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Steal These Tips! Audit Techniques for Accountants

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Presentation on theme: "Steal These Tips! Audit Techniques for Accountants"— Presentation transcript:

1 Steal These Tips! Audit Techniques for Accountants
Amanda L. Perkins, CPA Senior Auditor University of Arizona

2 Senior Auditor in Internal Audit at the University of Arizona
Previously with the Arizona Office of the Auditor General

3 Agenda Recent Frauds What could have been done? Audit Techniques
Fire District High School Children’s Hospital What could have been done? Audit Techniques Evaluating Procedures Using Data Seeking Outside Sources

4 Goals of the session Understand 3 audit techniques and how they could be applied to non-audit duties. Identify controls that may have prevented or detected 3 real frauds.

5 Springfield, Illinois Recent fraud hub?

6 Chatham Fire Protection District

7 Southeast High School

8 St. John’s Children’s Hospital

9 Audit Techniques

10 Evaluating Procedures
Explain to an outsider Use real words Training new employees What happens before and after my piece of this process? If I were going to steal……

11 Evaluating Procedures
Is there someone we couldn’t do without? Am I getting source documents or only data prepared by someone else based on source documents? Might identify a more efficient way to do something or a stronger control that could be implemented

12 Using Data What data is available in what you already do?
How accessible is your data? Maybe you get a report on paper that could come as a text or Excel file instead.

13 Using Data The simple “Sort” tool in Excel Microsoft Access
Improving your Excel and Access skills: Employer offerings YouTube and online forums

14 Using Data What do I expect of this data and what is unexpected?
Common vendors Coding errors in repeat payments Overtime variances Unusual system access profiles

15 Using Data Is there data I wish I had?
May identify another way to improve your procedures.

16 Outside Sources Oh, the magic of the Internet Vendors Peer websites
Arizona Corporation Commission 990 filings from non-profits Company websites Maps of addresses Peer websites Is our policy similar to another organizations? Compliance with state or federal regulations Human resources procedures

17 Could you have prevented or detected the fraud?

18 Chatham Fire Protection District

19 Chatham Fire District Source documents vs. employee-prepared reports
Using Data Common vendors Object codes or other unexpected transactions Evaluating procedures- may have relied too much on one person

20 Southeast High School

21 Southeast High School Source documents Evaluating procedures
Relying too much on one person Student clubs not aware of good controls on their side Peer websites Were the existing background checks enough?

22 St. John’s Children’s Hospital

23 St. John’s Children’s Hospital
No court records yet But we can guess what might have happened

24 Questions?

25 Thank you! Amanda Perkins

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