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Linguagens, Códigos e suas

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1 Linguagens, Códigos e suas
Tecnologias – Inglês Ensino Médio, 3º Ano Relative Pronouns

2 What is this? Is it a thing, a person or a place?
Inglês, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Relative Pronouns What is this? Is it a thing, a person or a place? How can we define this piece of furniture? Imagem: svg / Swedish Transport Agency (Transportstyrelsen) / Domínio Público A bed is a thing which we sleep on.

3 A bed is a thing which we sleep on. which
Inglês, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Relative Pronouns Observing the sentence, which relevant information is given about the bed? Which word introduces this information? Imagem: svg / Swedish Transport Agency (Transportstyrelsen) / Domínio Público A bed is a thing which we sleep on. which

4 A bed is a thing which we sleep on.
Inglês, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Relative Pronouns A bed is a thing which we sleep on. It is a Relative Pronoun A Relative Pronoun relates to another noun preceding it in the sentence. They connect a dependent clause to an antecedent (i.e., a noun that precedes the pronoun.) Therefore, relative pronouns acts as the subject or object of the dependent clause.

5 The chef who won the competition studied in Paris.
Inglês, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Relative Pronouns Consider the following sentence where the relative pronoun is a subject: The chef who won the competition studied in Paris. In this sentence, WHO relates back to (or is relative to) the noun CHEF. WHO also acts as the subject of the dependent clause and the verb WON. The independent clause is: The chef studied in Paris.

6 The shirt that Carl bought has a stain on the pocket.
Inglês, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Relative Pronouns In this sentence, the relative pronoun is an object in the dependent clause. The shirt that Carl bought has a stain on the pocket. In this sentence, THAT relates back to (or is relative to) the noun SHIRT. THAT is also the object of the verb BOUGHT. The dependent clause is: that Carl bought. The independent clause is: The shirt has a stain on the pocket.

7 Which relative pronoun should we use?
Inglês, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Relative Pronouns Which relative pronoun should we use? Which relative pronoun to use is determined by what the antecedent is and whether the dependent clause is essential information in relation to the independent clause.

8 Which Who Where That Whose Whom
Inglês, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Relative Pronouns The Relative Pronouns are: Which Who Where That Whose Whom

9 Relative Pronoun Why do we use it?
Inglês, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Relative Pronouns Relative Pronoun Why do we use it? Examples Who [or that] To talk about people. The woman who lives next door is a doctor. Which [or that] To talk about things [That is used more commonly than which]. Who ate the cheese that was in the fridge? Whose To talk about possession. The man whose house I bought was at the party. Where To talk about places. The housing estate where I grew up has been demolished. Whom Whom is possible instead of who when it is the object of the verb in the relative clause. To whom did you write? With whom did you sing?

10 Some particularities in the use of...
Inglês, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Relative Pronouns Some particularities in the use of... RELATIVE PRONOUNS

11 I don’t like dogs which dig the garden. (animal  dog)
Inglês, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Relative Pronouns Which is used to refer to an animal or thing that was already mentioned, joining two sentences in order to make sense and can be replaced by that. Examples: I don’t like dogs which dig the garden. (animal  dog) I don’t like dogs that dig the garden. (replaced by that)

12 Which cannot be omitted or replaced by that:
Inglês, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Relative Pronouns Which cannot be omitted or replaced by that: When it comes after a preposition: This is a subject about which I know very little. When the which-part only adds more information about the main sentence, but it will make sense without this part. This old car, which I bought with all the money I saved last year, was the best I could find at the car agency.

13 That’s the man whom I called to help me yesterday.
Inglês, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Relative Pronouns Whom is used to refer to people in the place of the object (when it comes after a noun, name or pronoun) and can be omitted or replaced by who. If it comes before a verb, it refers to the subject of the sentence and only who can be used. Examples: That’s the man whom I called to help me yesterday. That’s the man (who) I called to help me yesterday.

14 Whom cannot be replaced by who When it comes after a preposition:
Inglês, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Relative Pronouns That’s the man who called me to help him yesterday. (refers to the subject of the sentence, so who cannot be omitted or replaced by whom.) Whom cannot be replaced by who When it comes after a preposition: Sonia is a woman about whom I want to know more. When the other sentence makes sense without the whom-part: Karl, whom I think you know, sits behind me at school.

15 We use only the pronoun THAT:
Inglês, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Relative Pronouns We use only the pronoun THAT: When there are two antecedents (people and animal or people and thing): I know the singers and the songs that she mentioned. (person) (thing)

16  After adjectives in the superlative, first and last.
Inglês, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Relative Pronouns  After adjectives in the superlative, first and last. She is the sweetest woman that I have ever met. (superlative) The last time that I saw him was in May. The first thing that you have to do is call the police.

17 After all, only, everything, none, some, any, no and their compounds.
Inglês, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Relative Pronouns After all, only, everything, none, some, any, no and their compounds. She ate something that we had never seen. When it is essential to the meaning. The gold medal that should have gone to Marissa went to a girl from the other gymnastics club. REMEMBER: The pronouns can only be ommited when functioning as object, not when exercising the function of subject.

18 Inglês, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio
Relative Pronouns Relative Pronoum Quiz

19 CHOOSE A NUMBER Inglês, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Relative Pronouns 1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 At this point the teacher divides the class into two teams and gives each group a magic board. If there is no magic board, ask students to write the words YES and NO and the relative pronouns on different pieces of paper and shows it at a time. The group gets points if they get the correct answer. CHOOSE A NUMBER

20 1. Mary is the girl ____________________ parents are famous doctors.
Inglês, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Relative Pronouns 1. Mary is the girl ____________________ parents are famous doctors. whose

21 2. I know a man ____________________ can fix washing machines.
Inglês, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Relative Pronouns 2. I know a man ____________________ can fix washing machines. who

22 3. The train ______________ goes to Madrid leaves from platform 2.
Inglês, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Relative Pronouns 3. The train ______________ goes to Madrid leaves from platform 2. which

23 4. If you can’t find the hotel ________ I stayed last weekend,
Inglês, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Relative Pronouns 4. If you can’t find the hotel ________ I stayed last weekend, I can tell you _________ to ask. where who

24 5. Charles is the guy about
Inglês, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Relative Pronouns 5. Charles is the guy about ___________ I know two or three bad things. whom

25 6. Mary already has the tickets which we asked her to buy.
Inglês, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Relative Pronouns 6. Mary already has the tickets which we asked her to buy. Can which be omitted in this sentence? Yes

26 Inglês, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio
Relative Pronouns 7. This is the man ______________ is the most famous author ever – William Shakespeare. who

27 Inglês, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio
Relative Pronouns 8. Liberty Island, ___________ the Statue of Liberty stands, is full of tourists. where

28 9. The candidate will choose who will act as campaign director.
Inglês, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Relative Pronouns 9. The candidate will choose who will act as campaign director. Can who be omitted in this sentence? No

29 10. The radio ______________ I bought doesn’t work very well.
Inglês, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Relative Pronouns 10. The radio ______________ I bought doesn’t work very well. which

30 Inglês, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio
Relative Pronouns 11. Queen Victoria, ______________ husband was Albert, became Empress of India. whose

31 12. My friend Caroline, _____________ is Scottish, tells funny jokes.
Inglês, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Relative Pronouns 12. My friend Caroline, _____________ is Scottish, tells funny jokes. who

32 13. Do you know ________________ this mobile phone belongs to?
Inglês, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Relative Pronouns 13. Do you know ________________ this mobile phone belongs to? whom

33 14. The people who moved in next door seem to be very friendly.
Inglês, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Relative Pronouns 14. The people who moved in next door seem to be very friendly. Can who be replaced by whom? No

34 15. Two guys, _____________ car had broken down, asked me for a lift.
Inglês, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Relative Pronouns 15. Two guys, _____________ car had broken down, asked me for a lift. whose

35 16. Did you get everything which you wanted?
Inglês, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Relative Pronouns 16. Did you get everything which you wanted? Can which be ommited in this sentence? Yes

36 17. He is the guy ______________ brother was sacked for stealing.
Inglês, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Relative Pronouns 17. He is the guy ______________ brother was sacked for stealing. whose

37 18. Is there a shop nearby ____________ sells stamps?
Inglês, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Relative Pronouns 18. Is there a shop nearby ____________ sells stamps? which

38 19. Nothing that she said surprised me.
Inglês, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Relative Pronouns 19. Nothing that she said surprised me. Is it possible to use Which instead of that in this sentence? No

39 Inglês, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio
Relative Pronouns 20. There were two applicants, none of _______________ seemed very competent. whom

40 21. Katie did all the homework ___________ the teacher assigned.
Inglês, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Relative Pronouns 21. Katie did all the homework ___________ the teacher assigned. that Explanation: The clause “the teacher assigned” is essential to the meaning so the pronoun should be that.

41 The image of the bed in this power point was created using the forms.
Inglês, 3º Ano do Ensino Médio Relative Pronouns The image of the bed in this power point was created using the forms. The house which return to the menu was taken from the by inserting clipart. Some information was taken from: etc.

42 Tabela de Imagens n° do slide
direito da imagem como está ao lado da foto link do site onde se conseguiu a informação Data do Acesso 2 svg / Swedish Transport Agency (Transportstyrelsen) / Domínio Público 28/08/2012 3

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