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Women’s Hormone Health & Exercise Workshop Thursday, June 1st, 7:00 pm Louis Moore, M.S.

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Presentation on theme: "Women’s Hormone Health & Exercise Workshop Thursday, June 1st, 7:00 pm Louis Moore, M.S."— Presentation transcript:


2 Women’s Hormone Health & Exercise Workshop Thursday, June 1st, 7:00 pm Louis Moore, M.S.

3 All hormones work in the body via feedback loops to form Virtuous or Vicious Cycles.

4 Ideally, what this means is that if a hormone is too low, the body takes that feedback and then will trigger the creation of more. If a hormone is too high then production will be stopped, or it will be converted or removed, in order to bring it down to normal.

5 However, you’ll often get trapped in a cycle of too much or too little of certain hormones. And in those cases other interactions in the body work to keep you there.

6 Let’s take the example of estrogen dominance
Let’s take the example of estrogen dominance. One thing this leads to is the creation of more adipose tissue (fat). Fat then creates the aromatase enzyme, which converts testosterone into estrogen. Then vicious cycle continues

7 Another example is with cortisol, the stress hormone
Another example is with cortisol, the stress hormone. Get too stressed and it becomes harder to relax, throws your sleep off, prevents recovery, and disrupts pretty much all the other hormones too. This in turn leads to more stress and more cortisol. The vicious cycle continues . . .

8 Not getting enough growth hormone and you’ll feel the need for sleep decrease (notice many of the elderly sleep less and less). But what is the biggest trigger of growth hormone? Sleep. The vicious cycle continues . . .

9 When a person begins to suffer from a chronic disease, if you take the right actions, it can often times be reversed. However, at a certain point, they are too far gone whether its cancer, heart disease, or diabetes. The cycle has continued too long and you can’t get out of it.

10 But There Is Good News

11 The opposite is also true. This is called the Virtuous Cycle
The opposite is also true. This is called the Virtuous Cycle. This means that the better things are, in general it is easier to keep them that way.

12 When you have optimal levels of testosterone you’re more likely to be happy, have sex, and workout more. Guess what? All of these things support testosterone production too. Eating right helps you be more active. And being active helps you eat right.

13 With youth, everything is running well typically, and when you overdo things to the extreme you bounce right back. You’re working in a virtuous cycle that keeps the status quo of things running well. But over time, the cycle slows and eventually can become vicious. Here, when “things hit the fan,” you drop deeper into a hole. A hole that can take years to “dig” yourself out of.

14 What does it take to move from vicious to virtuous?

15 It’s not just a cycle but more of a spiral
It’s not just a cycle but more of a spiral. Whether it goes up or down is largely up to you.

16 Progesterone Testosterone
Estrogen Progesterone Testosterone

17 For men, it’s pretty simple
For men, it’s pretty simple. In most cases men need more testosterone and less estrogen.

18 For women, it’s more complicated
For women, it’s more complicated. For at least 2 of these 3 hormones different women may need more or less, for the numbers to go up or down.

19 Testosterone

20 A lack of testosterone is an issue many women face and leads to other hormonal problems. Testosterone is an estrogen precursor and is only one conversion step away from estradiol, the main good estrogen.

21 Too Little Testosterone May Result In:
Infertility Low Sex Drive and Inability to Orgasm Osteoporosis and Sarcopenia (weak bones and muscles) Vaginal Dryness Missed or Irregular Menses Changes in Breast Tissue Fatigue Insomnia Lack of Motivation Low Self-Esteem Low Immunity Join Pain or Arthritis Cellulite Higher Incidence of Cancer

22 Too Much Testosterone May Result In:
Acne Loss of Hair Irregular Menses Growth of Facial Hair Infertility Cycles Longer Than 35 Days

23 Testosterone Reference Range for Women:
Total Testosterone of ng/dL and Free Testosterone of 1.2 – 6.4 pg/mL Optimal Range: Total Testosterone of 30 – 60 ng/dL with Free Testosterone above 10 pg/mL Testing for Testosterone is best taken in the first 7 days of a woman’s cycle as these levels will flunctate, with testosterone peaking at day 13 or 14.

24 Causes of High Testosterone is Women:
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) Smoking Alcohol Insulin Resistance Obesity

25 Causes of Low Testosterone is Women:
Over 40 Years of Age Many Medications including Cholesterol Lowering Drugs and Anti-depressants Birth Control Lack of Strength Training

26 Supplemental Testosterone?

27 While Testosterone Replacement Therapy is Available For Women, a Natural Approach is Recommended First: To Increase: Pine Pollen Tongat Ali Vitmain D3 Strength Training and HIIT Training Quality Sleep Stress Control Healthy Fats To Decrease: Increase intake of fiber Zinc DHEA

28 Progesterone The Women’s “Feel Good” Hormone

29 Progesterone is the dominant hormone of pregnancy and is produced in the second half of a woman’s cycle where it is critical in balancing out estradiol. Progesterone is not produced in the female body before puberty begins or after menopause.

30 Progesterone doesn’t get too high
Progesterone doesn’t get too high. Any problems will be when it is too low, and out of balance with other hormones. This is called “Estrogen Dominance,” because the Progesterone isn’t there to balance it out.

31 Too Little Progesterone May Result In:
PMS Symptoms Irregular Menses or Heavy Bleeding Infertility Breast Tenderness Bloating and Fluid Retention Night Sweats Poor Sleep Including Restless Legs Mood Swings with Anxiety or Depression Poor Coordination Breast or Ovarian Cysts Endometriosis Note: the most common sign are any kind of PMS symptoms and anxiety, especially over the age of 35.

32 Progesterone Reference Range for Women:
The normal range levels are measured during the second half of the cycle. At day 21 before the age of 40 they should be at 10 – 25 ng/mL. Optimal levels are at least 15 ng/dL for women. Pre-ovulation during a cycle, the levels are typically less than 1 ng/mL. And after menopause the levels will typically stay at this same level, less than 1 ng/mL. Higher levels occur with pregnancy in the range of of 50 – 400 ng/mL.

33 Causes of Low Progesterone in Women:
“The Pregnenolone Steal” – when Pregnenolone is converted into Cortisol instead of Progesterone due to extreme stressors. Poor Sleep High Insulin Levels Poor Food Quality (Toxins in foods) EMF’s Too much caffeine Toxic Relationships Low levels of cholesterol and healthy fats in diet Low levels of Vitamin D3

34 Supplemental Progesterone?

35 While Progesterone Replacement Therapy is Available For Women, a Natural Approach is Recommended First: To Increase: Bio-identical form of supplements, not synthetic Vitex (Chaste Berry), Vitmain D3 Strength Training and HIIT Training Quality Sleep Stress Control Healthy Fats To Decrease: Increase intake of fiber Zinc DHEA

36 Estrogen Estradiol (E2) Estrone (E1) Estriol (E3) 2-hydroxy-estradiol
2-hydroxy-estrone 16-alpha-hydroxy-estrone 4-hydroxy-estrone Note: The “2’s” are considered the healthier versions while the “16” is linked to cancer.

37 Too Little Estrogen May Result In:
Vaginal Dryness or Infections Painful Intercourse Anxiety Waking Up in the Middle of the Night Hot Flashes Stopping of Menses Incontinence Sagging Skin and Breasts Arthritis or Achy Joints Weak Bones and Muscle

38 Too High Estrogen May Result In:
Depression Excess Water Retention Weight Gain, especially belly and butt fat Fatigue Irritability Memory Problems Breast Cancer or Cysts Endometriosis Fibroids Excessive Breakdowns and Crying Brain Fog

39 At menopause, women tend to start making less estradiol, sometimes called the “young woman’s hormone,” and make more estrone, “the older woman’s hormone.” It is important to NOTE that testosterone helps keep estrone in balance.

40 Estrogen Reference Range for Women:
Follicular Phase: 30 – 120 pg/mL Ovulatory Phase: 130 – 370 pg/mL Luteal Phase: 70 – 250 pg/mL And for post-menopausal women: 10 – 60 pg/mL The optimal ratio of estradiol to estrone is 2:1

41 Causes of High Estrogen in Women:
Overweight Perimenopause (usually after age 35) Alcohol Consumption (too much) Exposure to Xeno-estrogens (plastics, pesticides, cosmetics, etc.) Magnesium Deficiency Low Quality Food (processed and industrialized)

42 Causes of Low Estrogen in Women:
After age50 Menopause Extreme Exercise Gluten Intolerence

43 While Estrogen Replacement Therapy is Available For Women, a Natural Approach is Recommended First:
Bio-identical form of drugs/supplements, not synthetic Flax seeds Fermented soy from Asia, not processed forms from U.S. Hops Black Cohosh Damiana Shatavari Vitamin B12 Methionine MSM Cruciferous Vegetables like broccoli DIM Dong Quai Schisandra Yams Goji Berries

44 Things To Do: The truth is, if you consistently lead a healthy lifestyle, then your hormones should take care of themselves. Blood Test and Find a Proactive Doctor Who is Knowledgeable and Cares Quality and Quantity of Sleep Hydration Importance of Healthy Fats and Cholesterol Low-Toxin and Endocrine Disrupting Diet Herbs and Super Foods Keep Insulin/Glucose Levels Low Ditch the Endocrine Disrupting Cosmetics and Skin Care Products Birth Control and Synthetic Hormones Control Stress Liver Health Consistent Exercise Quality Leisure Experiences

45 Thanks!

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