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Conley 3rd Grade Jacksonville zoo May 4, 2017

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1 Conley 3rd Grade Jacksonville zoo May 4, 2017

2 Chaperone Guidelines and responsibilities
It is very important that Chaperones adhere to the guidelines and responsibilities that we will go over today. Chaperones will be key to the success of our field trip to the Jacksonville Zoo!

3 Chaperones need to be at school by 5:30 am.
The bus will leave Conley at 6:00 am sharp. We need chaperones here by 5:30 am to help get students to the restroom and on the bus by 6:00 am. Buses Bus #1- Leathers and Levesque Bus #2- Lynn and Williamson Bus #3- Fogler and Sherman Ms. Nelson’s class will split among the three buses.

4 Chaperones are required to ride the buses
All chaperones will ride the bus and supervise the students in their group while on the bus. Chaperones will make sure all students in their group use the restroom before boarding the bus.

5 Keep students in your group/class safe throughout the trip.
Chaperones must be 18 or older and follow all policies , procedures, and laws for the safety of all students. Keep students in your group/class safe throughout the trip. Chaperones will not allow students to purchase anything at the zoo from gift shops or food vendors. Chaperones will make sure each child in the group wears their name tag the entire time while visiting the zoo (zoo policy). If you have not done so already, be sure to fill out the online volunteer application ASAP so you will be approved by the field trip.

6 Younger siblings are not allowed to accompany chaperones on trips (due to insurance guidelines).
Make sure you have made childcare arrangements for any siblings prior to the trip. Anyone that has not traveled with our group can not be part of our group at the Jacksonville Zoo.

7 Students are responsible for holding all personal items that are brought on trips.
Students are permitted to bring bags to hold their belongings. You are not responsible for holding any of their items. Lost or stolen items will not be replaced.

8 Chaperones will return to the bus load/unload zone by 2:45 pm.
Chaperones and their groups must be prompt returning to the buses at the end of the trip. Chaperones will return to the bus load/unload zone by 2:45 pm. Chaperones will inform their supervising teacher if they are going to be late for any reason.

9 Please dress appropriately for the school trip.
All chaperones and students must wear the Conley 3rd Grade t-shirt. Please wear sneakers since there will be a great deal of walking throughout the park. Please make sure all shorts or pants are appropriate school attire.

10 Language and behavior Use appropriate language. No swearing.
Alcoholic beverages/illegal drugs are not to be possessed or consumed during the trip. Tobacco products are not permitted. Do not post pictures of students to social media during the trip or after the trip.

11 Medical Needs Chaperones need to be aware of any medical conditions/allergies etc. of any children assigned to them. Chaperones shall not provide any prescription or over the counter medications to students. Make the supervising teacher aware if you have any medical conditions that may cause a problem during the trip.

12 Be Responsible Chaperones are responsible for ALL of the children (well being and behavior) in their assigned group-not just the chaperone’s own child. Share in being responsible for all students. Offer your support to other chaperones when necessary. Be supportive of the teacher by focusing your attention on them. Help the students to do the same. Treat all children for whom you are responsible fairly and equally.

13 Please stay with the group assigned at all times.
Students must be supervised at all times while at a school sponsored event. As a chaperone you will be responsible for your group, helping them to learn and making sure they behave appropriately. Students must stay with you, their chaperone, at all times. Go over the use of the buddy system with students in your care. Account for all participants regularly and before changing activities. Chaperones must be readily available, be mindful of safety concerns, and respond to students’ needs.

14 Cell Phones A Chaperone in each group must carry a cell phone and exchange cell phone numbers with the Supervising Teacher. Please keep cell phone calls to emergencies only. Do not use your cell phone for non-emergency or non-trip related purposes. It is not acceptable for outside work to be completed while you are supervising students.

15 Emergencies Report any accidents or problems to the Supervising Teacher immediately. If you can not find a student, call the Supervising Teacher immediately and tell a Jacksonville Zoo Member. If you need to take a student to the First Aid Center, call the Supervising Teacher immediately.

16 Student Behavior The behavior of the students in your group is your responsibility. School rules related to student behavior apply. Go over rules with your group before you begin to walk around the park. While you are responsible for the students’ behavior, the teacher is responsible for discipline. Please notify your supervising teacher immediately if you have a behavior issue. Please be aware that there will be other people at the zoo that are not part of our group. Be sure that students are mindful of those around them and behave accordingly in all situations, including standing in line.

17 Jacksonville zoo rules
Please do not feed the animals. Zoo animals are on special diets, and human food might upset their stomachs. Exhibit barriers and fences are for your protection. Do not climb, stand, or breach barriers or railings. Do not roughhouse or shout. Loud noises can frighten the animals. Please do not throw anything into an animal’s exhibit or tap on the exhibit glass. Please leave the flowers and plants for all to enjoy!

18 Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference!
Be helpful. Guide students to discover and experience for themselves and complete the Jacksonville Zoo Experience. Although we are going to have fun, we are also going to learn! The Jacksonville Zoo is our classroom for the day! Approach the trip with a good, supportive mental attitude. Your role can affect the entire trip.

19 Thank you for volunteering to be a chaperone for our trip!!
We would not be able to do it without you!!

20 Arrival Students should arrive between 5:30 – 5:45 am.
Bus will leave promptly at 6:00 am. We will be traveling in an Astro charter bus. Students should eat breakfast before coming to school. Chaperones will make sure all students use the restroom before boarding the bus. We will limit the use of the restroom on the bus.

21 On the bus Students may bring dry snacks and water bottles with lids that close on the bus. A snack and drink will be provided for the trip home. Students are responsible for keeping their own area clean while on the bus and picking up all trash. Students are expected to follow all directions of the chaperones and teachers on the bus.

22 What should students bring
Students may bring a pillow/blanket for sleeping on the bus. Students may bring electronic games, cameras, iPads, cell phones, books, iPods, etc… Electronic devices must be silenced or have headphones connected. The student is responsible for any items they bring, and if lost or stolen they will not be replaced. Hats, sunglasses, sunscreen – It may be HOT! Dry snack and water bottle w/lid that closes

23 Scheduled events Animal Discovery Program (Arrive at least 5 min. in advance) Group 1- 9:30 am- Fogler, Leathers, Levesque Group 2- 10:30 am- Lynn, Sherman, Williamson Located at the Pepsi Co. Education Campus Lunch 12:00 at Shaba Terrace Lunch choices have been made in advance. Please be on time so we can pass out lunches quickly. You are free to visit all areas of the zoo throughout the day other than these scheduled times. Be at the bus load/unload zone by 2:45 pm ready to board the bus.

24 Dress code Conley 3rd Grade t-shirt. Appropriate length shorts.
Sneakers!!!!!!! We will be doing a lot of walking!

25 Returning Approximate return time from Jacksonville Zoo is 6:00 pm.
Please make sure that you are at Conley to pick up your child by 5:45 pm. Return time is approximate, so please keep in mind that you may have to wait briefly for our return. Questions????

26 We are looking forward to a great trip!!

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