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Presentation on theme: "PEN STUDY MALAWI (Chimaliro and Liwonde Forests) PRELIMINARY RESULTS"— Presentation transcript:

1 PEN STUDY MALAWI (Chimaliro and Liwonde Forests) PRELIMINARY RESULTS
Thabbie M.S. Chilongo “Putting PEN to Paper” Workshop, Bogor, Indonesia, 23-28 March, 2009

2 Context: Study Sites Chimaliro Liwonde Forest area (km2) 160 274
Dominant forest types Branchystegia and Jubernadia woodlands Branchystegia and Uapaca woodlands Altitude (m asl) Rainfall (mm/annum) Temperature (0C) No. of villages sampled 28 11 Mean village size (people) 298 479 Village size range (people) Mean hh size (people) 5.9 5.0 No. of hh sampled 215 191 Other differences Away from major cities and towns Ethnically homogenous Near major cities and towns Ethnically heterogenous

3 Household Income (US$) Sources
Total Cash Cash Share (%) Subst. Subst. Share (%) DFI 15.55 2.42 16 13.12 84 ForDrI (3.05) 1.13 (37) (4.18) 137 Fish 0.31 0.19 62 0.12 38 NFEI 22.58 22.08 98 0.50 2 Aqua. 0.13 0.05 35 0.08 65 Crop 41.27 11.75 28 29.53 72 Livstock 4.43 2.00 45 2.43 55 Wage 18.54 Business 8.75 Other 9.64 Figures in parentheses are negative DFI = net direct forest income; ForDrI = net forest derived income; NFEI = net non-forest environmental income

4 Income Distribution

5 Income Sources and Seasonality

6 Key Forest and Environmental Products
Net Income (US$) Percentof Total Income Cash Income (US$) Cash % Subst. Income (US$) Subst. % Firewood 4108 41 466 11 3642 89 Thatching grass 1240 13 120 10 1117 90 Mushroom 1235 12 280 23 956 77 Poles 1104 503 46 601 54

7 Income Composition and Poverty

8 Other Patterns Only 2% reported using forests as a coping mechanism
Coping Mechanisms Distance Correlation: Only 2% reported using forests as a coping mechanism Common coping mechanisms (frequency-ranked): Spend cash savings Casual labour work Selling assets Assistance from friends and relatives Direct forest income To road To district mkt 0.031 To forest mkt 0.054 Forest-derived income To road To district mkt To forest mkt

9 Policies and Overall Findings
Major policy impact Government subsidy programme Forest co-management programme Surprising results Wide income variations especially for DFI and NFEI in Q2 and Q3 respectively. Composition of DFI and NFEI needs to be re-checked Average income in the lower quintile is too low (US$0.84) Exciting results Seasonality income distribution is as expected. Agriculture income share comparable to agriculture GDP share.

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