 Measure leptin levels Normal (for amount of adipose tissue)
i.e. elevated due to high adipose Which hypothesis does this rule out?

21 What are we left with? Non-functional leptin Non-functional receptor
How to distinguish?

22 Sequencing Receptor No mutations Leptin

23 Leptin Sequences (portion of the leptin gene)
Patient on top; wild type beneath CAA ATA TCC AAC TAC CTG GAG AAC CAA ATA TCC AAC GAC CTG GAG AAC Can you find a difference? Data from Wabitsch M et al. N Engl J Med 2015;372:48-54

24 Leptin Sequences (portion of the leptin gene)
Patient on top; wild type beneath CAA ATA TCC AAC TAC CTG GAG AAC CAA ATA TCC AAC GAC CTG GAG AAC Can you find a difference? Data from Wabitsch M et al. N Engl J Med 2015;372:48-54

25 Sequencing Leptin If leptin can’t bind receptor:
Mutation prevents binding to receptor If leptin can’t bind receptor: Is satiety signal received?

26 Treatment? What strategies may work?
General strategies for obesity & weight-loss Specific/tailored to his situation

27 Predict child’s outcome with leptin treatment
Data from: Data from: Wabitsch M et al. N Engl J Med 2015;372:48-54

28 Child’s weight after leptin treatment
Data from: Data from: Wabitsch M et al. N Engl J Med 2015;372:48-54

29 If he had a leptin receptor mutation
Changes binding site Leptin can’t bind CQ#8: Would leptin be a viable therapy? Yes No [be prepared to explain]

30 If he had a leptin receptor mutation
Leptin can bind But receptor can’t activate CQ#9: Will leptin be a viable therapy? Yes No [be prepared to explain]

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