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Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Texas State Organization Alpha State Convention – Frisco 2016 Archives Workshop What do we Keep? What do we.

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Presentation on theme: "Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Texas State Organization Alpha State Convention – Frisco 2016 Archives Workshop What do we Keep? What do we."— Presentation transcript:

1 Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Texas State Organization Alpha State Convention – Frisco Archives Workshop What do we Keep? What do we Toss? Presented by Deborah Thomas and Archives Committee Clipart used Microsoft word, DKG President logo, photos taken by Deborah Thomas are used with permission.

2 Why Do We Need to Archive?
Keep Valuable History Reference Past Activities Think Past Present Future A schedule design for optional periods of time/objectives.

3 Why Do We Need to Archive?
Begin with the Basics: Locate Locate your chapter’s documents and records TIP A schedule design for optional periods of time/objectives. Organize as You Go!

4 Why Do We Need to Archive?
Begin with the Basics: Inventory  What Are We Supposed to Keep? A schedule design for optional periods of time/objectives.

5 Why Do We Need to Archive?
Begin with the Basics: Evaluate What stays with chapter? What goes to state? What goes to archive? A schedule design for optional periods of time/objectives.

6 Why Do We Need to Archive?
Begin with the Basics: Preservation  Fully identify all materials: source, date, place, event, people Organize materials into safe, protected binders and boxes. Consider recording and/or filming an oral history by interviewing chapter founders or senior members. A schedule design for optional periods of time/objectives.

7 What Are We Supposed to Keep?
Chapter Charter Membership Rosters Financial Records Meeting Minutes Membership Records Biennium Reports Yearbooks Archives Chapter History Correspondence of Historical Value Yearbook A schedule design for optional periods of time/objectives.

8 What Are We Supposed to Keep?
Chapter Funds Checking Account Scholarship Our Heritage Volume I Volume II Alpha State Presidents The Presidents of Alpha State (Texas) The Presidents of Alpha State (Texas) Society Publications Constitution Bylaws Official Manual Program Manuals Ceremony Books Songbooks A schedule design for optional periods of time/objectives.

9 What Are We Supposed to Keep?
Bible Table Banner Replicas of Key and Shield Brass Items Items to Conduct Ceremonies A schedule design for optional periods of time/objectives.

10 What do we toss? Multiple copies Staples - remove Paperclips - remove
Refer to Checklist in Treasurer’s guidebook Things that are metal or materials that will harm other items State and International Publications

11 Mu Omicron – what we did to complete our chapter inventory.
First we sorted the boxes of stuff we had collected thru the years and what members gave us when they resigned. Next, we put all items in order of date and by groups. We didn’t throw multiple copies away at this time. Next, we tossed State publications; they are already archived at that level.

12 Mu Omicron – what we did to complete our chapter inventory.
Next, we used the checklist in the Guidelines for Treasurers to know what items we could discard. Next, we checked off the items we had for each year. Finally, we made a list of missing items and sent it to members, for them to see if they had any of the missing items. We are planning a trip to Archives in Denton to hopefully get copies of the items we did not find.

13 Mu Omicron – what we did to complete our chapter history.
First, we used the Guidelines for Writing a Chapter History to make an outline of the items to include. Next, we set up a template of the outline and dated each one. We made a template for each year. We included our charter historical information on each yearly template. Next, we used our scrapbooks and the binders with each year’s information in it to fill in the outline. Next, we now need to go to Archives in Denton to fill in some of the missing information.

14 TSO Archives Committee Members Visit Blagg-Huey Library and Archives Leticia Graham, Ella Jo McGovern, Janice Sutton, Marilyn Gregory-TSO President, Deborah Thomas –TSO Archives Chairman and Cynthia DeVies

15 TSO Archives Display at TWU

16 This is the work area where everything is processed.
The picture shows inside the vault where our boxes are kept in a climate controlled environment. The shelves are on rollers so that we can get to our boxes.

17 Look I found my chapter! Our section among all the shelves. We have two rows on each side.

18 TSO Archives Committee at Work
Janice Sutton and Juanita Harmon removing staples, paperclips and State and International pages. Cynthia DeVies and her husband Ron checking the master list to see that all the yearbooks turned in are marked on the master list.

19 Still working… Linda Somervill checking the inventory
of one of the dissolved chapters. Deborah Thomas and Ann Butcher making a list of items turned in by one of the State Presidents.

20 Everyone is still working; however, we do take time to visit.
TSO Archives Committee also works at Headquarters to process items for Archives. This is a great committee to serve on and have the opportunity to see all the DKG Treasures.

21 Did you know? Our State Archives is located at the Blagg-Huey Library on the TWU campus. Kimberly Johnson and her staff welcome you to come and see our Archives and look through your chapter’s boxes. You may contact Kimberly Johnson to request a time to visit or you can contact Deborah Thomas, TSO Archives Chair. Consider having a Chapter meeting at Archives or a summer field trip.

22 Contact your 2015-2017 State Archives
Deborah Thomas, Chairman Mu Omicron, Area 9 Committee Members: Cynthia DeVies Jo McGovern Eta Eta, Area Beta Pi, Area 10 Janice Sutton Linda Somervill Mu Tau, Area Lambda Pi, Area 10 Juanita Harmon Ann Butcher Kappa Theta, Area Kappa Psi, Area 9 A list of procedures and steps, or a lecture slide with media. Ex Officio Member: Marilyn Gregory Epsilon Kappa, Area 7

23 Thank you for attending the Archives Workshop!
Please let us know if you have any questions.

24 Archives Committee State Website Resources
DKG Cookbook Flyer Guidelines for Writing a Chapter History Archives: Trash or Treasure? Responsibilities of Chapter Archives Committee The Women’s Organization Movement throughout Texas From Granny with Love Here Today; Gone Tomorrow Conclusion to course, lecture, et al.

25 Checklist for Item Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Meeting Minutes Newsletters YES NO Yearbooks Yearly member list Membership form/Transfers State Reports


27 Please refer to the new Guidelines for Chapter Treasurers Page 21.

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