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Women working as lawyers in Saudi Arabia

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1 Women working as lawyers in Saudi Arabia
Layla Al-Hamid Hanan Ghulam

2 Outline: Introduction. me Literature Review. Methodology.
Findings and Implications. me Conclusion. me References.

3 Introduction It has been a long time since women are demanding the right of working as lawyers. It is a very important to the women of the Saudi society to have the right to defend themselves. While searching for this project, we started reading lots of articles that talk about women needs in Saudi and the community interaction in women as lawyers in Saudi Arabia. After that, we used books about women rights in Islam and the important of having women as lawyers in all over the countries.

4 Introduction The purpose in this project is to clarify that woman in Saudi has the rights to be lawyers and to work in this great field. We will discuss several aspects of the issue of women working as lawyers in Saudi Arabia. First, does Saudi allow the female lawyers to work in courts and to advocate their clients? Second, does society with female working as lawyers or they are trying to prevent them from this right? Third, the importance of this career and their areas of work.

5 Literature Review Ferial Kinj 2012 to Riyadh newspaper stating that she is the first Saudi women working as a lawyer where she stormed the field since 18 years ago. According to Marori (2005), “When women want to defend her self in one of her cases, she would ask for a female lawyer to defend her. “Saudi women will begin to work as lawyers in the courts, after Eid al-Adha holiday, as approved by the Panel of Experts of the Cabinet in the list of the working lawyers” (News, 2012).

6 Literature Review Bayan Zahran a legal advisor confirmed that there are no technical obstacles facing rapid application system attorneys for women lawyers. The Ministry of Justice has professional reception and check requests lawyers for licenses (Nsrean, 2012).

7 Methodology This will examines the varied impacts of Saudi women working as a lawyer. It's accomplished by gathering background information on women rights in Islam from books. Articles from relevant journals will be used to confirm the important of allowing Saudi women to work as lawyers . An account of different views on the matter will be obtained from blogs, newspapers, and articles. The material used will come from a variety of sources and different formats, which includes online sites, statements made by Saudi judges, and opinions stated by Saudi female lawyers.

8 Findings and Implications.
In the Saudi society there are still many who are against women working in some fields like, business and medical field. As women of Saudi Arabia started to claim their right of defending themselves or having a women defend them, they had many who opposed them. Women of this society need to have lawyers who will understand them and will be sure to defend them fairly without any biases.

9 Findings and Implications.
When women become lawyers, they will make many differences and changes to the community. An important implication of women working as lawyers is Dissemination of human rights culture among women. It will encourage women after proving themselves as lawyers to claim to open more fields for them.


11 Conclusion

12 References Abdulrahman, A. (2009). Studies on the status of women. Jeddah: AlHikmah Alsabig, M. (2011, 8, 7). Women's right to litigation. Al-Sharq, p. 6 Nsrean, A. (2012, 10, 7). Resolution for allowing female lawyers to work. Al-Watan.

13 References Khairat, A. (2009). Status of women in Islam "equality between men and women". Khobar: Jarir. Kinj , F. (2012, 8, 6). The first Saudi female lawyer. Al-Riyadh. Retrieved from Marori, B. (2005). Saudi female as lawyers. Tabok: Al-Qalam. News, M. (2012, Oct 16). Saudi women lawyers in the courts after Eid al-Adha. Retrieved from

14 Thank you for your attention We will be glad to answer your questions

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