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Year 12 Options Evening 2017 ‘Subject Choices at 16’

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1 Year 12 Options Evening 2017 ‘Subject Choices at 16’

2 Key Stage 4 – Careers Support To help students make an informed choice
18 lessons in Term 1 of Year 12 8 lessons in Term 2 of Year 12 To help students make an informed choice Talk from Queens University Special Careers Day Subject Teacher Advice Careers Service Advisors - Interview New A-Level Subjects Talk Drop-in Advice Sessions


4 Key Stage 4 – Careers Lessons To help students make an informed choice
High level of self-awareness Identify skills and talents To help students make an informed choice What are the options post-16? Which subjects do you really enjoy? Researching university courses Which subjects are you good at? What are the jobs of the future? Researching careers and jobs What A-Level subjects are on offer? Do I need certain A-level subjects for a particular degree?

5 http://www. nidirect. gov


7 Is Higher Education still worthwhile?
‘Knowledge Economy’ requires highly skilled workers. Graduates have higher employment rates, with a greater proportion in high-skilled employment, and higher median salaries than non-graduates. Over 60% of all new jobs require a degree course Many of the jobs advertised ask for graduates of any discipline Graduate Labour Market Statistics, 2016 Universities UK 2016

8 Applied Subjects Health and Social Care (Double and Single Award)
Life and Health Science (Double Award) Two thirds of the marks for Applied Subjects are awarded through portfolio units – coursework. One third of the marks are awarded through examined units – tests Applied Subjects could be worth either: One A-Level = Single Award or Two A-Levels = Double Award

9 Applied Science Nursing Forensic Science Dietetics Physiotherapy
Building Surveying Environmental Science Occupational Therapy Food Technology Speech Therapy Primary Teaching Accountancy Irish Forensic Science Architecture Early Childhood Studies Computer Science Product Design Dietetics Physiotherapy

10 Applied Health and Social Care
Applied Subjects Applied Health and Social Care Midwifery Geography Teaching Social Work Business IT Social Policy Youth Work Primary Teaching Nursing Irish Counselling Criminology Early Childhood Studies Multi Media Human Resources Psychology Speech Therapy

11 Factors to consider when choosing your subjects:
Look at the list of subjects available and choose subjects you enjoy Look at university course specific requirements – remember that most universities make offers based on 3 A-levels A-level subjects and subject combinations – Russell Group – ‘Facilitating Subjects’ Labour Market Information

12 Advice from Year 13 students
Choose what you are good at Listen to what your subject teacher is advising Don’t choose what your friends are choosing unless you really want to do the subject Speak to Year 13 students to hear what they think Don’t choose a subject because you like the teacher Find out what the subject involves before you sign up to it Make sure you know the entry requirements for the subject

13 2nd Factor to consider when choosing your subjects: University Course Specific Requirements
Look at university course specific requirements – remember that most universities make offers based on 3 A-levels PHARMACY - usually - Chemistry and at least one subject from Biology, Mathematics and Physics (AS Biol preferred) ENGINEERING - including Mathematics, and another science depending on the type of Engineering PHYSIOTHERAPY – Sometimes two Sciences are asked for ACTUARIAL SCIENCE – Maths required. Need to update….

14 Specific GCSE Requirements at Queens University
Business Management - Maths Grade B Nursing: - Maths & Science Grade C Midwifery – 5 Grade B’s, incl Maths and Science High Demand Courses –offers based around outstanding GCSE results

15 3rd Factor to consider when choosing your subjects:
A-level subjects and subject combinations – Russell Group – ‘Facilitating Subjects’ Document – ‘Informed Choices’

16 A-Level Subject Combinations
Many university courses do not require specific A-level subjects – offers are based on grades or points Choose a broad range of subjects at A-level to develop as many transferable skills as possible and keep post A-level options open Choose a degree from a good university and get the best degree classification possible HAVE THE COURAGE TO PLAY TO YOUR STRENGTHS

17 Job opportunities expected to expand – (STEM areas)
Labour Market Information Job opportunities expected to expand – (STEM areas) 1. Green Economy 2. IT 3. Food Healthcare

18 Green Economy Efficient Energy Use and Management Renewable Energies
Water and Waste – Water Treatment Waste Management, Recovery & Recycling Environmental Consultancy Green ICT Applications/Software

19 IT Financial Services Communications Creative Industries All Sectors

20 Food Sector Shortages within the Sector Marketing Production


22 Miles Cowdry, Director, Global Corporate Development, Rolls Royce:
“We are looking for graduates who can be our future leaders and can demonstrate qualities of courage, judgement and breadth; typically linguists or arts graduates fare better in this regard.” (26 year career with RR)

23 How can parents help?

ENTRY TO HIGH DEMAND COURSES MAY INVOLVE: * Good GCSE profile * Additional tests– eg.BMAT, UKCAT & LNAT, HPAT. * A* grades (GCSE) or impressive module results (AS) * Work Experience * Evidence of engagement outside A level specification

25 Brains are not enough! Transferable Skills Personal Qualities
What the selectors are looking for: Transferable Skills Personal Qualities Motivation Enthusiasm Depth of knowledge of course

26 Get involved in extra-curricular activities ……

27 Stand Out from the Crowd
Awards and Achievements Work / Voluntary Experience Extra-Curricular Activities Positions of Responsibility Ability to work on your own Teamwork

28 Year 12 Options Evening 2016 ‘Subject Choices at 16’

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