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Innovative Collaborative e-Learning using LAMS

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1 Innovative Collaborative e-Learning using LAMS
James Dalziel Director, LAMS Foundation Professor of Learning Technology & Director, Macquarie E-Learning Centre Of Excellence (MELCOE) Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia Presentation for National University of Singapore, July 2nd, 2007

2 Overview The missing concept of e-learning Learning Design LAMS
Bedside manner PBL LAMS – LMS integration LAMS Community Further information & Additional topics

3 The missing concept of e-learning
“Single-learner” content vs “multi-learner” content LMSs have collaborative tools (forum, chat) and courseware has sequencing of content…. But why no sequencing of collaborative activities? Face to face classes/workshops often use collaborative activities and content in a structured way So why is this so rare in e-learning?

4 Learning Design The pre-history of Learning Design exists in decades of work on systematic lesson planning, and more recently in the technical work of Educational Modelling Language (EML) EML formed the basis for the IMS Learning Design specification NB: When I say Learning Design, I mean the wider field, not just IMS LD Definitions vary, but some typical examples include: Koper (2001): “modelling units of study” Sloep (2002): “people doing activities with resources/environments” IMS Learning Design specification (2003): “a description of a method enabling learners to attain certain learning objectives by performing certain learning activities in a certain order in the context of a certain learning environment”

5 Re-usable sequences of collaborative learning activities
Learning Design For me, the key to Learning Design is: Re-usable sequences of collaborative learning activities Re-usable: Can easily be captured, stored, shared and adapted Sequences: Managed flow of tasks (not a list on a course page) (But not necessarily a linear flow of individual tasks) Collaborative learning activities: “Multi-learner” tasks (….as well as “single-learner” tasks like content and quizzes) Alternatively, a Learning Design is a “digital lesson plan” But not simply a narrative description – rather, it can “do” something

6 Learning Design Each activity in a Learning Design requires details about: Who: People/roles What: Content/Instructions (“Activities” in IMS LD) How: Tool setup (“Environment/Services” in IMS LD) Plus the overall Learning Design has: When: A description of the flow of tasks/sequence structure (“method” in IMS LD) Why: A set of educational objectives/competencies (optional) The details of who, what and how for each task (and the sequence structure & objectives) are encoded in a machine-readable format Eg, EML file, IMS LD XML file, LAMS XML file So a Learning Design authoring environment creates a Learning Design file, which is then “played” by a run-time environment

7 LAMS World’s leading software for Learning Design
1000s of educators across 80+ countries Translated into 25 languages Visual “drag and drop” approach to designing activities Educator designs activities, then “runs” them with students, and monitors student progress **Lessons can be stored, re-used, adapted and shared Freely available as open source software

8 LAMS sustainability There is no licence cost for LAMS – it is freely available as open source software LAMS is freely provided by the non-profit LAMS Foundation Fee-based services and support for LAMS are provided by a commercial company – LAMS International Both LAMS Foundation and LAMS International are supported by Macquarie University

9 LAMS Demonstration Simulation of a module on
on bedside manner (8 students)

10 LAMS Login

11 Home: Showing course (Healthcare Education) and sequence (Bedside Manner)

12 Learner View of Bedside Manner sequence – first activity (Noticeboard)

13 Learner – Q&A – individual answer

14 Learner – Q&A – Collated answers

15 Learner – Voting – individual answer

16 Learner – Voting – collated answers

17 Learner – Grouping

18 Learner – Chat

19 Learner – Access Resources

20 Learner – Forum discussion

21 Learner – Notebook reflection

22 Author – Bedside manner sequence

23 Author – Editing of individual Q&A

24 Monitor – Live view of sequence progress by learners

25 Monitor – Detailed view of monitoring of chat

26 Monitor – Live view of individual learner progress

27 Author – Alternative sequence structure - PBL

28 LAMS/LMS Integration page:

29 Sharing Lesson Plans: The LAMS Community
The “LAMS Community” is global website for communities of LAMS users. Discuss the use of LAMS, new features, technical issues **Share sequences, search for sequences, comment on and rate sequences, and get statistics on downloads Find colleagues with similar interests, form sub-communities We use Creative Commons “open content” licensing of LAMS sequences Approximately 2300 members, 86 countries, 190 shared sequences, discussion postings

30 LAMS Community – View of various communities & forums

31 LAMS Community – Repository Summary

32 LAMS Community – Detailed view of individual sequence

33 Further Information - LAMS
General information: Especially CD link for case studies, video, demos; downloads Online community: Forums, sequence repository, regular newsletter, resources Demonstration – LAMS V2 Sakai – LAMS integration demo Fee-based services and support

34 Additional Topics Pedagogic Planners LMS Integration
Single Sign On Deeper integration (eg, tools) Upcoming new features “Live Edit” (released) Branching, conditionality, data in/out RAMS – collaborative activity workflow for eResearch / eScience

35 Pedagogic Planner New area – uses activity templates + advice for easy adoption of Learning Designs Online demonstration (NB: not yet implemented) User view (Teacher) Creator view (Instructional Designer)

36 Further Technical Details: VLE integration - eg Sakai
Existing integration (Single-Sign-On) Demo site at Extending the current integration Gradebook Tools integration Use LAMS Tools Contract to allow Sakai tools to be sequenced by LAMS workflow engine Expose LAMS tools to be used in Sakai courses

37 Sakai 2.3/4 & LAMS V2 Integration: Manager view of user sequences

38 Sakai & LAMS V2: Sakai-based selection of authored sequences

39 Sakai and LAMS V2: Opening Authoring direct from Sakai

40 Upcoming for LAMS V2.1 The LAMS V2 architecture provides the foundations for many new features which are not yet visible, eg: Branching Conditionality Advanced grouping “Data in/data out” Combinations of the above Also planned for the future are: “Edit on the fly” (released in LAMS V2.0.3) Instant messaging Pedagogic planner creator/editor

41 Introducing RAMS The “Research Activity Management System” (RAMS) builds on the LAMS V2 workflow core (+ new eResearch features) A new suite of activity tools appropriate for people-based eResearch activityflows Plus multi-purpose tools that apply across eLearning and eResearch The result is two different domain-specific applications (LAMS for eLearning; RAMS for eResearch) that draw on a common workflow core Everything is open source

42 Introducing RAMS LAMS Application RAMS Application
Teachers Researchers LAMS Application RAMS Application eLearning specific tools Multi-purpose tools eResearch specific tools “Education Workflow Engine” (LAMS core + new RAMS development) Admin Author Monitor Participant

43 Sample eResearch Activityflow Use Cases
High level use cases from RAMP proposal: Managing the research enterprise lifecycle (from grant planning to grant submission, to project initiation, to project lifecycle management, to research outcome dissemination), Implementing auditable evaluation processes for assessing research quality (RQF assessor workflows, journal/conference peer review management, etc), Designing and tracking article submission processes for Institutional Repositories, Flexibly configuring and running online research collaboration processes (such as staged collaborative analysis and discussion for PhD/Postdocs around raw data, leading to interpretation, visualisation, and ultimately publications), and Process-oriented research data collection from human subjects (such as in the humanities, and social and cognitive sciences).

44 New RAMS Features: Live Edit (starting with running sequence in Monitor)

45 New RAMS Features: Open live sequence in special author mode (some locked)

46 New RAMS Features: Can change sequence structure/tools for those not locked

47 New RAMS Features: Live sequence is immediately updated for current users

48 The future of educational tools?
Stand alone Sequenced Offline Online Teacher led Student led

49 LAMS 2.0 Features: Simple and Complex Branching

50 Dissecting Dolly LAMS 2.0 is not longer just an application, but instead a framework for sequencing activities Your all one-stop-dev-shop for LAMS 2.0: Architecture Comparison Tools Contract LAMS Tools Built-in content repository and note services Developing a LAMS Tool Sequence External Tools within LAMS

51 LAMS 1.0.x vs LAMS 2.0 Architecture Comparison

52 Tools & Tools Contract Manage its own content My LAMS Tool Author
Tool as “almost” independent web applications. Set of expected behaviours, registered URLs and API calls that a LAMS Tool has to implement to "talk" to LAMS Core. Clear separation between Design and Tool Content. Stores and manages Designs My LAMS Tool Manage its own content Author LAMS Core Admin Tool Contract Learner Monitor Services

53 My LAMS Tool Author Admin Learner Monitor Services Author Contract/API
Admin Contract/API Learner Contract/API Monitor Contract/API Services API Author Admin Learner Monitor Services

54 External Tool Wrapper External Tool External Tool Wrapper Author Admin
External tool can be used as normal LAMS Tools using the tool wrapper. Effectively, Moodle, .LRN or Sakai tools can be used as native LAMS tools (including advanced features as groupings, branching, define in monitor, etc) External Tool Wrapper Author External Tool Admin Learner Tool Contract Tool Contract Monitor Services

55 External Tool Wrapper (Moodle Example)
The LAMS/Moodle wrapper provides another level of abstraction to bundle Moodle activities as LAMS native tools that you can drag and drop create learning sequences just like any other tool Author Moodle External Tool Wrapper (provided by LAMS) Forum Admin WS/Moodle API Learner Tool Contract Monitor Services

56 Where/How do I start developing a LAMS Tool?
The LAMS Wiki The LAMS Tech Community

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