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Orientation Class of 2020.

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1 Orientation Class of 2020

2 Mission and Student Affairs
COMMUNIO As an academic institution, our community is rooted in the Norbertine ideal of communio, which is characterized by mutual esteem, trust, sincerity, faith and responsibility. Communio is lived through open dialogue, communication, consultation, and collaboration. Communio encourages us to respond individually and collectively to the needs of our local and global communities. Characterized by mutual esteem, trust, sincerity, faith and responsibility

Mission and Student Affairs VALUES AT A CATHOLIC INSTITUTION Seek truth through an ongoing dialogue between faith and reason Recognize the sacred dignity of all persons Utilize knowledge in working toward a Gospel vision of justice Affirm the goodness encountered in creation and culture Characterized by mutual esteem, trust, sincerity, faith and responsibility

4 Mission and Student Affairs
STUDENT HANDBOOK The handbook is the student guide to understanding what it means to be a member of the SNC community. Contents include: Academic Resources Institutional Policies and Procedures Behavioral Policies Student Conduct Process Students are responsible for reading and complying with this information. The Citizen is on the SNC web-page.

5 CONSEQUENCES Alcohol Sanctions Drug Sanctions Category A Category A
First offense- Disciplinary Probation $50 fine Drug assessment Category B $200 fine Parent notification Category A First offense – Residential Probation $50 fine My Student Body Category B First offense- Disciplinary Probation $100 fine Alcohol assessment Parent notification Alcohol Category A example: in a room where alcohol is present when RA is doing rounds Category B example: public intoxication and disruptive behaviors to community members (loud) Drug Category A example: smoking marijuana in your room Category B example: being in possession of moderate to large quantity of marijuana and/or controlled substances

6 This is mandatory and will require 100% participation.
Mission and Student Affairs My Student Body empowers students to make well-informed decisions and provides some simple strategies to help keep students and their friends safe. The student will receive a message in their campus account in mid-July from me that will provide more details about this program, including how to access the course and deadline dates for completing it. This is mandatory and will require 100% participation. Base line alcohol and other drug information and knowledge. Goal is to inform students. Before arriving on campus – complete phase one. Second phase – prior to Thanksgiving. Sexual assault information is also imbedded in the course.] Non completion will impact registration for classes for Spring semester and housing options for

7 Mission and Student Affairs
GOOD SAMARITAN POLICY Students that seek emergency attention for dangerously intoxicated individuals may not be subject to formal disciplinary action, at the discretion of the Director of Student Judicial Affairs based on the safety issues involved. The policy applies both to the person requiring help and the person or organization reporting the concern. When students encounter an individual who may be dangerously intoxicated, they should call Campus Safety immediately. The student will participate in a follow-up meeting and will be required to follow through on care plan created by staff. Number one priority – student safety, Seek help for a friend. Follow-up – not within the conduct process. Needs to work with us.

8 Mission and Student Affairs
SEXUAL MISCONDUCT Consent is a mutual agreement that is voluntary and not coerced. Consent can be withdrawn at any time. Consent for one act does not imply ongoing, future consent. Circumstances in which a person, CANNOT, by law, give consent: i. The person is severely intoxicated or unconscious as a result of alcohol or drugs ii. The person is under the age of legal consent iii. The person is mentally or physically incapacitated due to cognitive limitations It does not matter if it is a current long-term relationship, a broken relationship, or marriage. If one partner says, “NO,” and the other forces penetration it is rape.

9 Consequences All forms of sexual harassment, sexual and gender based misconduct on campus are strictly prohibited. All members of the community are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that does not infringe upon the rights of others. Cyber Bullying Disciplinary probation up to Suspension Sexual harassment Non-consensual sexual contact - Disciplinary probation up to Suspension Non-consensual sexual assault - Suspension up to Expulsion Insert data from Clery reporting here

10 Mission and Student Affairs
TIPS FOR PARENTS When young adults leave for college, some parents feel uncertain about the changing relationship. You can and should continue to play a vital role in the life of your college student. Stay in touch - write, call, , ask questions. Promote independent problem solving. Expect change. Give your son or daughter the opportunity to express new views and opinions. Support his or her independence. If your daughter or son experiences difficulties encourage her or him to take advantage of campus resources.

11 Mission and Student Affairs
STAYING IN TOUCH Sometimes parents get frustrated if they are paying the bills and then are not informed when their student is involved with the student conduct process. Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the educational records of students are considered confidential unless a student signs a consent form. What is FERPA? Why do I have limited access to their records? What is considered an educational record? Is there a single waiver my son or daughter can sign? State that link is on the website

Mission and Student Affairs BETWEEN NOW AND MOVE-IN DAY Discuss together: Alcohol and the effects How frequently we want to talk or check-ins The Citizen – check out the website Become familiar with SNC resources (RA, Hall Director, Campus Safety, etc.) and use them Discuss consent and safety ( Live safe app Put phone number in cell phone

13 Melissa B. M. Vergara, Director of Prevention Education and Student Judicial Affairs

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