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TOSCA Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications (TOSCA) Standard An Open Standard for Business Application Agility and Portability.

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Presentation on theme: "TOSCA Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications (TOSCA) Standard An Open Standard for Business Application Agility and Portability."— Presentation transcript:

1 TOSCA Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications (TOSCA) Standard An Open Standard for Business Application Agility and Portability in the Cloud

2 What is TOSCA? Matt to work on overall master template, agree on color palette. Animate each of the 3 major paragraphs as read by narrator TOSCA is an important new open cloud standard, that is enabling a unique eco-system, supported by a large and growing number of international industry leaders… TOSCA defines the interoperable description of applications; including their components, relationships, dependencies, requirements, and capabilities…. …thereby enabling portability and automated management across cloud providers regardless of underlying platform or infrastructure thus expanding customer choice, improving reliability, and reducing cost and time-to-value. Slide “What is TOSCA?” <speaker notes can be literally what’s on this slide>

3 TOSCA addresses critical cloud challenges
Animate each of the 3 challenge bullets as they are introduced by narrator Matt needs to work on adding graphics that match the verbs/concepts of each bullet. Discuss only the challenge (perhaps in more detail), but do not discuss solution Speed and accuracy moving apps to Cloud Agility adapting to change (Business and IT) Consumer Choice of Cloud vendor and technology Slide “TOSCA addresses critical cloud challenges” Unlike many other industry standards TOSCA is an Application centric technology and helps to address the most important challenges at that level: How do you capture dispersed expert knowledge to reliably automate rapid implementation and deployment? Horizontally across all components of the entire application / service Vertically across the technology tiers How can you cope with complex and frequent changes In applications and IT infrastructures Driven by strategic and operational needs in business and IT Without jeopardizing Integrity, Security and Compliance How can this promise of the cloud paradigm become reality? Enabled by a powerful and vendor-independent ecosystem In this presentation I’m going to tell you how TOSCA is addressing these challenges. Examples (optional speaker text): Change topologies Update components Automate all kinds of changes that are traditionally done manually

4 The collective knowledge of application and infrastructure experts are captured as reusable TOSCA models Need to say something about “models” as it is intro’d here By supporting these principles: containment, connectivity, composition and reuse (from an application perspective) Animate containment and connectivity (and reuse) Application / Service Web Server Tier Database Server Tier Web Server DB Server Web App Database PHP Script Module Slide “The collective knowledge of application and infrastructure experts are captured as reusable TOSCA models” TOSCA uses the concepts of Containment, Connectivity, Composition & Reuse to support the DevOps scenarios of continous application refinement and integration handover requirements via TOSCA templates to the appropriate receiver, e.g, via Yaml to OpenStack for Infrastructure requirements TOSCA templates allow the “divide and conquer” approach in order to allow different people to work on, e.g., application, infrastructure , operation specific leverage expert knowledge coming from inhouse teams or vendors of e.g databases like DB2, packaged apps like SAP TOSCA templates allow orchestration engines to automatically validate configurations for consistency and their compliance with policies Containment and Connectivity concepts support Composition & Reuse These concepts lead to an application-centric, holistic, unified model Models can be validated by automation to ensure app-aware, policy-aligned config, deployment and other operational semantics Reusable models extend investments by making it easy to compose more valuable and complex apps from existing apps

5 TOSCA enables an eco-system where service providers can Compete and Differentiate to add value to Your Applications Suggestions made to reuse (foreshadow) graphics from slide #6 (Eurocloud) Explore Venn diagram from “tools”, “service provider” “marketplace” using same color coding, TOSCA at intersection Show several providers reaching out (serving) to a customer (TOSCA model) Note: need to work on overlap “best fit” sentence and the “req-cap” sentence Each cloud provider offers his “best fit” of unique capabilities, features, and services, based on requirements described by the application’s TOSCA Service Template Application / Service TOSCA supports automated application requirement to service provider capability matching Application can be portable to any cloud (including hybrids) that meets the app’s requirements Opposite of a “lowest-common denominator” approach Slide “TOSCA enables an eco-system where service providers can Compete and Differentiate to add value to Your Applications” The problem is that there is an increasing reality of commoditization amongst cloud providers, each one taking a “lowest-common denominator” approach in order to faciliate portability to their enviroment. They are, in essense, challenged to innovate in the face of portability issues experienced by their customers. The key here is an enabling standard that empowers application portability, even across multiple clouds at low cost and low effort, without limiting a cloud provider to advertise his unique capabilities. TOSCA addresses this by enabling automated match-up of application requirements to cloud provider capabilities. This enables each cloud provider to offer his “best fit” quickly and easily in order to offer differentiating value, features, and services to your application. Cloud Provider A Cloud Provider B Would like a new graphic here. Make more consistent with slide #5 (next)

6 Cloud Management and Automation FlexFrame Orchestrator
TOSCA eco-system vision successfully Animate by populating the empty Tools, marketplace and cloud manager boxes, (no tools/company names or logos). Empty clouds in bottom layer Add tools/logos/company names for “Design” layer then “Marketplace” layer, then “Cloud Manager” layer then add/show purple arrows between the 3 layers showing choice/paths for fulfillment. Show arrows top-down from orange layer to purple to blue layers in that order OASIS Sponsored Multi-Company Interop. Demos of SugarCRM, SAP CRM and ERP application portability October 15-16, Luxembourg Participating Companies: Service Designer Workload Deployer Cloud Monitoring Design Tools Other cloud optimization tools multiple marketplaces (conceptual) SAP Marketplace Service Marketplaces Cloud Marketplace Slide “TOSCA eco-system vision successfully At Eurocloud 2013 an OASIS TOSCA cross company team demonstrated for the first time portability of a couple real applications to completely different cloud environments, from different vendors and based on different technologies. This was accomplished using two TOSCA service templates as topology models, one for a SugarCRM application and one for an SAP CRM application. An eco-system around those TOSCA templates started to become visible, including model design tools, service market places to facilitate distribution and access to the templates, cloud managers using templates for application deployment to cloud environments, and monitoring tools to carefully watch health and performance of the running applications. While last year several TOSCA TC member demonstrated portability scenario prototypes this year we see first productization demonstrations While we demonstrated last year that TOSCA template-based portability is real, this year we can already show a broader adoption and productization Cloud Management and Automation SmartCloud Orchestrator Cloud Managers FlexFrame Orchestrator Telco Cloud Solution Supported Clouds Different partner cloud orchestration engines & tools seamlessly modeling, deploying, running and monitoring the same TOSCA service templates on different clouds.

7 TOSCA Templates Agnostic to Cloud Infrastructure Changes
TOSCA enables holistic application lifecycle automation while ensuring integrity, security and compliance Animate by “role” starting with Architects then adding Development, QA and Operations (in that order around the circle) Initially, the slide starts with just the clouds and the purple ring, For each role add the yellow arrow(s) and yellow boxes and any arrows and TOSCA templates they connect to. Finally add the “External Infuences” and add 1 by 1 the darker purple arrows inside of it from top-to-bottom (i.e., Strategic requests, operational requests, etc.) Cloud Application Lifecycle with TOSCA Architects Model services, policies & requirements Development Teams Develop, unit test scripts, plans & artifacts for planned releases, patches, fixes Infrastructure Changes Hot Packs Strategic Requests Operational Requests External Influences TOSCA Template Develop Design TOSCA Template TOSCA Template Test Build Cloud Provider A Cloud Provider C Cloud Provider B TOSCA Template Deploy Operations Deploy, manage & monitor application lifecycle QA Teams Build & Test releases, updates & configurations Slide “TOSCA enables holistic application lifecycle automation while ensuring integrity, security and compliance” Create,Enrich, Change TOSCA Template within application life cycle Detail/Scope of appropriate templates will different depending on the requirements Strategic Requests → Defined by Line of Business operational requests → Operation Team defined or related to vendor inputs to e.g start preparing technology migration, upgrade , change minor changes e.g via hot packs infrastructure changes required which might influence the application stack as well ( TOSCA dependencies ) information exchange via TOSCA between People, process , technology specify via TOSCA tempates requirements/restrictions within different phases of the application lifecycle e.g you allow to run a testsystem in a public cloud but the QA/Prod system only in private cloud Role Architect → Design Phase Leverage TOSCA principles within architecture design , link to TOGAF/Archimate/Business Process modeling ( BPEL/BPMN) Design principles Create the Architecture Blueprint in TOSCA template format specifying first highlevel Node, requirements, capabilities, inter relationship, SLA/Monitoring, Testing , security/industry/compliance/ implementation, deployment artifacts needed Define TOSCA template release strategy and declarations ( release numbering scheme ) If possible use TOSCA enabled Design Tools to create Topology Design decide where you use declarative versus imperative design templates and combinations to leverage assets Define Requirements needed ot IT Supplier and different Cloud provider in IT Supply Chain Leverage TOSCA template coming from vendor ( e.g DB vendor, Middleware, application, Infrastructure ) Role Development Teams → Development phase use requirements specified in TOSCA architecture template to verify design specification and creation and input into agile developments Update TOSCA template before handover to Quality Assurance QA teams → Quality assurance phase Take TOSCA template specifications to deploy your Testlab to test the appropriate application and underlying Infrastructure create testplan and incorporate TOSCA template requirements add operation requirements regarding application behaviour, performance metrics/KPI ( backend, integration and frontend related ) to help operation team prepare Designtime to runtime artifact handover for rollout into production Operations teams → production phase leverage/ Copy TOSCA templates coming from QA team for production landscape deployment or changes required extract information for end2end IT supply chain involved in application and infrastructure involvement. extract SLA and deploy into monitoring templates store enriched TOSCA templates for compliance, governance, security and change mangement , close the loop to architecture and other involved teams to allow leverage of templates for new implementations, optimization and change management   My first thought´s, please add, modify TOSCA Templates Agnostic to Cloud Infrastructure Changes TOSCA templates communicate and drive application-centric DevOps and continuous delivery

8 Application Requirements
TOSCA reduces complexity by expressing application requirements independently from cloud provider capabilities Initially the slide starts with everything but the arrows (and dotted lines connecting the “top” (App requirements) to the “bottom” (Infra. Capabilities) and also the “TOSCA Orhcstration” box is hidden. The Large Arrows on the left are the first to be made visible (first adding the orange App reqs then adding the blue Infra Caps) Then add the “Match and Optimize” purple box Finally we add the smaller arrows connecting the graphics by adding (in the same order) the 1 orange chevron inside the App Req. box and then the 3 blue Caps for providers A, B and C and the connecting lines. Ideally we would show the TOSCA document flowing to Clouds A, B and C in along the dotted line’s path TOSCA Portable Cloud Application TOSCA Service Template Software + Infrastructure Patterns Application Requirements App DB Scaling Policy Compute1 Compute2 Network Storage Application Requirements (Abstract) TOSCA Orchestration - Match and Optimize Cloud Consumer Choice Slide “TOSCA reduces complexity by expressing application requirements independently from cloud provider capabilities” A very powerful mechanism of TOSCA is its automatic matching of application requirements to infrastructure capabilities in terms of their exposed services. This slide illustrates a rather simple example. In more complex cases you will match services requirements and capabilities on all levels. E.g an application running in a private cloud can leverage several services like security, monitoring from another public cloud. Or, on the infrastructure level you might be able to consume storage services and network services from different providers    newly created. What do you think? like this, although the slide mainly shows application to IaaS , the requirement/capability matching and relationships also works across Apps Infrastructure Capabilities (Abstract) Infrastructure Capabilities Ring Network KVM PowerVM SSD RDMA Network 10 Gb Network X86 VM HDD Cloud Provider A Cloud Provider B Cloud Provider C TOSCA applications are portable to different infrastructures

9 TOSCA enables flexible movement between different clouds
Initially no arrows Animate the “Initial deployment” arrow Then add and animate the “Move” arrow TOSCA Cloud Service Templates enable … Cloud providers to match application requirements while still offering unique solutions Automated application movement between Clouds without typical migration pains Application / Service Initial Deployment TOSCA Template Move Slide “TOSCA enables flexible movement between different clouds” TOSCA enables cloud portability to applications that enables application owners the freedom to distribute their applictions across clouds, or move those applications to new cloud providers, as needed, to meet changing technical, business, and regulatory conditions. That freedom comes from the inherent lower cost and lower effort that the TOSCA modeling approach provides for such operations as moving or distributing an application across multiple providers. For example, as the upcoming holiday season approaches, I may have a retail cloud application that has specific SLA and transaction throughput requirements that cannot be met by my current provider. Or, new healthcare privacy regulations require that I move my application to a provider offering better audit and privacy capabilities to meet those new regulations. Cloud Provider A Cloud Provider C Freedom to respond to changes in business needs and regulatory demands

10 TOSCA eco-system is rapidly growing with support from many industry leaders and open source partners
TOSCA Version 1.0 Specification approved as an OASIS Standard (25 Nov 2013) Government and Corporate Awareness: OASIS: member organizations participants spanning 65+ countries TOSCA TC: 150+ members, 35+ companies & orgs. Iternational Standards & Research: ETSI NFV liaison, EU FP7, etc. Industry Analysts: Forrester names TOSCA as a top four cloud open standard (Mar 2014) Multi-company Interoperability Demonstrated: EuroCloud 2013 (Oct 2013): IBM, SAP, Fujitsu, Huawei, HP, Vnomic, Zenoss and others Open Data Center Alliance: TOSCA Application Portability in the Enterprise Cloud PoC (Jan 2014) Open Source: OpenStack, Eclipse Winery,, Apache, celar Members Companies Slide “TOSCA eco-system is rapidly growing with support from many industry leaders and open source partners” TOSCA v1.0 is already an OASIS standard, and as you can see it is a standard that is already recognized by leading analysts, and embraced by literally hundreds of members and dozens of companies. In fact, the TOSCA TC is already one of the largest technical committees in OASIS and is further distinguished by its accelerating membership and number of adopters in recent months -- something quite noteworthy for a technical committee. The TOSCA Technical Committee is currently working on the next release of TOSCA, which is designed to improve the interoperability and flexibility of the standard for cloud providers, tools, and application builders and architects. Moreover, the current standard is already quite real. Implementations have been publically demonstrated, for example at Eurocloud in October where leading vendors demonstrated deployment, tools, and repositories, as we discussed earlier. Also, a very worthwhile ODCA proof-of-concept was conducted in The findings of that study has further informed the ongoing work and refinement of the TOSCA open standard. There is acelerating interest and support in the open source community, as well. For example, there are now several different TOSCA-related projects in the OpenStack community. Additionally, there are open source TOSCA-related projects in Eclipse, Apache, Cloudify, celar. External Links (for reference, not spoken) ODCA TOSCA “TOSCA Application Portability in the Enterprise Cloud” Eclipse Celar (open source): Eclipse Winery Open Source Projects

11 Find out how TOSCA can empower your Cloud business
TOSCA enables application portability and automated management across cloud providers regardless of underlying platform or infrastructure thus expanding customer choice, improving reliability, and reducing cost and time-to-value. In implementing your Cloud strategy TOSCA enables unique solutions to your key challenges Speed and accuracy moving apps to Cloud Agility adapting to change - Business and IT Choice of Cloud vendor and technology Talk to your vendors and platform providers about their TOSCA support Slide “Find out how TOSCA can empower your Cloud business” ask your vendors, developer, architects, cloud provider to create reusable TOSCA templates    start using Oasis TOSCA principles in all your Cloud Projects Start using Oasis TOSCA principles in all your Cloud Projects

12 TOSCA Resources – Learn More
TOSCA Technical Committee Public Page TOSCA v1.0 Specification TOSCA v1.0 Primer TOSCA Simple Profile in YAML v1.0 in early, committee-approved draft form Technical Committee Co-Chairs: Paul Lipton, Simon Moser, Find out more about TOSCA through these links and contacts.

13 The TOSCA Ecosystem in action!
The following slides … Showcase companies’ and organizations’ TOSCA Design Tools, Marketplaces, Orchestrators and Cloud Managers

14 App-Centric Cloud Lifecycle Prototype: Sugar CRM CSAR Use Case

15 Juju is an Open Source TOSCA Orchestrator that can deploy workloads across public, private clouds, and directly onto bare metal. Supports TOSCA Simple YAML Profile Supports AWS, OpenStack, Azure, HP Helion Cloud, Joyent, and Bare Metal Rich Ecosystem of tools and Users Library of over 100 production workloads via a Charm Store

16 … … … … Application LIfecycle ENabler 4 Cloud
Open-Source Cloud Governance Solution based on TOSCA TOSCA Topology edition Applications Single application package Cloud Service ARchives Multiple platforms and clouds Alien4Cloud Multiple platform versions Environment Resources and Capabilities Orchestrator Compliant Package Execution platforms Enterprise devops collaboration & Self-Service PaaS and Orchestrators cloudify 2 cloudify 3 heat others Cloud governance Application Lifecycle management Containers Private Cloud Public Cloud Continuous Delivery

17 FlexFrame® Orchestrator adopting TOSCA
Key Technologies Key Values FlexFrame Management Application Repository TOSCA Automation & Orchestration Application & Infrastructure Virtualization High Availability Disaster Tolerance Multi Tenancy Lifecycle Management TOSCA Service Templates Reduced Costs Increased Agility Improved Service Levels Reduced Complexity Cloud Interoperability & Portability Service Template Orchestration Application & Hardware Virtualization Computing Network Storage FlexFrame® Orchestrator solutions enable dynamic infrastructures for private and hosted clouds focusing on SAP Applications Adopting OpenStack and OASIS-TOSCA is driving FlexFrame® Orchestrator innovation towards cloud interoperability and application portability Potentially extending FlexFrame® Orchestrator to support a broad set of TOSCA-compliant business applications

18 GigaSpaces Cloudify - Cloud Application Orchestrator to Support TOSCA
Orchestrates TOSCA Service Templates using workflows to automate deployments and other DevOps automation processes

19 Develop a TOSCA Design model for a Pet Clinic App and deploy the application
Publish into Catalogs as Service Offerings Create Subscriptions Topological graph results in a system generated execution plan for fulfillment Declarative Service Designs (Aligned to TOSCA principles) HP Cloud Service Automation - HP’s comprehensive Hybrid Cloud Management Solution

20 Deploy the SugarCRM Based on Tosca CSAR Package
For Tosca Demo Login portal Upload the CSAR package Step 1: Login Step 2: Upload Ready Wait for implement installing configuring Topology of the Application based on the CSAR Package and the Deploying Flow Status of each nodes descript in the CSAR Package Step 3: Deploying Step 4: Deployment Successful 20

21 SugarCRM or SAP CRM services offered in a service catalog
Demo TOSCA Service Templates import and deployment using IBM Cloud Orchestrator Integrated tooling for TOSCA template creation and editing Import and export of TOSCA v1.0 compliant service templates Deploy-time composition of service templates based on policies Integrated monitoring and scaling of deployed services Import of the SugarCRM or SAP TOSCA applications into our integrated application builder tool. SugarCRM or SAP CRM services offered in a service catalog Deployed instances of SugarCRM or SAP services with public IP addresses

22 SAP supports TOSCA standardization
As a cloud leader, SAP has supported the development of the TOSCA standard from the very beginning. SAP was one of the companies that originally proposed TOSCA at OASIS in 2011. In 2013, SAP took part in the TOSCA interoperability demo at Eurocloud Congress, showing an SAP landscape – SAP CRM on Sybase ASE – automatically deployed by TOSCA solutions from several SAP partners, all developed independently. We anticipate that TOSCA will deliver significant cost savings and faster time-to-value for the many SAP customers moving to the cloud.

23 Service Designer and Desired State Controller support for TOSCA
Vnomic Service Designer Vnomic Suite: Declarative Desired State Service Delivery and Governance for the most complex applications and infrastructures Create TOSCA Service Templates using modeled Components and Artifacts Compose Services from existing deployments and component libraries Publish to Marketplaces Import and Compose new Services Orchestrate TOSCA Service Templates across diverse clouds and infrastructures Cloud X Marketplaces Deploy from Marketplaces Model existing deployments Vnomic Desired State Controller

24 Service Model Monitoring via TOSCA
SAP service deployed with TOSCA orchestration Realized deployment is instrumented for monitoring using TOSCA template along with deployment information Results in deployment and operational support of services based on IT policies Copyright Zenoss, Inc. 24

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