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Numbering Systems for Alloys

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1 Numbering Systems for Alloys
Ref: “Engineering Materials – Properties and Selection”, K.G. Budinski and M. K. Budinski, 7th ed., Prentice Hall, 2002 (Chap. 8 – 16)

2 How can you tell the others exactly which kind of material you want?

3 What do these codes mean?
AISI 1020 steel ASTM A 29 grade 1020 steel UNS G10200 SAE 1006 6061-T6 3003-H38

4 What You Should Include in the Specifications of a Material?
Description: e.g. steel, hot-finished, low-carbon, bar, ASTM A29 grade B Dimension Chemical composition Mechanical properties Dimension tolerance: LWH, flatness, etc. Finish: hot-rolled, cold rolled, patterned Special requirements: heat treatment, texture, etc.

5 Ferrous Alloys

6 Some Specifications applicable to Steel Products and other Metals
SAE-AISI Society of Automotive Engineers – American Iron and Steel Institute ASTM (UNS) American Society for Testing and Materials ( ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers MIL U.S. Department of Defense AMS Aerospace Materials Specification BS British Standards Institution ( EN European Committee for Standardization (

7 Classifications of Steel

8 The Most Widely Used System for Designating Steels SAE-AISI

9 Effects of Alloying Elements
Typical ranges (%) Principle Effects Al <2 Aids nitriding, grain refining, removes O in steel melting S, P <0.5 Adds machinability, reduces weldability, ductility and toughness Cr 0.3-4 Increases corrosion resistance, hardenability, high-T strength; form hard wear resistant carbide

10 Effects of Alloying Elements
Typical ranges (%) Principle Effects Ni 0.3-5 Austenite former, increase hardenability and toughness Cu Aid atmospheric corrosion resistance Mn 0.3-2 Austenite former, increase hardenability; combine with S to reduce its adverse effects Si Removes O in steel making, increase hardenability and toughness

11 Effects of Alloying Elements
Typical ranges (%) Principle Effects Mo Grain refinement, increases hardenability, high-T strength V Grain refinement, increases hardenability, form wear-resistant carbide B Increase hardenability Pb <0.3 Aid machinability N <0.1 Acts like C in strengthening

12 Unified Numbering System (UNS)
Developed by ASTM and SAE Not a specification but only identify an alloy covered by other standards The 5 digits closely related to the original identification system. E.g. AISI 1020 = G10200 Adopted by the Copper Development Association as official identification system for Cu alloys

13 Most Frequently Used Carbon and Alloy Steels in the US
SAE 1010: formed sheet-metal parts SAE 1020: general machine applications SAE 1040: flame- or induction-hardened parts ASTM A36: structural steel SAE 4140: high-strength machine parts SAE 4340: high-strength machine parts SAE 8620: carburized wear parts

14 Yield Strengths Ranges of Steels

15 Tool Steel Categories

16 Tool Steel Types High alloy content and thus high hardenability
Melted by electric furnace for cleanliness and alloy content control Melted in small heats and subjected to tight quality control

17 Stainless Steel Family

18 Crucial Properties of Stainless Steels

19 A Repertoire of Stainless Steels
Type Uses 430 S43000 For rust resistance on decorative an nonfunctional parts 416 S41600 Hardened to 30 HRC and use for jigs, fixtures and base plates 420 S42000 Harden to HRC for tools that do not require high wear resistance (e.g. injection-molding cavities, nozzles, holding blocks, etc) 440C S44004 Harden to HRC for cutting devices, punches and dies

20 A Repertoire of Stainless Steels
Type Uses 303 S30300 For fasteners and shafts where only rust or splash and spill resistance are needed 304/L All types of chemical immersion 316/L All types of chemical immersion where 304 is not adequate 17-4 PH S17400 High stress fasteners, shafting, agitators and machine supports; age hardened 17-7 PH S17700 Harden to condition CH900 for chemical-resistant springs

21 Aluminium Alloys

22 Wrought Aluminium Alloys – Aluminum Association designation system
Indicate the Al content above 99%, e.g has 99.40% Al Major Alloying Elements Series Commercially pure aluminium (99% min) 1000 Copper (major alloying element) 2000 Manganese 3000 Silicon 4000 Magnesium 5000 Magnesium and silicon 6000 Zinc 7000 Other elements 8000 Unused series 9000 Second digit designates mill control on specific elements The last two digits have no significance, except…

23 Cast Aluminium Alloy Designations
Major Alloying Elements Series Aluminium + silicon 1-99 (old system) 99.5 min. aluminium 1xx.x Copper 2xx.x Silicon + copper or magnesium 3xx.x Silicon 4xx.x Magnesium 5xx.x Unused series 6xx.x Zinc 7xx.x Tin 8xx.x Other Element 9xx.x The last digit indicates product form: 0 for a casting, 1 for ingot form

24 Additional Designation of the state of the Aluminium Alloy
Al alloys can be precipitation hardened and work-hardened to different extents. xxxx-F As fabricated, no special control xxxx-W Solution heat-treated (used only on alloys that naturally age harden) xxxx-O Annealed (Wrought alloys only) xxxx-H Strain hardened (cold worked to increase strength), wrought alloys only xxxx-T Thermally treated to produce effects other than F, O, or H

25 Types of Strain Hardening and thermal treatment
xxxx-H1 Strain hardened only xxxx-H2 Strain hardened and partially annealed Strain hardened and stabilized by low-temperature thermal treatment xxxx-H4 Strain hardened and lacquered or painted

26 Degree of Strain Hardening
The second digit indicate the degree of strain hardening 1 indicates smallest amount of cold-work and 8 indicates maximum of cold work xxxx-H_2 Quarter-hard xxxx-H_4 Half-hard xxxx-H_6 Three-quarters hard xxxx-H_8 Full-hard

27 Temper Designations xxxx-T1
Cooled from a hot working temperature and naturally aged xxxx-T2 Cooled from an elevated temperature, cold worked, and naturalled aged (means annealed for cast products) xxxx-T3 Furnace solution heat treated, quenched and cold worked xxxx-T4 Furnace solution heat treated, quenched, and naturally aged xxxx-T5 Quenched from a hot-work temperature and furnace aged

28 Temper Designations xxxx-T6
Furnace solution heat treated quenched and furnace aged xxxx-T7 Furnace solution heat treated and stabilized xxxx-T8 Furnace solution heat treated, quenched, cold worked, and furnace aged xxxx-T9 Furnace solution heat treated, quenched, furnace aged and cold-worked xxxx-T10 Quenched from an elevated temperature shaping process, cold worked, and furnace aged Other variations can be denoted by adding more digits after these designations

29 Examples 3003-H38: 3003 alloy cold finished to full hard temper and stress relieved by a low temperature treatment 6061-T6: 6061 alloy, solution heat treated and furnace aged hardened.

30 Most commonly used Aluminium alloys
Wrought alloys 1100 (pure Al) 2024* 3003 5052 6061* 6063* 7075* Sand Cast 355.0* Die Cast 380.0 *: can be age hardened Blue shaded: mainly for aerospace applications

31 More to come… Steels and Al alloys are the most widely used alloys
Other important classes are Cu alloys, Mg alloys, Ni alloys and Ti alloys, etc. ASM Metals Handbook or ASTM yearbooks are always good places to start when looking for the alloys information

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