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Western Mass Health Equity Summit

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1 Western Mass Health Equity Summit
Jennifer Kimball, Public Health Planner, Berkshire Regional Planning Commission November 18, 2016

2 What is Age Friendly? Are communities that are livable, provide opportunities and are inclusive for all ages. Administered internationally by the World Health Organization (WHO) and in the US by AARP. An Age-Friendly Community enables people of all ages to actively participate in community activities, and treats everyone with respect regardless of age or status. It helps people stay active and healthy as they age, and provides support for those who need it. An Age Friendly Community is both a great place to grow up & a great place to grow old!

3 Why Age Friendly Berkshires?

4 Population over 65 is growing in numbers & percent
2010: Total Population: 131,219 Population over 65: 24,386 2020: Total Population: 130,002 Population over 65: 31,003

5 As is the over 50 population

6 For the first time in history: more people will be over 65 than under 18
In the US this shift will happen in 2030; in Berkshire County it already happened: in The shift appears to be permanent.

7 And not only was the population getting older, but
Tufts Foundation MA Healthy Aging Collaborative and other data showed that many were living alone, struggling with multiple chronic diseases or disability, were of low income, lacked access to transportation. On the other hand, other data showed a substantial population of more affluent and educated retirees, many of whom had moved to the Berkshires later in life.

8 How to make Berkshire County Age Friendly for Everyone?
Berkshire County covers 950 square miles; it can take close to two hours to drive from one end to the other. Located in far west of the state, bordered by NY, CT, VT; isolated geographically and culturally from the rest of the state Only 128,000 people in 32 municipalities, the majority of which have fewer than 2,500 people. Public transportation is extremely limited.

9 Age Friendly Berkshires Task Force Formed late 2014
Cross-sector collaboration, with unexpected partners Home Instead Senior Care Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) Berkshires Tomorrow, Inc. Berkshire County Boards of Health Association (BCBOHA) Elder Services of the Berkshires Councils on Aging – esp. Adams, Williamstown, Pittsfield, Gt Barrington, N. Adams Tri-Town Health Department / Be Well Berkshires City of Pittsfield BOH Berkshire Health Systems (BHS) Osher Lifetime Living Institute (OLLI) Berkshire Area Health Education Center (AHEC) Rainbow Seniors of the Berkshires Berkshire Music School Williamstown Housing Committee MA Department of Public Health Health New England Berkshire Elder Care Network 1Berkshire Berkshire Regional Transit Authority (BRTA) Berkshire County Regional Housing Authority (BCRHA) Retired Seniors Volunteer Program (RSVP) Parish Nurse Ministries of the Berkshires Kimball Farms Retirement Community Berkshire Alzheimer’s Association City of Pittsfield Fire Department Mahaiwe Theater AARP, MA Tufts Foundation

10 Assessment: Berkshire Age Friendly Survey
February/March 2015: Age Friendly Survey for Berkshire County adults aged 50 & over Distributed paper copies and online through multiple channels; entered into survey monkey Almost 2,500 responses!! Largely representative by geography, age, income, education. Final report available at

11 Later in Spring 2015 … May 2015: Formally accepted into the AARP Network of Age-Friendly Communities June 2015: First public summit held, over 125 participant came to hear about Age Friendly Berkshires June 2015: Two year grant received from the Tufts Health Plan Foundation

12 Aging in Place Forums Overwhelmingly survey participants wanted to stay in their own homes as they aged (98%) but expressed worry about being able to do so. Held three structured, facilitated public forums – asked for feedback on challenges & potential solutions. 150 participants! Report available at

13 In response to the Aging in Place Forums
A residential aging in place booklet, along with a training video (available free on youtube) created for use by individuals or organizations.

14 Other selected successes:
March 2016: Active Agers Advisory Council formed April 2016: Ounce of Prevention Peter R. Lee Award May 2016: Executive Office of Elder Affairs Breakfast w/ Alice Bonner May 2016: Bill Thomas Age of Disruption Tour Summer 2016: AARP Homefit (Wtown COA); class on online shopping (Adams COA); Social event (Pittsfield COA) October 2016: AARP grant to develop website October 2016: Four municipalities have passed Age Friendly resolutions (Pittsfield, Adams, Hinsdale, Sheffield); others in the pipeline November 2016: Dementia Community Conversation (Elder Services/EOEA)

15 Action Plan Eight leaders, representing the 8 domains of livability under AARP Age Friendly Communities have been hired to draft sections of an Action Plan for creating an Age Friendly Berkshires with input from diverse stakeholders. Public comment process in early winter, with completed Action Plan expected in March

16 Contact Info Laura Kittross Manager, Public Health Berkshire Regional Planning Commission , x32 Bobbie Orsi Director, Community Relations Home Instead Senior Care

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