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Political system of the USA

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1 Political system of the USA
Přemysl Žaloudek


3 Legislative power The administrator of legislative power is Congress → 2 chambers : Senate (100 ) representative hall (435 ) Members of the congress are directly voted by inhabitants every 2 years The number of the representatives depends on number of inhabitans in each state


5 Congress All legislative power
Most important thing congress has to do is to propose, discusss and ratify every testament before it goes to president The session of congress is 2 years Controls the legislative power Levy war

6 The Cabinet Vice president and 15 departments (treasury departments, department of defence , ministry of health …) They cooperate with congressional committee Some of the ministers are the most important advisers of the president


8 President Negotiats international treaties
Allows or disallows legal acts Nominats judges Supreme army commander Leader of the executive power

9 Barack Hussein Obama First Afro-American president
Father from Kenya, mother from USA Senator from the state of Illinois Holder of the Nobel peace price

10 White house House and workplace of the president
The white house has-131 rooms , 3kitchens , 31 bathrooms ,16 bedrooms,8 stairways, 3 elevators , 5000 visitors a day, a year

11 Vice President Second highest function of the executive power
In case the president can't hold an office anymore, the vice president takes his place Presiding senate One of the 4 National Security Committee

12 Judicial power Interpretates the laws which has been testified by the congress Judicial authorities are : Supreme court and Federal court

13 American holidays 15.1. - Martin's Luther King's birthday
Lincoln's birthday Valentine's day President's day Washington's birthday St. Patrick's day Armed forces day D Day Flag day Independence day Labor day Halloween

14 American holidays part II.
Veteran's day Thanksgiving day Pearl Harbor day And a lot more holidays but I don't want you to get bored :)

15 Independence day 4.7 – more common name July Fourth or Fourth of July
Public holiday in the USA Celebrating the acceptation of the Declaration of Independence on Great Britan ( ) The celebration is connected with parades , fire-works and of course drinking


17 Armed forces day Celebrated on the third saturday in may
The day way created in 1949 to honor Americans serving in the five U.S. Military branches – the Army , Navy , Marines , Air force and Coast Guard In 1962, President Kennedy established Armed Forces Day as an official holiday. The United States' longest running city-sponsored Armed Forces Day Parade is held in Bremerton, Washington


19 Valentine's day Is an annual celebration held on February 14 celebrating love and affection between intimate companions. The day is named after one or more early Christian martyrs named Valentine and was established by Pope Gelasius I in 500 AD It is traditionally a day on which lovers express their love for each other by presenting flowers, offering confectionery, and sending greeting cards known as "valentines"


21 Relations between CZE x USA
Czech citizens – don't need Visas anymore – you can make them but it's useless Czech embassy is in Washinghton D.C. American citizens – don't need Visas – they are free to enter the Czech Republic American embassy is in Prague


23 Thank you for watching..!! :)

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