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College Planning Night Welcome!

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1 College Planning Night Welcome!
Tonight’s Agenda Reality Check & College Fit CA Community Colleges College Admission Tests CA Public Universities (UC/CSU) Private Colleges Out-of-state Public Universities

2 College Admission (Reality Check)
# Applied Admitted Average SAT/ACT GPA Cal 79,000 13,300 2094/31 4.2 UCLA 93,000 16,027 2100/31 Stanford 43,000 2,142 2100/32 >4.0 MIT 18,306 1,519 2150/33 We share this data with you so that students and parents understand they should consider exploring colleges that are not as competitive. * Based on 2015 Fall Admission

START WITH HIS/HER VISUALIZED COLLEGE EXPERIENCE Academic Needs Social Needs = College Experience Unlike previous generations, students these days see college as more than just a means to an end -- academic and social “needs” are two primary dimensions that make-up the college experience.

4 Internship Opportunities
ACADEMIC NEEDS Available majors or support finding a major Learning style Hands-on v. Theory Lecture Hall v. Seminar Access to Professors Internship Opportunities Career v. Grad School When your student is exploring colleges, consider the academic environment your student needs to succeed in college...

College Peers Weather Geographic location Lively v. Quiet campus Resident v. Commuter Liberal v. Conservative Access to city life Sports/Greek Life Cost Students also visualize what their college life is going to be like when they are not in class…For example...

6 Resources to Explore College Fit
Naviance Account ( UC/CSU/CA Comm Colleges ( College Board ( The Counseling Department works with your students each semester to guide them on post-secondary options.. All Carlmont students have a Naviance account equipped with search tools to help them explore colleges. The College Board and website are also valuable in this regard.

7 College Admission Test
PSAT 10th & 11th at Carlmont on 10/19/16 FREE SAT Practice with Khan Academy Start testing in 11th grade in Spring SAT or ACT (CSU) SAT with Writing or ACT Plus Writing (UC and many private colleges) UC Engineering and selective privates may require SAT Subject Tests We want to plug in (briefly) the timing on when students should plan to take college admission tests...

8 College Options After High School

9 California Community Colleges
Certificate/vocational programs 2 yr college degrees (AA or AS) UC/CSU Transfer Programs (TAG or AA-T) Courses are free for high school students! In addition to offering transfer programs, our local community colleges (Skyline, San Mateo, Canada, Foothill, etc.) offer some excellent vocational programs….

10 Community College UC/CSU Transfers
High school GPA is not considered. SAT/ACT not required. Must place into transfer courses (via math/English placement test). Must declare a major. Community college transfers have admission priority over transfers students already attending a university. UCSD: 53% transfer v. 35% freshman admit rate. Let’s review some points on community college transfer programs…. Of the 53% transfer students that were admitted last year to UC San Diego, 92% came from a community college….

11 UC Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG)
Students who satisfy transfer requirements are guaranteed admission to one of theses six UC campuses: UC Davis UC Santa Barbara UC Merced UC Santa Cruz UC Irvine UC Riverside Students can apply to any UC campuses but can only “tag” with one UC campus. When students meet with a community college advisor to work on a transfer program, it includes transfer courses to meet general education requirements for a college degree (similar to what their peers at a four-year university are working on). The GE courses are geared to help them decided on a major before the end of their first year in college (ideally) so that they can decide on a major and a TAG program.

12 CSU AA-T or AA-S Transfer Program
2 yr degree + CSU transfer requirements = Guarantee Admit to a CSU campus Guarantee to non-impacted major/campus May be given a GPA bump when applying to an impacted campus outside student’s local area. CSU campuses also have a transfer program to help community college students transition. This program is relatively new. In short, the idea is that students who earn a community college (AA or AS) degree while completing transfer courses get priority when applying as a transfer student.

13 University of California
Liberal Arts Research focused Critical Thinking Quarter system Residential Seniors begin application in Aug but can only submit in month of Nov. Let’s review why students may want to consider attending a UC campus….

14 Minimum v. Selective Review
3.0 GPA SAT or ACT Plus Writing UC/CSU “A-G” courses: English:4 yrs Math (Alg 1 & above): 3 yrs Lab Science: 2 yrs Soc Studies: 2 yrs Fine Art: 1 yr World Language: 2 yrs College Prep elect: 1 yr Selective Beyond minimum requirements Rigorous courses 9th – 12th Honors/AP/Community College Subject Tests or AP scores Intellectual curiosity Compassion Commitment Leadership Marked improvement/talent We remind your students what UC’s consider when evaluating applications. The UC app requires list of activities and essays -- which gives the opportunity for students to articulate what their intellectual goals are in life and how they have used their high school years preparing for college.

15 California State University
Career-focused Hands-on learning Semester system Some commuter, some residential Apply Oct - Nov during Senior year. Now let’s review what makes the CSU system a great option for students….

16 CSU Selection: Index Ranking
SAT formula: CSU GPA x [SAT Critical Reading + Math] ACT formula: CSU GPA x [ACT composite multiplied by 10] Unlike the UC, CSU applications do not require a list of activities or essays. They use a formula to determine admission. Please note, all of the CSU campuses are still using the index ranking formula based on the old SAT. For students who submit the new redesigned SAT, each campus will convert it and use the highest subscore that benefits student. 2900 SAT or 694 ACT Index Guarantees admission to non-impacted campuses and SF State University (for Carlmont applicants)

17 Private Colleges/Universities
Personal/intellectual development. No minimum admission requirements. Admission selectivity varies. Counselor and Teacher recommendation letters required. May have early or regular deadlines. Admission will review fall senior grades for those applying by regular deadline. Privates are also an option. Let’s review how they differ from public universities...

18 Out-of-State Public Universities
Most have plenty of space. Some cost less than CA public universities. Several offer “in-state” tuition breaks Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) Application requirements vary.

19 A Quick Note on Special Majors
Students applying to special majors or programs should also check program website for: additional admission requirements application supplementals portfolios or audition requirements special deadlines interviews In addition to the general application, we remind you that if your student is considering a special major (art, theater, animation, etc.), they should research if there are additional application materials required...

20 “Colleges that Change Lives - Finding the Right Fit”
SAVE THE DATE! Carlmont Parent Education series presents: “Colleges that Change Lives - Finding the Right Fit” Tuesday, November 1 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. Carlmont’s Performing Arts Center (PAC) This is a free event for parents and students.

21 Contact Your Student’s Carlmont Counselor
Questions? Contact Your Student’s Carlmont Counselor Tammy DePaoli Connie Dominguez Maria Ibarra Kim Miller Theresa Torres Kristin Vernon Ross Yokomora Carlmont College/Career Assistant Nina Rasor

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