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Know-how Transfer and Capacity Building for Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Renewables Academy AG (RENAC), Berlin.

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Presentation on theme: "Know-how Transfer and Capacity Building for Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Renewables Academy AG (RENAC), Berlin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Know-how Transfer and Capacity Building for Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency
Renewables Academy AG (RENAC), Berlin

2 RENAC Capacity Building Concept
1 RENAC Capacity Building Concept

3 Value chain and stakeholders of RE and EE projects
Regulatory Framework Value chain Institutions Ministries Manufac-turers System integrators Installation companies Universities Finance institutions Administra-tions Consultants Energy agencies Regulators

4 Necessity of target group/ Job profile specific training
TECHNICAL Worker Technician Engineer WORKSCOPE Policy Framework Education Licensing Production Engineering/ Design Financing Construction/ Installation Operation/ Maintenance Variety of trainings: Further/ advanced education (short term) Vocational training (medium term) University training (long term) NON TECHNICAL Economist Lawyer Sales Insurance

5 What do you think: We remember what we…
…read. …hear. 10% 30% 70% …see. …hear and see. …say ourselves. This slide could be explained interactively. Take meta cards with the “…read.”, “…hear.”, etc. options and try to come up with the right solution with the participants. 20% 50% 90% …do ourselves.

6 Employability skills enhancement
Job Exam passing qualifies for prepares for Trainee Training programme requires suitable programme

7 RENAC Capacity Building Activities
02 RENAC Capacity Building Activities

8 About RENAC RENAC is a Berlin-based training specialist for renewable energy and energy efficiency Until now we trained more than 6,700 participants from over 145 countries We offer renewable energy (RE) and energy efficiency (EE): Trainings Academic education We support third parties to build up own capacities for EE and RE training (installation of Training Centre/lab, Train-the-Trainer)

9 Offered technologies and aspects
Photovoltaics Solar thermal Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) Wind energy Bioenergy Hydro energy Energy efficiency Efficient energy generation and distribution Grid integration of renewables Financial due diligence and financing Tendering and evaluation Quality assurance

10 Services for individuals
TRAININGS FOR INDIVIDUALS Open Trainings Green Energy Summer School RENAC Online Trainings UNIVERSITY DEGREES MBA Renewables Especialización en Energías Renovables GPE-New Energy Technologies

11 Services for organisations and industry
TRAININGS FOR ORGANISATIONS AND INDUSTRY Tailor-made Trainings Renewables Academy Online (RENAC Online) Blended Learning CAPACITY BUILDING SERVICES Capacity Needs Assessment Development of Curricula & Training Material Train-the-Trainer Programmes Turnkey Training Centres Quality Assurance MARKET DEVELOPMENT AND CONSULTING Business Matchmaking Consulting Short-term Experts for International Missions

12 RENAC activities worldwide

13 03 Training impressions

14 Equipment Example: Out-door knock-down system in Chile
University of Antofagasta, Chile

15 Photovoltaics (on- and off-grid)
Wigton Windfarm Jamaica

16 Solar thermal systems Wigton Windfarm Jamaica

17 Wind power systems Wigton Windfarm Jamaica

18 Bio energy processes Wigton Windfarm Jamaica

19 Quality Assurance Services
04 Quality Assurance Services

20 Quality Assurance Most important: Our customer needs a clear business plan that ensures sufficient funds and responsible staff for the long-term operation. RENAC offers its Quality Assurance Services to do its part for making the TC sustainable: Starter Kits for Trainers Feedback and continuous trainer support (twinning and/or shadowing) Certification of additional local trainers Training center and teaching material updates Co-certification of seminars/participants (in development)

21 Renewables Academy (RENAC)
Schönhauser Allee D Berlin Tel: Fax:

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