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Presentation on theme: "ATP-PC (ANAEROBIC ALACTIC)"— Presentation transcript:

AKA: Immediate Alactic System

2 Learning goals I will be able to explain the initial energy pathway of the body. I will be able to connect this pathway to human activity.

3 Three nrg systems to resynthesize ATP, we simply need to add a phosphate group (PO4 -3) back to the ADP this process requires E!

used for high-energy output activities lasting <10 seconds it’s really fast because it’s really simple: ATP re-synthesis from PHOSPHOCREATINE breakdown

5 phosphocreatine breakdown provides both reactants required for ATP re-synthesis (phosphate group + E!) once the phosphocreatine stores are gone (10 seconds), the system stops working until stores can be replenished (which actually requires some ATP)

6 ADP CP ATP C The rxn 1 ATP for every molecule of creatine phosphate
Creatine Kinase + Hydrolysis ADP CP ATP C 1 ATP for every molecule of creatine phosphate The amount of CP in the muscle is limited During rest, CP levels are restored

7 Which activities use the ATP-PC system as the primary energy source?
sprinting high jump diving weight lifting shot put

8 provides a quick, intense burst of E! (without producing lactic acid)

9 Creatine Supplements Video MEN’S HEALTH CREATINE

10 Learning goals I will be able to explain the initial energy pathway of the body. I will be able to connect this pathway to human activity.

How is creatine usually administered? What does creatine allow someone to do during a workout? Describe the type of activities creatine use is appropriate for. List some specific activities creatine use is appropriate for. What happens within the first week of creatine supplementation? What does a user have to do to actually experience muscle fibre growth? What are some of the negative side effects that have been associated with creatine use? What does Dr. Jim King recommend with respect to creatine use amongst teenagers? Why? Does creatine supplementation work for everyone? How does a user know if it will work for them?


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