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High Level Motion Authoring for Articulated Figures

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1 High Level Motion Authoring for Articulated Figures
Michael Wasserman & Michael Ilardi

2 Concept What if you could just tell your articulated figure to walk or wave its hand? Using a timeline interface, an artist could “paint” animations onto an articulated figure. Using Maya this could be rendered as a 3D animation for some given hierarchical bone structure.

3 Demo Using these simple commands: Produce this animation:
takepose posename rootofpose (Timeline editing) takeplist plistname Produce this animation: (Play clips)

4 Tools Maya – Professional level modeling and animation software
MEL – Maya’s Embedded (scripting) Language Maya API – Application Programming Interface (C++, plug-ins) Our tools Skeleton and Skin – Gimbal rotations, root translations, and subd. Setpose – A plug-in used to record information about the state of the articulated figure to a .pose file Timeline – Graphical interface for creating .plist and .anim files from .pose and .anim files (hierarchical, open, manipulate, save, export) Takeplist – A plug-in to apply a .plist scene to the articulated figure

5 Whodunit? Mike Wasserman Mike Ilardi Timeline XXX Setpose X Takeplist
Articulated Figure Figure Skin Animation

6 Conclusion Both of us realized that tackling the intricacies of Maya’s scripting language, API, and the plethora of data structures required to administrate an animation (and give it a graphic interface) was a much larger project than originally thought. As such, we were compelled to use Maya’s internal interpolation algorithms, not our own. IK vs. FK tradeoffs

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