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DI – Disability Insurance

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1 DI – Disability Insurance
Carriers – Ameritas Principal Standard Petersen (Lloyd’s of London) Mutual of Omaha

Disability Income (DI) Insurance replaces a portion of your income when you are unable to work.

3 Do I need originals? All carriers will accept a clear copy of the application, but know they can come back to ask for the originals.

4 What do you need to order?
TeleApp/Phone Interview (for Principal) Medicals (based off age and benefit amount)

5 What income documents are needed?
Clients should bring the following to the appointment: W-2 (previous year if client has not filed) YTD Paystub – current year 1040 (with all schedules-if filed jointly) from previous year Make copies of these documents and send with the application.

6 What does the carrier order
Standard and Lloyd’s of London orders the medicals, APS and Phone Interview. Principal can order the medicals (If you inform them when you are placing the order for the TeleApp).

7 APPROVAL There is no “wiggle” room with DI Insurance.
There could be either a permanent or temporary exclusion rider.

8 What happens if the client is declined?
We are unable to have a case reviewed by our UW’s even with a PRE Form on file. DI carrier’s order their own medical records and we do not have access to the records. Our information is VERY limited. Quick Quoting or shopping is not an option with DI as all DI carriers have the same guidelines.

9 How can a client get approved for DI and not Life Insurance
The difference is Morbidity (DI) verses Mortality (length of life).


11 Mutual of Omaha Transamerica OneAmerica
LTC Long Term Care Mutual of Omaha Transamerica OneAmerica

12 What is Long Term Care? Long Term Care is a blanket term product for a wide range of services that are designed to meet medical, personal and social needs in a variety of settings & locations such as Assisted Living, Continuing Care, Home Care, Hospice Care, Nursing Home, Personal Care/Rest Home and Retirement Community. The OneAmerica product includes a LTC Rider, Whole Life or an Annuity as well. We will have additional information on this product later in the presentation.

13 Before you take an application
Every agent must complete the LTC Training Course - This is required by ALL carriers. Refresher Course Pre-Appointment *** Not being properly licensed can cause an application to be rejected and require a second application to be dated and resubmitted after you have completed training. ***

14 Do I need originals or money?
They will accept clear clean copies but if money is being submitted, the originals should be provided so they can all be submitted together. After approval, OneAmerica requires premium prior to issue of the policy.

15 What requirements are needed?
Depends on the carrier – generally it is the phone interview, APS, exam Requirements are based on age and the last time the client visited their physician. With OneAmerica, based on the phone interview, clients can qualify for Express Underwriting and be approved with no medical information required.

16 How can I help? Notify your client when the medical records are needed – ask them to call the doctor and inform them that their medical records are required to process their application Let client know there is a third party that will be contacting them to complete the Phone Interview.

17 Approvals Again, due to HIPAA, information is limited. LTC carriers have similar underwriting guidelines. A decline with one carrier will more than likely be a decline for all.

18 Quick Quote/Shop for LTC
You can pre-qualify a client that has health issues prior to completing an application. The following is what you will need to provide: Gender Build DOB Any medications Any surgeries We can reach out to a carrier regarding your client and speak directly to an underwriter if you would like for us to do that.

19 If my client is declined for LTC, can we apply for Life with the LTC Rider
Unfortunately, if your client applies for LTC and is declined, the LTC Rider on the Life application will also be declined. The LTC Rider is just like applying for LTC alone


21 Several various carriers
Fixed Annuities Several various carriers

22 New DOL Regulations Due to recent DOL changes that went into effect June 9, 2017, all annuity applications that involve qualified funds are subject to suitability review and approval by FHC before we are able to process and submit an application to the carrier.

23 What is a Fixed Annuity? An annuity is a contract sold by an insurance company designed to provide payments to the holder at specified intervals, usually after retirement. Fixed annuities guarantee a certain payment amount. They are relatively safe low-yielding investments.

24 CARRIERS (just a few) American General Standard North American EquiTrust American Equity Allianz Life Insurance of SW Aviva Great American Principal Voya National Western Symetra American National

25 Who has the best interest rate?
You can contact one of our Marketing staff, specify a specific carrier and they can provide the best interest rate for your client. You can also go to the First Heartland website, select Insurance Tools, then Annuity Rate Watch and check interest rates there as well.

26 Is there anything I need to do?
Product training Any carrier specific training

27 Replacement Most states are now NAIC states which means, if you have inforce life and or annuity coverage, a Replacement form is required even if you are not replacing. If you are replacing, make sure the new annuity application is being set up exactly like the annuity being replaced – like for like.

28 NAIC States Alaska, Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, Colorado, Hawaii, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, North Carolina, New England, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, Ohio, Oregon, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Wisconsin and West Virginia


30 FHC The perfect fit

31 Where does First Heartland fit in?
Paperwork – application packet Licensing Processing Commissions

32 When you need an application
The majority of the carriers can be found on First Heartland’s website. Any form that is highlighted in yellow area is a required form and will be included in the application packet. Additional miscellaneous forms follow the yellow section.

33 Is the agent Appointed? Contact the Licensing Department for all questions relating to agent contracting. Christy Gass: Gabby Lane:

34 Where do I send the application?
As mentioned earlier, due to the new DOL regulations, all annuity business now needs to flow through First Heartland for review and approval to submit. An agent’s first piece of business should be submitted to First Heartland to ensure the licensing is in order and it is coded correctly. This can be done by upload to Treeno or Mail (if originals are required).

35 What happens next? When we receive the application that has been approved according to the DOL regulations, Julie Baalman will assign the application to Jennifer Bagby or Pat Douglas. We will confirm that the agent licensing is in good order, enter the application into Smart Office and submit the application to the carrier. An will generate from Smart Office letting you know that the application has been processed and if there are any requirements.

36 I WANT MY MONEY!!!! Toni Peteva handles the commissions.
You can reach her at or her at


38 OneAmerica Products Asset-Care is designed to help you protect your assets by using the safety of whole life insurance. With a one time premium you receive a guaranteed amount of life insurance coverage, all of which can be used for qualifying long-term care products. AssetCare is medically underwritten meaning you must be in average or better health to qualify,

39 Product Highlights Cash value is credited with a minimum guaranteed interest rate Surrender option/Return of Premium Single and Joint Coverage Preferred Non Smoker and Standard Smoker rate classes Limited and Lifetime Benefit periods

40 OneAmerica products are a combination of Life, LTC Rider and Annuity
Asset-Care I Asset-Care II Asset- Care III (Currently not available to sell due to DOL regulations) Asset-Care IV


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