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An appositive is a word that follows a noun and helps identify it.

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Presentation on theme: "An appositive is a word that follows a noun and helps identify it."— Presentation transcript:

1 An appositive is a word that follows a noun and helps identify it.
Nouns as Appositives An appositive is a word that follows a noun and helps identify it. Barry, the guy next door, helped us pick up the trash. An appositive phrase is an appositive and its modifiers.

2 Louisa May Alcott, a 19th century writer, produced many novels.
Nouns as Appositives Nonrestrictive appositives are set off by commas because they are not crucial to the understanding of the sentence. Louisa May Alcott, a 19th century writer, produced many novels.

3 Her most popular work is the novel Little Women.
Nouns as Appositives Restrictive appositives are not set off my commas. They are necessary for an understanding of the sentence. Her most popular work is the novel Little Women.

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